BSU - was last year an outlier?


Rebel Legend
Feb 25, 2011
Las Vegas
So many year of BSU being a power house and then came 2021 which was their worst year since 1998, and it looks like they may be picking back up from last season where the left off! Currently down 14-0 with Oregon State having a 162 to 31 yardage total advantage!

BSU falling is a good thing for UNLV when they have the potential of being a target for the Big 12 and maybe the PAC based on their past success only!
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Boise I believe haven't won MWC in 3 years, so the decline has already begun before last year, it's kind of like UNLV in basketball, has a name and that's it, Boise is nothing anymore, the league is really bad, the league can't compete against P5 schools, it's that simple.
So many year of BSU being a power house and then came 2021 which was their worst year since 1998, and it looks like they may be picking back up from last season where the left off! Currently down 14-0 with Oregon State having a 162 to 31 yardage total advantage!

BSU falling is a good thing for UNLV when they have the potential of being a target for the Big 12 and maybe the PAC based on their past success only!
BSU had a bad year ... I would characterize it as a "bad year"....... You call it an "outlier" poor choice of words IMO. Anyhoo, So the point of your post was to rah rah rah that BSU is doing bad again that way UNLV can look better at their expense, so that way we now look better and we will get into the Pac 12 and they wont ??? OM...freeking gosh....bro. STOP ..You're reaching ...its pathetic, what if other fans from other boards read how desperate you sound, we are all going to look bad. WE might look as desperate as LObo fans.
I am pathetic because I would rather see BSU sink? You are being pathetic because you are worrying about what fans from other schools will think about what I write? You may want to look up the definition of outlier and educate yourself in regards to what it means. P.S. You are not my bro!
BSu is a good team but they are not the team they use to be and are getting lower each year. Name isn't carrying as much as 3-4 years ago. But still known. Imo the longer conf realignment takes the worse their chances. Kinda opposite of UNLV.
I am pathetic because I would rather see BSU sink? You are being pathetic because you are worrying about what fans from other schools will think about what I write? You may want to look up the definition of outlier and educate yourself in regards to what it means. P.S. You are not my bro

I will just say this, only pussy shit competitors like to rise to the top at the expense and failure of others. Real winners like to earn their spot. Thier is no glory in winning because everyone else fell flat on their face. While we both want the same things united in BROtherhood we stand in CAUSE for the Rebels...... I personally would prefer we EARN our place at the TABLE. Peace and Love xoxoxo
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As far as the word "outlier" I know the word well because I am an Outlier. Never in the history of sports has a broadcaster EVER used the word "OUTLIER" to describe a BAD season for a sports team... "it was an outlier season" Nope ...sorry it doesn't work. It's not the best use of the word. (Extremely rare "achievement" - describes the word "outlier" best)- not casual underachievement. Peace my fellow Rebel fan (aka Brah) I dont mean to piss you off. Jus say-n ..xoxoxo
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In science and statistics outlier means a data point inconsistent with the bulk of data. It could be smaller or larger. In either case that data point is an outlier. I thought the word was used appropriately in describing BSU.

But I also agree that UNLV should earn a place at the table.
BSU had a bad year ... I would characterize it as a "bad year"....... You call it an "outlier" poor choice of words IMO. Anyhoo, So the point of your post was to rah rah rah that BSU is doing bad again that way UNLV can look better at their expense, so that way we now look better and we will get into the Pac 12 and they wont ??? OM...freeking gosh....bro. STOP ..You're reaching ...its pathetic, what if other fans from other boards read how desperate you sound, we are all going to look bad. WE might look as desperate as LObo fans.
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In science and statistics outlier means a data point inconsistent with the bulk of data. It could be smaller or larger. In either case that data point is an outlier. I thought the word was used appropriately in describing BSU.

But I also agree that UNLV should earn a place at the table.
In Science ...what do you know about science? You abandoned everything scientific about you when you abandoned basic scientific theory, knowledge and definitions all in favor of your idiotic ideologies during covid. So your opinion is CLEARLY compromised... I thought science was clear and concise. Nope,... not when you have a political agenda like you do. Cheers do I know you're not changing the definitions of words again to suit your agenda again ? cant trust you bro...

HOw do you rebound and come back from abandoning scientific theory when it was convenient to SUIT your wants and needs politically ? then use it later and expect to still have any credibility left??? You don't bro!!

Besides - we don't use science terminology in Sports - In the world of Sports terminology - the term "outlier" does not fit as used. Now obviously the word means a LOT more to me than most - i dont casually throw around the word "Outlier". So I will consider my flawed perspective as well. Cheers
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I'm just surprised that the use of the word "outlier" is such a big deal.

As for the OP? Well there has been a downward trend with BSU over the past few seasons.

If dominos start to fall and we are competing with BSU for an invitation to a better conference, well it does matter.

Right now Boise is definitely the better football brand, no question. However, their brand is the only thing keeping them in the conversation. Their market sucks, location isn't great, academics aren't that great either.

UNLV has a terrible football brand, but all of the potential in the world. Market, facilities, etc.

What is the safer bet? Go with the better brand that is losing its luster already, or go with the bad brand that is set up for potential success?

I think the local support for the Aces actually helps UNLV. It shows that with success that Las Vegas sports fans will show up. It is not easy to sell the WNBA, college football and basketball are a much easier sell.

Recency bias shouldn't be a thing, but it is. And BSU getting spanked by a lower Pac 12 team does not help them much. If we were to beat Cal, or at least make a game out of it, then I think that may help UNLV, especially if things are starting to happen now.
In Science ...what do you know about science? You abandoned everything scientific about you when you abandoned basic scientific theory, knowledge and definitions all in favor of your idiotic ideologies during covid. So your opinion is CLEARLY compromised... I thought science was clear and concise. Nope,... not when you have a political agenda like you do. Cheers do I know you're not changing the definitions of words again to suit your agenda again ? cant trust you bro...

HOw do you rebound and come back from abandoning scientific theory when it was convenient to SUIT your wants and needs politically ? then use it later and expect to still have any credibility left??? You don't bro!!

Besides - we don't use science terminology in Sports - In the world of Sports terminology - the term "outlier" does not fit as used. Now obviously the word means a LOT more to me than most - i dont casually throw around the word "Outlier". So I will consider my flawed perspective as well. Cheers
Not sure this rant deserves a response, but here goes. There is not much science that is useful in deciding on each person’s response to Covid. On one side, you have virus that has killed millions of people. And led, apparently, to long Covid in some people. On the other side, you have various vaccines and assorted treatments that come with assorted levels supporting data.

The trick is to figure out which experimental group gives you the best odds of surviving the pandemic—the vaccine cohort, the anything but vaccine cohort, or the a little of this and that cohort. Each person chooses a cohort, actively or passively, but decidedly with less science than I would prefer.

I’ve chosen to get vaccinated and boosted. Other people have made different choices. In time, there may be enough actual data to form “scientific” conclusions about the efficacy of these different strategies, but it is too early to form any meaningful conclusions.
I'm just surprised that the use of the word "outlier" is such a big deal.

As for the OP? Well there has been a downward trend with BSU over the past few seasons.

If dominos start to fall and we are competing with BSU for an invitation to a better conference, well it does matter.

Right now Boise is definitely the better football brand, no question. However, their brand is the only thing keeping them in the conversation. Their market sucks, location isn't great, academics aren't that great either.

UNLV has a terrible football brand, but all of the potential in the world. Market, facilities, etc.

What is the safer bet? Go with the better brand that is losing its luster already, or go with the bad brand that is set up for potential success?

I think the local support for the Aces actually helps UNLV. It shows that with success that Las Vegas sports fans will show up. It is not easy to sell the WNBA, college football and basketball are a much easier sell.

Recency bias shouldn't be a thing, but it is. And BSU getting spanked by a lower Pac 12 team does not help them much. If we were to beat Cal, or at least make a game out of it, then I think that may help UNLV, especially if things are starting to happen now.
"OUTLIER" - it isn't to most people. It's a stupid argument. I just said "it was a poor choice of words IMO" He said I should educate myself on what the word means. It struck a nerve because the word personally means A LOT to me. So I argued my point, ...
"OUTLIER" - it isn't to most people. It's a stupid argument. I just said "it was a poor choice of words IMO" He said I should educate myself on what the word means. It struck a nerve because the word personally means A LOT to me. So I argued my point, ...

Hey, if you have a personal connection to the word "outlier", that's all good. I don't have issue with that.

But statitically, the definition per Webster's dictionary is "a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample"

Technically, his point and use of the word was valid. In the football world, is the word "outlier" used often? Perhaps not. But it is an appopriate question and proper use of the term in a statistical sense. tomayto, tomawto

Could there be a connection to their new coach Avalos? Maybe. Small sample size, but their bad loss is not helping their cause. I think the point was was last year's drop in wins/success signficant or not, that only time will tell.

RkYearConfWLTPctWLTPctSRSSOSAP PreAP HighAP PostCoach(es)BowlNotes
12022MWC01.0000.0017.00Andy Avalos (0-1)
22021MWC750.583530.6258.852.02Andy Avalos (7-5)
32020MWC520.714510.8333.41-3.0221Bryan Harsin (5-2)
42019MWC1220.8578001.0008.94-2.281423Bryan Harsin (12-2)Las Vegas Bowl-L
52018MWC1030.769710.8758.69-0.46221723Bryan Harsin (10-3)
62017MWC1130.786110.5008.67-0.482222Bryan Harsin (11-3)Las Vegas Bowl-W
72016MWC1030.769620.7508.01-0.9113Bryan Harsin (10-3)Cactus Bowl-L
82015MWC940.692530.6256.03-4.662320Bryan Harsin (9-4)Poinsettia Bowl-W
92014MWC1220.857710.87510.58-0.071616Bryan Harsin (12-2)Fiesta Bowl-W
102013MWC850.615620.7503.88-2.891919Chris Petersen (8-4), Bob Gregory (0-1)Hawaii Bowl
A lot of BSU fans are pointing the finger at OC Tim Plough, who came from UC Davis, proclaiming, "we don't even look at the scoreboard until we have 50." Well, they only looked at the scoreboard once last year then, a 54-13 win over UTEP. It would help if he looked at it earlier to realize his team's losing! But he's pretty predictable and some are hoping Matt Miller gets the play calling duties. Avalos will have a long honeymoon because he was such a beloved player. There are some who see the departure of OL coach Scott Huff for UW in 2017 as the real turning point for the program. The OL doesn't have that edge they once had since then. Bachmeier isn't the best decision maker, and certainly not when he has defenders in his face while he's just starting his progression. And the run game isn't too good. Holani is a good back, but 9 yards on 13 carries? Yikes! I'd expect the heat to get turned up on the OL coach, Keane, and whoever is the S&C coach, if things don't turn around. Even though OSU fans think this is their best team in decades - and they are good - they're not THAT good.
BSU had 5 turnovers in 1st half if I remember correctly. Also OSU is very good and will challenge USC. Fresno State this weekend I believe for the orange and black so I good test for both teams. UNLV will have a tough time vs Cal's O line. Offense will have to win this one because defense is in tough size wise.

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