A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

Thanks to all for the words of encouragement. It means a lot. I love this family. Wish we had more of a reason to get together more, but....

We already have appointments set up. Things are moving fast, but I'm glad they are. 1) for obvious reasons, and 2) it doesn't give us time to think about her possible fate.

I love y'all!
Yesterday was a yearly communal fast day on the Jewish calendar. In Salt Lake City, I prayed for your wife, you and your extended family. May G-d bless all of you with good health.
Dude. Thanks. We needed it. We broke the news to the 4 kids last night.

I’m feeling better than I did on Monday. My wife has a rough hill to climb and I’m just hoping I can be that rock for her.
Are you Sephardic, ashkanani?

this is me somewhere along the West Bank Israeli border back in 2016..

Check point is probably a little busier today in 2024 due to current events.
I sm Ashkenazi Jewish, with ancestors that lived in Rumania, Hungary, Austria, and Poland during the 1800s. Most Jews in Israel today are either Sephardic (historical ties to Spain/Portugal and North Africa around 1000 CE) or Mizrahi (never left the Middle East/Iran before the 1900s).
I sm Ashkenazi Jewish, with ancestors that lived in Rumania, Hungary, Austria, and Poland during the 1800s. Most Jews in Israel today are either Sephardic (historical ties to Spain/Portugal and North Africa around 1000 CE) or Mizrahi (never left the Middle East/Iran before the 1900s).
Utestream, you are Jewish. Who give a damn. We love you and respect you because of your comments.
Arm pits. That is my fettish. My wife got the best arm pits I have ever seen. I dont know what to do if I dont have have her retaliation against me when I tried to instigate her. I instigate her everyday . Love any moment I ran.
Arm pits. That is my fettish. My wife got the best arm pits I have ever seen. I dont know what to do if I dont have have her retaliation against me when I tried to instigate her. I instigate her everyday . Love any moment I ran.
Are you on the bottle again Trip?

I mean I like Cameron Friel like the next guy and I hope he gives our QB’s a good run in camp but that game he had against AFA..

Nightmares man.
Utestream, you are Jewish. Who give a damn. We love you and respect you because of your comments.
I apologize for providing details on my religious beliefs and background, due to Scrub's questions. Reagan, you and your family remain in our hearts and prayers.
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Little update. I didn't want to be too much of a downer, but 5 days after my wife was diagnosed with cancer my 9 year old daughter went into a coma for 40 hours. That was our family's introduction to her diabetes. We had no symptoms before that, just a day of vomiting and then she became unresponsive at 1 am on the morning of the 27th. She was in the PICU for 4 days and in the hospital for a total of 7 days. We're lucky she's alive. It was a miracle.

Your prayers and good vibes helped. I really did feel comfort and peace throughout that week.

Daughter is doing much better as we try to navigate diabetes with a 9 year old. They won't let us get the insulin pump until they are positive mom and dad can administer insulin the old fashioned way, just in case the pump malfunctions. We're giving her 4 shots a day and she's even giving herself shots. We were taking/testing blood 5-6 times/day, but she now has the monitor. So much easier. She's a strong little lady. Kids never cease to amaze me.

Wife went to the oncologist last week, got a PET scan on Friday, and meets with radiation oncologist today. She's scheduled for surgery in November at the latest and hope to get her in sooner. The PET scan results will determine if she needs additional surgeries and if she will need chemo as well. Fingers crossed.

It's nice to be amongst friends.
Little update. I didn't want to be too much of a downer, but 5 days after my wife was diagnosed with cancer my 9 year old daughter went into a coma for 40 hours. That was our family's introduction to her diabetes. We had no symptoms before that, just a day of vomiting and then she became unresponsive at 1 am on the morning of the 27th. She was in the PICU for 4 days and in the hospital for a total of 7 days. We're lucky she's alive. It was a miracle.

Your prayers and good vibes helped. I really did feel comfort and peace throughout that week.

Daughter is doing much better as we try to navigate diabetes with a 9 year old. They won't let us get the insulin pump until they are positive mom and dad can administer insulin the old fashioned way, just in case the pump malfunctions. We're giving her 4 shots a day and she's even giving herself shots. We were taking/testing blood 5-6 times/day, but she now has the monitor. So much easier. She's a strong little lady. Kids never cease to amaze me.

Wife went to the oncologist last week, got a PET scan on Friday, and meets with radiation oncologist today. She's scheduled for surgery in November at the latest and hope to get her in sooner. The PET scan results will determine if she needs additional surgeries and if she will need chemo as well. Fingers crossed.

It's nice to be amongst friends.
Yo dude I’m sorry about the bad news. Question about Brinley. Did you have classes from noon to evening because the school was so filled?
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Little update. I didn't want to be too much of a downer, but 5 days after my wife was diagnosed with cancer my 9 year old daughter went into a coma for 40 hours. That was our family's introduction to her diabetes. We had no symptoms before that, just a day of vomiting and then she became unresponsive at 1 am on the morning of the 27th. She was in the PICU for 4 days and in the hospital for a total of 7 days. We're lucky she's alive. It was a miracle.

Your prayers and good vibes helped. I really did feel comfort and peace throughout that week.

Daughter is doing much better as we try to navigate diabetes with a 9 year old. They won't let us get the insulin pump until they are positive mom and dad can administer insulin the old fashioned way, just in case the pump malfunctions. We're giving her 4 shots a day and she's even giving herself shots. We were taking/testing blood 5-6 times/day, but she now has the monitor. So much easier. She's a strong little lady. Kids never cease to amaze me.

Wife went to the oncologist last week, got a PET scan on Friday, and meets with radiation oncologist today. She's scheduled for surgery in November at the latest and hope to get her in sooner. The PET scan results will determine if she needs additional surgeries and if she will need chemo as well. Fingers crossed.

It's nice to be amongst friends.
My God T, I’m so sorry to hear this. We see a lot of T1 diabetes in the hospital … almost always hits between the ages of 8-12, always diagnosed in ER. Because you just don’t know, feel super tired, sluggish … and boom … super easy diagnosis to make. DKA is pretty common (sadly). But once you catch it …. She will have an inconvenience (that she will eventually get used to it, will become second nature for your whole family) … and she will have a normal life span. That’s the saving grace of diabetes. I know you know this, but it’s all about the attention to the details with her. You’ll all learn how to navigate it.

It’s gotta be tough to monitor the food habits of a 9 year old. That’s my son’s age and he eats like a pig, couldn’t imagine curtailing it.

I know quite a bit about diabetes, if you have any questions whatsoever, you have my phone number.
Im fortunate to know a lot of Endocrinolgists in SD, two that I know very well are nationally known and both were diaganosed with T1DM as kids. If you are unsure about your daughters providers and need help with referrals in LV let me know.

If you arent familiar with TCOYD take a look they do amazing work. Steve the founder is one of the Endo's I mention above as Jeremy both are friends of mine.

Keep your head up!!
Im fortunate to know a lot of Endocrinolgists in SD, two that I know very well are nationally known and both were diaganosed with T1DM as kids. If you are unsure about your daughters providers and need help with referrals in LV let me know.

If you arent familiar with TCOYD take a look they do amazing work. Steve the founder is one of the Endo's I mention above as Jeremy both are friends of mine.

Keep your head up!!
I do like our endo. The drive sucks but my daughter likes it because it means on checkups she misses the entire first half of school. Thanks for the information.
Little update. I didn't want to be too much of a downer, but 5 days after my wife was diagnosed with cancer my 9 year old daughter went into a coma for 40 hours. That was our family's introduction to her diabetes. We had no symptoms before that, just a day of vomiting and then she became unresponsive at 1 am on the morning of the 27th. She was in the PICU for 4 days and in the hospital for a total of 7 days. We're lucky she's alive. It was a miracle.

Your prayers and good vibes helped. I really did feel comfort and peace throughout that week.

Daughter is doing much better as we try to navigate diabetes with a 9 year old. They won't let us get the insulin pump until they are positive mom and dad can administer insulin the old fashioned way, just in case the pump malfunctions. We're giving her 4 shots a day and she's even giving herself shots. We were taking/testing blood 5-6 times/day, but she now has the monitor. So much easier. She's a strong little lady. Kids never cease to amaze me.

Wife went to the oncologist last week, got a PET scan on Friday, and meets with radiation oncologist today. She's scheduled for surgery in November at the latest and hope to get her in sooner. The PET scan results will determine if she needs additional surgeries and if she will need chemo as well. Fingers crossed.

It's nice to be amongst friends.
Very sorry to hear about this the best to you and your family!!
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Little update. I didn't want to be too much of a downer, but 5 days after my wife was diagnosed with cancer my 9 year old daughter went into a coma for 40 hours. That was our family's introduction to her diabetes. We had no symptoms before that, just a day of vomiting and then she became unresponsive at 1 am on the morning of the 27th. She was in the PICU for 4 days and in the hospital for a total of 7 days. We're lucky she's alive. It was a miracle.

Your prayers and good vibes helped. I really did feel comfort and peace throughout that week.

Daughter is doing much better as we try to navigate diabetes with a 9 year old. They won't let us get the insulin pump until they are positive mom and dad can administer insulin the old fashioned way, just in case the pump malfunctions. We're giving her 4 shots a day and she's even giving herself shots. We were taking/testing blood 5-6 times/day, but she now has the monitor. So much easier. She's a strong little lady. Kids never cease to amaze me.

Wife went to the oncologist last week, got a PET scan on Friday, and meets with radiation oncologist today. She's scheduled for surgery in November at the latest and hope to get her in sooner. The PET scan results will determine if she needs additional surgeries and if she will need chemo as well. Fingers crossed.

It's nice to be amongst friends.
You and your family have been through so much. My heart goes out to you. Out of curiosity, and please don't feel you have to answer this, does your daughter have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Type 1 is a bit more challenging than type 2. But it looks like you guys are on top of it. I've had type 2 diabetes for over 20 years. After you get used to a new routine, you can live a full life. You just need to monitor it to control it. There are so many food products that are friendly to diabetics. If you need any advice, please feel free to let me know and I'll try to answer your questions. I also have leukemia and go to Comprehensive Cancer in the northwest office. Dr. Clark Jean is my oncologist and is known to be one of the best. Very happy with him. He has a great uplifting personality and is extremely well qualified in case you are looking for a second opinion. Best to you and your family.
You and your family have been through so much. My heart goes out to you. Out of curiosity, and please don't feel you have to answer this, does your daughter have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Type 1 is a bit more challenging than type 2. But it looks like you guys are on top of it. I've had type 2 diabetes for over 20 years. After you get used to a new routine, you can live a full life. You just need to monitor it to control it. There are so many food products that are friendly to diabetics. If you need any advice, please feel free to let me know and I'll try to answer your questions. I also have leukemia and go to Comprehensive Cancer in the northwest office. Dr. Clark Jean is my oncologist and is known to be one of the best. Very happy with him. He has a great uplifting personality and is extremely well qualified in case you are looking for a second opinion. Best to you and your family.
She is T1.

Sorry to hear about the leukemia and we are also going to Comprehensive Cancer Center. Today's appointment is in the NW location and with a medical and radiation oncologist. My wife's surgeon is El-Eid. She's been fantastic.

Prayers for you!!! #GoRebels
You and your family have been through so much. My heart goes out to you. Out of curiosity, and please don't feel you have to answer this, does your daughter have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Type 1 is a bit more challenging than type 2. But it looks like you guys are on top of it. I've had type 2 diabetes for over 20 years. After you get used to a new routine, you can live a full life. You just need to monitor it to control it. There are so many food products that are friendly to diabetics. If you need any advice, please feel free to let me know and I'll try to answer your questions. I also have leukemia and go to Comprehensive Cancer in the northwest office. Dr. Clark Jean is my oncologist and is known to be one of the best. Very happy with him. He has a great uplifting personality and is extremely well qualified in case you are looking for a second opinion. Best to you and your family.
Not meaning to answer for him … it’s gotta be type 1. That’s the age it hits. Type 2 used to be 40s/50s/60s, but American diets are awful and the FDA is REALLY bad with what they allow in our foods. So we are seeing T2 now even in younger teens but it’s more of an exception than the rule.

You’re right about type 2. If you learn the right ways and stay on top of it, you can live a full life. I’ve been diagnosed for 16 years now, needed insulin at the start, was on it for under a year … med free for the last 15 years with a mid 5s A1C. The diagnosis was the wake up call I needed and used it to my advantage to get healthy.

Very sorry to hear about the leukemia. You don’t have to answer, but was curious if it’s CLL CML or acute? We deal with those a lot, obviously … but just in terms of microscope work, looking at the cells, staging them, etc. (we don’t do the genomics here)
She is T1.

Sorry to hear about the leukemia and we are also going to Comprehensive Cancer Center. Today's appointment is in the NW location and with a medical and radiation oncologist. My wife's surgeon is El-Eid. She's been fantastic.

Prayers for you!!! #GoRebels
My wife goes to El-Eid. She is excellent. Regarding Diabetes 1, I've noticed that over the last two years, doctors have made a lot of progress in its treatment. Kind of like the blood cancers. My leukemia which in the recent past was treated by chemo injections, now most of the treatment is through daily oral pills.
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Not meaning to answer for him … it’s gotta be type 1. That’s the age it hits. Type 2 used to be 40s/50s/60s, but American diets are awful and the FDA is REALLY bad with what they allow in our foods. So we are seeing T2 now even in younger teens but it’s more of an exception than the rule.

You’re right about type 2. If you learn the right ways and stay on top of it, you can live a full life. I’ve been diagnosed for 16 years now, needed insulin at the start, was on it for under a year … med free for the last 15 years with a mid 5s A1C. The diagnosis was the wake up call I needed and used it to my advantage to get healthy.

Very sorry to hear about the leukemia. You don’t have to answer, but was curious if it’s CLL CML or acute? We deal with those a lot, obviously … but just in terms of microscope work, looking at the cells, staging them, etc. (we don’t do the genomics here)
I have CLL. My father and his sister had CLL. When he had it in the 1960's and 1970's there were few treatments. Like I mentioned I've had it for 17 years. I started out with three full cycles of chemo and now I simply take pills. I am very fortunate because they really have made a lot of progress in the disease' treatment.

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