Bullmastiff 1

Rebel Legend
Gold Member
Jun 5, 2007
Las Vegas
Ok. Looking at the landscape and what's available would you be content if this was the new MWC lineup. I didn't include NIU because I don't see how it makes sense. (Be glad to have them. Just not sure it happens.





IT WILL be like the BIG WEST for BB in the Take era. We should dominate. We 4 sure took a big step back in terms of overall talent for the league.
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Ok. Looking at the landscape and what's available would you be content if this was the new MWC lineup. I didn't include NIU because I don't see how it makes sense. (Be glad to have them. Just not sure it happens.





We know Pac 12 must take one more school, I'd assume that that school comes from the group of Texas State, UTEP, and NMSU. Personally, I imagine BSU and SDSU throwing a huge fit about bringing up any of them, but particularly Sac State. Credibility of that league would drop even more nationally. We know the MWC may have to go that route... but if the Big 12 decided to forego G6 expansion in favor of Abilene Christian, they would lose some credibility. So I expectone of the first 3 to Pac 12.

I think MWC would be best served grabbing Sac State (I genuinely think it's a good addition to the league, sure it isn't sexy.... but there arent generations of "meh" attached to them. Remember, Liberty and JMU were FCS 5 years ago.).

I don't like La Tech in the group, unless you specifically need something regionally to go with a Texas State. Still not sure if I like them as that partner. Somewhere in this conversation, Sam Houston is in the conversation... not saying I support them for MWC membership, but Texas FBS school.

I might prefer Sac State, Idaho, amd Texas State as top 3. I maintain if you get either UTEP or NMSU, you gotta grab the other. Because of geography, they are less valuable individually than they are together, IMO.
Ok. Looking at the landscape and what's available would you be content if this was the new MWC lineup. I didn't include NIU because I don't see how it makes sense. (Be glad to have them. Just not sure it happens.





To answer the question you actually asked... I'd be okay with the lineup. I don't love it, but need 2 full time members. I still think the overall picture should include consideration of Idaho and/or Weber State. But take out La Tech from the 5 you listed, and it's maybe the best situation we can reasonably draw up.
I don't if we need to add 4. I think we need a PAC approach to maximize payouts.
Does anyone is Sacramento give a crap about Sac St? They are the best market, but will they be an even worse version of SJSU where no one in that good market gives a crap? Plus they will cost an extra 5 mill to call up. But if they have some numbers to support that they would help the contract, then maybe
UTEP should be the first decent market with decent market penetration when they don't suck absolute balls. NMSU doesn't move the needle at all but at least they won't be to biggest pushover competitively.
Then maybe stop there?
If Gonzaga goes PAC i say we grab st. Mary's and GCU for basketball only. We need more for basketball then football i think.
I don't if we need to add 4. I think we need a PAC approach to maximize payouts.
Does anyone is Sacramento give a crap about Sac St? They are the best market, but will they be an even worse version of SJSU where no one in that good market gives a crap? Plus they will cost an extra 5 mill to call up. But if they have some numbers to support that they would help the contract, then maybe
UTEP should be the first decent market with decent market penetration when they don't suck absolute balls. NMSU doesn't move the needle at all but at least they won't be to biggest pushover competitively.
Then maybe stop there?
If Gonzaga goes PAC i say we grab st. Mary's and GCU for basketball only. We need more for basketball then football i think.
I agree. We dont need to add a ton of teams unless there's something being asked by media partners. Get a lean conference but take away Pacs top targets..
Ok. Looking at the landscape and what's available would you be content if this was the new MWC lineup. I didn't include NIU because I don't see how it makes sense. (Be glad to have them. Just not sure it happens.





Sac State needs a stadium

I don't if we need to add 4. I think we need a PAC approach to maximize payouts.
Does anyone is Sacramento give a crap about Sac St? They are the best market, but will they be an even worse version of SJSU where no one in that good market gives a crap? Plus they will cost an extra 5 mill to call up. But if they have some numbers to support that they would help the contract, then maybe
UTEP should be the first decent market with decent market penetration when they don't suck absolute balls. NMSU doesn't move the needle at all but at least they won't be to biggest pushover competitively.
Then maybe stop there?
If Gonzaga goes PAC i say we grab st. Mary's and GCU for basketball only. We need more for basketball then football i think.


Tagged you here as well since you shared the idea the MWC doesn't need to go to 12.

I don't disagree..


If UNLV does have designs on Big12. It might behoove (HELL YEAH USED IT IN A SENTENCE)
Gloria to add inventory for that possibility..

I can see both sides of it to be honest.

I through LA Tech in there with the original idea/plan I had of adding Toledo/NIU and Liberty. Granted these schools are 'close' but La Tech closer than a lot of the MWC. Was trying to cut some travel. Cut those three out and left La Tech. Definitely my least favorite of that group listed above.
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Ok. Looking at the landscape and what's available would you be content if this was the new MWC lineup. I didn't include NIU because I don't see how it makes sense. (Be glad to have them. Just not sure it happens.





I can’t see adding THAT many… too much dilution of what’s likely to be a bad media deal anyway.

I mean, it has to be what it has to be I guess, but god that’s gross.

Also, if your the PAC you still need one that’s likely coming from that same group, which is just gonna make you look terrible and likely cost everyone in the conference at least $1 million per year in revenue because of dilution. You’ve likely already diluted yourself with Utah State as well, so your per school distribution is taking a hit with the last two adds.

And you’re only at 8.

In the short term you’re fine I guess, but 8 isn’t a longer term solution and I don’t think you can stay at 8 for very long. I would think that you’d want to be at least 9, but preferably 10, and you’d like to be there within 4 years. So you’re really needing 3.

So in the next 4 years, who are you adding if your the PAC?

Due to the MW teams intentions to sign a GOR any team in our league is just gonna get WAY more expensive to add. The AAC ain’t no dummies either and they’re already working on solidifying their membership. Sure, you could take another run at them with a better offer, but it smells like another $50 million check you’re gonna have to write.

Then you have the fact that MORE realignment stuff is gonna happen and the Big 10 and the SEC are already talking… honestly nobody’s making many moves until they know what the really big dogs are doing.

I suspect that the ACC and the Big 12 are gonna be looking for teams REAL soon. Your teams are kinda screwed based on the agreements they’ve signed. UNLV left itself an out and got paid and the AAC 4 seem to be in good position should either the ACC or Big 12 come calling.

One unknown is that I don’t know what sort of outs Oregon St and Washington St left themselves, but there’s a real chance for comedy there in the next couple years.

So the PAC has painted themselves into a corner. The PAC 2 and the MW traitor 4 thought of themselves as so valuable that they didn’t want to share with the worst of the MW and now they’re gonna have to share with the worst of the rest.

Who exactly were the teams that were so horrible in the MW that you didn’t want to share? Let’s say it was as many as 4… Wyo, SJSU, UNR, and UNM? I didn’t include Hawaii because they’re not a full member anyway and doesn’t get paid as much.

So the math was that 4 out of potentially 14 teams were “dead weight”… 28.5%.

For now we’ll consider Utah St as not dead weight for them, even though they didn’t really want them, anyone else (unless they pull a coup somehow) is even more dead weight than anyone from the MW. So your “dead weight” as an 8 team conference is down to 12.5% IF you say that team is as valuable as anyone else in the MW, which you can’t.

At 9 teams with 2 bad teams 22%… 10 with 3 bad teams 30%… and again those are teams that are way worse than any of the original MW teams you didn’t want to share with… so the percentages are actually worse.

A merger is the way easier way out and offers the opportunity to create the best G5 conference. Create a fair conference that acknowledges its status as a G5, enact a conference scheduling format that ensures its champion a spot in the CFP 70% of the time (it can be done with good math and policy), and institute a fee structure for departing members that is a deterrent but not egregious. Though I’d have to give more thought to that last part.

Acknowledge who you are and set your teams up for the most success.

Or yeah… roll with what you can.
Texas State and UTEP wouldn’t be terrible. I’d be okay with those 2 adds. The problem is that only gets the MW to the minimum number required. I imagine they’ll want more schools.

After Texas State/UTEP the options you list are bad.

NMSU- If we get UTEP I see no reason to add them. Why add a 3rd school in that same area? UNM/UTEP are plenty in a poor, low population, non fertile recruiting area.

LaTech- No, we don’t want to anything to with Ruston Louisiana. I guess they were WAC members with most of the MWC 3.0 but I would hate this add.

SAC State- They need both a new football stadium and a new basketball arena. They publicly are now talking about being committed to FBS but I’d like to see some action first. At this point the Sacramento market doesn’t seem to care about them. For basketball they had 1 single game last year where they hit 1,000 tickets. They had games with 300 “tickets sold” where there might have been 50 people in the gym. We are losing 2 CA schools so I wouldn’t hate the idea. But they look like a long term project.
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Why go to 12 teams if the teams being brought in add nothing and only take a peice of the pie. I understand we have to add 1 school. 2 would be okay to get to 9 teams so we have 8 fb conf games. But anything above that, only if they bring something that adds to TV revenue amd increases each teams pay out
Ok. Looking at the landscape and what's available would you be content if this was the new MWC lineup. I didn't include NIU because I don't see how it makes sense. (Be glad to have them. Just not sure it happens.






Definitely worse than todays MWC, but what’s the alternative?
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Ok. Looking at the landscape and what's available would you be content if this was the new MWC lineup. I didn't include NIU because I don't see how it makes sense. (Be glad to have them. Just not sure it happens.





I would love that if all agreed to take just a tad over what they're already getting for their media share. Especially if it forces the Pac7 to fill their final spot with the likes of NAU.

Saw someone on X that showed a webmaster booboo on MWC site that already had Idaho added to the list of MW teams.
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I think they (except UNLV) want at least 10 for stability reasons. The other 5 MW teams know they were on the verge of collapse before offering UNLV/AFA big cash to save this conference. I doubt they want to end up in a situation like this again even if it means diluting the media money right now.
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I think they (except UNLV) want at least 10 for stability reasons. The other 5 MW teams know they were on the verge of collapse before offering UNLV/AFA big cash to save this conference. I doubt they want to end up in a situation like this again even if it means diluting the media money right now.
I’d agree but as far as stability goes what’s the difference between adding a chump now or adding a chump you’re always going to be able to add later?

It’s easy to add chumps if you’re the MW. You need two regardless but i wouldn’t go beyond that.
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I don't if we need to add 4. I think we need a PAC approach to maximize payouts.
Does anyone is Sacramento give a crap about Sac St? They are the best market, but will they be an even worse version of SJSU where no one in that good market gives a crap? Plus they will cost an extra 5 mill to call up.
Personally I think Sac St has a higher ceiling than SJSU. There isn't generational baggage and apathy for Sac State. It's a time commitment for them to match or approach those marks, but I think SJSU is kinda meh at best.
I got wind of a recent phone call between Gloria and Teresa (Pac Commish).
Gloria: Hello?
Teresa: Hey Glo! How's it going?
Gloria: fine you backstabbing bitch.
Teresa: I resemble your mean remark.
Gloria: What the F do you want?
Teresa: Well, we are both in a shit position. How about we bury the hatchet and go back to the full reverse merger, with those required investments by your shittier schools or they get booted?
Gloria: Well that sounds like a good idea. I assume that means you shutter the Pac-2 offices and install me as Commissioner and my staff as PacMtn-14 HQ. We could probably find you a position in our administration. How does Deputy Commissioner in charge of stupid decisions and ridiculous lawsuits sound?
Teresa: Um, let me get back to you on that. The Traitorous 5 are blowing up my phone right now.
Gloria: Sounds good. And I hope an asteroid falls onto the Smurf Turf at about 7:05 tonight. And hurry up and call Alaska/Hawaiian Air and get that corporate sponsorship deal going.
Continued UNLV wins is not only important for the program, it is also important for the MWC. A strong UNLV gives a better chance to the MWC to get a better contract in the future, and a better chance to entice a program like NIU to join the MWC. UNLV is in a position to do what BSU did in the past which was to obtain a national following which brought in a better TV contract for the MWC and helped them get a bigger slice of the pie. With the contract running out in 2026, the best thing that could happen would be for UNLV to make waves the next two seasons which includes getting into the playoffs. Even better if they could find a way to win one of the playoff games!
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Just add the two Montana schools and call it a day. No need to add a bunch of random schools from Tx/La that are so far away. Keep it more regional imo.
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It should be noted that UNLV can bring in full time members that meet the NCAA requirement without those schools playing football. They would then reach the football requirement with football only programs like Hawii, NIU, Toledo.

It may be interesting to know the number of students at universities that the MWC is looking at:

Texas State University 38,000
Northern Illinois University (football only) 20,130
Toledo University 20,381
UTEP 23,397
NMSU 25,312
Sacramento State 30,661
University of Idaho 11,780
Grand Canyon (non-football) 101,816 (25,800 on campus the rest online) -huge overall enrollment and growing quickly. Looking at passing 120,000 in next two years - This school has a huge future potential and would be in my opinion the best program to bring into the MWC.

Saint Mary's (non-football) 2,765 - This is a very small private school that doesn't appear to have any future growth and really is only known because of their basketball program.
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Personally I think Sac St has a higher ceiling than SJSU. There isn't generational baggage and apathy for Sac State. It's a time commitment for them to match or approach those marks, but I think SJSU is kinda meh at best.
I think the long term potential is high for Sac State. They could be one of the top MWC programs 10 years from now if they invest in athletics. I just don’t see it happening soon. They’re a major project add.

Also the UC-Davis AD tweeted a picture of their plans to expand their stadium. Their top rival is Sac State and I’m sure they don’t like the idea of being left behind in FCS. I wonder if they’re quietly trying to make a push too.
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With rabid fan bases too
Do not let this decision bite the MWC in the ass!!!!

Matthew Broderick Rottweiler GIF
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UTEP is closer to Las Vegas than Montana. Actually Vegas is closer to El Paso than I am to El Paso and I live in Houston.
The Montana schools would cost 10 mil to "Call up" to to FBS. Their entire state barely has 1 million people. They are good FCS schools, but more often than not teams struggle for a while making the transition.
They are close to Wyoming, but offer little media value and probably not competitive value either.
Sac St. makes more sense from a market perspective if we call up a FCS and it looks like they are already making the infrastructure moves to do so. Have the Montana schools done that? I sincerely don't know.
UTEP is closer to Las Vegas than Montana. Actually Vegas is closer to El Paso than I am to El Paso and I live in Houston.
The Montana schools would cost 10 mil to "Call up" to to FBS. Their entire state barely has 1 million people. They are good FCS schools, but more often than not teams struggle for a while making the transition.
They are close to Wyoming, but offer little media value and probably not competitive value either.
Sac St. makes more sense from a market perspective if we call up a FCS and it looks like they are already making the infrastructure moves to do so. Have the Montana schools done that? I sincerely don't know.
Last year Montana state averaged just under 22,000 per game. We averaged just over 22,000 per game. The Montana grizzlies averaged just under 26,000 per game.
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I completely agree. I just thought it was interesting that the two schools combined can put nearly 50,000 people in two stadiums while we have a tough time putting 25,000 people in one stadium with three times the populace.
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Don't undervalue the growth Montana is undergoing. Might not currently be a large market, but there's a lot of moving people or people living there part time that send their kids to school at UM while the winter in CA, lol...
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