I feel good about tomorrow’s game which scares me

1) it’s on the road

2) Air Force is a team that always gives us fits

That being said, we need to establish the run and just pound it. Maybe motion a RB into a slot and do a quasi stretch play with the pass. If we can run the ball it will leave White and de Jesus in man situations. I like White against most DBs in man. If we can’t run, AF can commit 6 to the line and dare is to throw into our zone. Disciplined players like those at AF are hard to get out of position or make mistakes. Also, I think teams bank on their WR athletes beating AF secondary so they don’t even try to run the ball. Being pass-happy plays into their hands. Run run run

Get a quick lead. Make them have to change their offensive sceme. If we can get up by 2-3 scores we walk through them. They can’t overcome leads very well. We need to start fast

Take advantage of turnovers. AF has 10 turnovers the last 2 weeks and has 17 fumbles (7 lost) this season. Probability says they have more fumbles since all they do is run the ball, but win the turnover battle and we walk through them.

Be patient on defense. Wanting to make a play is how AF exploits the edge. Wanting to keep your gap is how you stop AF. That being said. I’d love for a DB to just come off the edge and put a helmet in the sternum of the QB in that first drive. Make sure he’s thinking about that hit and wanting to pitch the ball.

I think we win if we can score 20. I don’t see a shootout. I see an ugly slugfest early that could get ugly for either team if they get down.

Go Rebels!

Working on something

For the football game but it’s a piecemeal job, work hours are all over the place and when I get some spare time, I’ve been slapping stuff together for tomorrows big game. I’ll have it up soon. Though.

… on a different note, I spoke with somebody yesterday … there’s a very real possibility that things if/when things go sideway in basketball, it’ll seal a fate. Not at the time they go sideway. At the end of season. It’s, I’d say, expected … and UNLV is/will be prepared for that.

I hate stating that for a lot of reasons. I really don’t want these silly searches if we end up with similar capabilities. But even worse, I’ve witnessed what that line of thinking means in terms of support from within. I’d much rather win some games, don’t drop anymore we aren’t supposed to drop, grab a few key wins and actually show an NIT or better. And move on to next season and build even more.

What if?

Let’s say Pizano misses a kick vs Vandy and misses the kick vs CSU. That’s just two plays.

Now UNLV is 6-4, bowl eligible after beating Wyoming.

I’m sure everyone’s excitement level would be far lower.

But would you be less impressed with the job Odom has done?

I wouldn’t be. Because you see the actual changes and growth … you still can see the vision, feel the stability. At this point of the program’s history, I feel like establishing such things is every bit as important as bowls …

I’ve seen enough: Bye Kevin;

I’ve never seen a team so unprepared as the Rebs were tonight. We are down twenty in the second half. No fullcourt press, no double teaming, no over playing the passing lanes, no desperation, ZERO intensity, absolutely pitiful . Get a rebound and HAND it off to overrated Dedan instead of a downcourt fast break outlet pass. Horriblly coached team that gave up countless layups at the rim. Embarrassing to be a fan. We play like our coach… Mr. Vanilla. Give me some fire. Third year coach gets blown out at home by #326 Kenpom, something is seriously wrong. Can’t believe our NCAA resume is blown apart the first game of the year. Amazingly bad coaching Kevin. I’ve seen enough…..
