CBS Sports video on PAC-12 expansion that mentions UNLV

I buy that.

I also buy UNLV looking at the PAC as a fallback option.

I can’t see us remaining in the MWC and can’t see the MWC surviving at any level that keeps them from being the lowest tier, if at all.
Ultimately yes. UNLV would rather have the Big 12.

But there was a big reason we weren't part of the 4. And from all reports we didn't turn anything down. It looks like we were blindsided

The stark truth of this is UNLV doesn't get enough ratings to be a part of the top 4 of the MW. It was decision driven completely by economics.

Because of that it seem less likely that the Big 12 sends an invite to us anytime soon. If we show out after being ranked, get a bunch of people to Allegiant and more importantly significantly more eyeballs on tvs and this keeps up the rest of the season, especially if somehow we make the playoff then I can see maybe, just maybe Big 12.

But if the PAC asks tomorrow I think UNLV takes it
Ultimately yes. UNLV would rather have the Big 12.

But there was a big reason we weren't part of the 4. And from all reports we didn't turn anything down. It looks like we were blindsided

The stark truth of this is UNLV doesn't get enough ratings to be a part of the top 4 of the MW. It was decision driven completely by economics.

Because of that it seem less likely that the Big 12 sends an invite to us anytime soon. If we show out after being ranked, get a bunch of people to Allegiant and more importantly significantly more eyeballs on tvs and this keeps up the rest of the season, especially if somehow we make the playoff then I can see maybe, just maybe Big 12.

But if the PAC asks tomorrow I think UNLV takes it
If they asked yesterday and we said no, why would we say yes tomorrow?
Yeah I don’t think so either based upon the board member responses it doesn’t sound like they ever were.
Would they have had to know about it if the unlv president and AD never took it to them? Assuming (big assumption) that they're working ro join the Big 12, its possible they said no to the PAC without ever running it by the regents. This is purely hypothetical but it would be plausible in that situation. You'd have to have a lot of confidence in getting invited to the Big 12 though, to turn it down on the first pass.
I buy that.

I also buy UNLV looking at the PAC as a fallback option.

I can’t see us remaining in the MWC and can’t see the MWC surviving at any level that keeps them from being the lowest tier, if at all.
MWC dead for sure. What he says in the video about this being a hostile takeover is the most important part… a takeover doesn’t stop at 4.

All this has way more to do with future litigation and a negotiated buyout agreement for all the teams from the MWC that they want… UNLV and ?
Would they have had to know about it if the unlv president and AD never took it to them? Assuming (big assumption) that they're working ro join the Big 12, its possible they said no to the PAC without ever running it by the regents. This is purely hypothetical but it would be plausible in that situation. You'd have to have a lot of confidence in getting invited to the Big 12 though, to turn it down on the first pass.
They wouldn't have had to know I am certain they didn't at this point, but just based upon what a few of them had said though it sounds like we were never invited in the first place. That we are option C, option A is the four they took and option B is some other schools that if they don't pan out they will come back to us.
reno shouldn't even be on that list. Somebody just wasted their time on the twitters.
I, think they have Reno that high, because this X account (assumed) UNR, was tied to the hip to UNLV.
If, he knew the truth. UNR, would not be on the list.
I, think USF. Should, be on the list. They, are getting some steam.
#25 in the ratings carries some weight when up against programs in smaller markets! Ratings are based on what have you done for me now not the past, and currently UNLV is a hot commodity!

I don't disagree. But we've seen this dance before.

CU went from B12 to PAC back to BIG12 and they were not very good for a long stretch of time.

It's not always about results. Boise State has been pretty damn good for quite a long time and yet no offers in expansion.

In no way suggesting that results don't matter, they do, but there are other factors in play. Outside looking in UNLV seems to have done enough academically, upgraded facilities both basketball and football play in state of the art stadium.

Why they weren't considered over CSU is curious to say the least.

One argument I heard was Vegas has become a pro sports town. Sure that's true but Colorado us all about the Bronos, Avs and Nuggets and it took hiring D. Sanders for CU to get any attention.

So much of this doesn't make sense.
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I don't disagree. But we've seen this dance before.

CU went from B12 to PAC back to BIG12 and they were not very good for a long stretch of time.

It's not always about results. Boise State has been pretty damn good for quite a long time and yet no offers in expansion.

In no way suggesting that results don't matter, they do, but there are other factors in play. Outside looking in UNLV seems to have done enough academically, upgraded facilities both basketball and football play in state of the art stadium.

Why they weren't considered over CSU is curious to say the least.

One argument I heard was Vegas has become a pro sports town. Sure that's true but Colorado us all about the Bronos, Avs and Nuggets and it took hiring D. Sanders for CU to get any attention.

So much of this doesn't make sense.
I was at Target today getting my medications and I wore my UNLv fishing hat. Some guy was wearing Cornhusker gear. We instantly just started talking about the Huskers beating up Deion and Bud Crawford leading the stampede.

He said holy cow, I never seen UNLV this good in football. I said no, this is like 40 year draught that ended. You gotta watch us in football. Him and his wife agreed.
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I was at Target today getting my medications and I wore my UNLv fishing hat. Some guy was wearing Cornhusker gear. We instantly just started talking about the Huskers beating up Deion and Bud Crawford leading the stampede.

He said holy cow, I never seen UNLV this good in football. I said no, this is like 40 year draught that ended. You gotta watch us in football. Him and his wife agreed.

If you had been wearing the bath robe yoga pants and green cowboy hat that conversation would have gone much differently...

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