OT: Formula 1 2023 Megathread!!

guys, I’m here to watch the car crashes and people dying.

Let’s talk about what you know about this sport.

Who do you guys have to win? Off the top of your head, what do you know about the sport.

dude, my exposure to F1 was from the cartoon, Transformers. There was an Autobot named Mirage and it was the first transformer that I ever owned. My Uncle when we visited California in 1984, he bought me the toy.

And so other that, that’s all I know about it.


Introspection (long and trying to not be too reactionary)

So, without belaboring the point, that game last night was having to take a bite out of a moldy shit sandwich. There's lots of things to (rightly) complain about. I want to try to be constructive or at the very least analytical in my pissing and moaning (not that there's nothing wrong with anyone else's particular brand of pissing and moaning, you guys do you).

* Southern's game plan for DTJ was really, really good. They put a grown ass man on him and picked him up with really solid full court on ball defense. Got physical with him and made him make mistakes early. It's a smart early game plan, and something Krugs should really be expecting at least until DTJ is a little better seasoned. But we saw nothing to protect Dedan early. No big to set a timeline screen for him, no companion player to run up the court behind. At the first time out with a double digit lead they switched to a 2-2-1 full court pick up and that further put more pressure and frustration on the young guard. Good coaching here. Terribly slow for Kevin to address, and always very reactionary when he did address it.

* I understood what our offensive set early in the game was meant to do. It wasn't pretty, but we clearly wanted to get our wings open shots after a permiter skip pass on a high lateral screen. It's simple, and it's fine to have as a package you run. Hell, if your wings shot better than 1 for 11 from 3 maybe it even works and forces some of their defenders out of the lane area. But it really seemed like that was 90% of our offensive game plan. Something that you'd set up in 15 minutes of play on a YMCA court. You have to at some point see that's not working and transition into something else. Even something equally as simple as a pick and roll, or running a baseline runs through down screens in the post to force the defense to have heads on swivels and at least look elsewhere.

* Defensively, we didn't do anything very well. 95% of Southern's offense was predicated on pick and roll. Big diving hard to the cup on switches, guard shooting over when we tried to go under. I hate switching screens unless you've got a couple of bulldogs who can defend it and you have a big who understands he may have to rotate to cover the diving big or the penetration. DTJ isn't there yet, Webster has never been there, LuRod isn't bad, but was slow to react tonight, Hill was okay i guess. Maybe that gets a little better with Boone in the middle on the defensive help rotation, but given our defensive make up, switching screens is a stubborn 'we're going to do things my way' idea that is going to be exploited all year. Last year we had Parquet and Gilbert and it still got us exposed more often than not. I won't even go into the bench guys getting split all night by either the penetration or the hard roll to the cup. Seems like we shoudl be better prepared to play against the most common offensive set in basketball, but what do I know.

* Kruger's game management was very poor. He's slow to take timeouts, he's slow to change what's not working, he doesn't seem to have any ideas in the game to make other teams uncomfortable. Last year, the matchup zone worked pretty well against bad PGs, but we were actually pretty poor defending team once people figured out that on tape and we never really came up with any alternatives after...and here it is next year and we're still playing bad defense and bad offense.

* Southern played hard as nails and made some tough clutch shots, but they clearly looked like the tougher team who were playing harder. I think baseline effort is uncoachable, it's part of your team psyche and based on hours and hours of practice. However, that extra motivation when you're getting your dick knocked in the dirt can and should come from the coaching staff. Teams that wilt when the oven gets hot are just as much a fault of the coaching staff as the players themselves.

* I'm not sure what to make of Krugs at this point. He's slow to change his gameplan, slow to change his rotations, slow to call timeouts when we're bleeding on the floor, slow to react to things he's seeing in game. I can't remember him drawing up a wrinkle out of a time out to get us a good shot. I can't remember the last time we hot switched a defense, or had a play called out, or seen a guy in foul trouble and direct his guys to attack. He just stands on the sideline and yells a bit, but doesn't do anything. It's weird because he was a pretty good leader as a player, but I just don't feel that from him and the sample size of him not being a great coach is getting larger every game. I just can't believe how unprepared we looked against Southern. It's just a pick and roll offense with a few screens through the key as a wrinkle. It's an offense you'll see in most decent rec leagues. And he's so damned stubborn, he refuses to not switch screens, he refused not to change defenses, he refuses to adapt. I get the feeling his internal monologue gets to the 'what am i supposed to do, they're shooting it so well', and then just does nothing.

* But the saddest thing of all to me is how SOFT and without identity this team is. Who are we? Do we play great defense? Do we play great offense? Do we play as hard as hell? Do we scrap? Do we play like our lives depend on it? No to all of these. There's no attitude, no 'you will not beat me', no I diving to the court for every lose ball, working your ass off on the glass, setting screens that send a damn message, forbid easy layups and anyone that tries has to pay the key tax. Just none of those things. Bad shots, lazy defense, and almost apathy. Look at those kids during that game. They weren't embarrassed to be taken out behind the woodshed. They weren't mad and desperate. They didn't even really look upset besides a few hung heads a few times. And it can't just be me that notices it--which is why there was probably 3500 people in the stands if you are lucky.

I know it's just the first game, but this really looks more like we're playing exactly how we did at the end of last season but with worse defense and fewer bulldogs. I would love nothing more for KK and company to turn things around, but I don't know how much evidence I have to see and ignore before I just admit that this isn't working and probably won't work.

God, I hope I'm wrong.

I know it’s Veterans Day weekend but I hope people show up on Friday.

*Do people go out of town for Veteran’s Day??*

These young men and coaching staff deserve 30k+ against the Cowboys. I’d hope the ADpt is smart enough to have some sort of veteran’s outreach to get current members and former members of the military some sort of discount or 2 for 1 tickets to the game.

See everyone there with my +3
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It’s only the first game

But a lot of it made me nauseous.

The attendance, atmosphere. Awful. That gross morgue feeling.

The defense. So slow to react, no pressure, easy buckets to a bad team. Switching was poor, close outs were poor. Didn’t force turnovers.

The offense. So unimaginative. Creates nothing. It seriously was similar to what we saw with Menzies, just no purpose. But to be honest, it was similar to last seasons offense which struggled, but we had some bailout guards.

This wasn’t being short some guys, this wasn’t having so many new faces. There’s some poor design out there and the effort was embarrassing. It’s very unpleasing to the eye. Losing always sucks, but the aimless style is just gross to watch.

Bright side, I can’t fathom that we will play any worse than we did tonight. Oh, we will lose, more than we like and we might even lose another team that is just as bad as Southern. But I can’t imagine us actually looking worse than tonight.

Avery Johnson probably threw a shot back tonight.

It doesn’t even hurt, it doesn’t even disappoint really. But it was very difficult to watch a team play such an ugly, ineffective style.

Tactical notes from Southern

Defense: Our help defense was lost. Notice on rewatching the first half that we had nobody to help early on dribble drive penetration and contain the ball. The ball screen defense was varied and inconsistent. They need to find something and stick to it hard. The switching was probably better than the hard hedge and chase over the screen but neither worked well due to execution. Here is a good style that could work by comparison on ball screens:

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This is a good concept for empty side ball screens. The effort on close outs was not great either but if you rewatch things our defensive rebounding killed us first half and offered up too many second chance points.

Offense: this is where it concerns me more. First off, we have no transition break for easy buckets. We don't run lanes and we don't push the ball with any pace. Its as if we are being told to walk the ball up. This happened a lot last year I recall. This loses us many easy chance buckets that can also get foul shots. Now if we walk up the ball with a good halfcourt offense than maybe we will be okay. The current sets were mostly move the ball around and post up Waley or Contrell. There was no off ball screens, no ghost screens, basket cuts, stagger screens for shooters and most of all we slow it down. By itself this would be the anomaly but from previous seasons we can see this looks like a trend. I like the coaches here and think they are good guys but this isn't working. Hell Bellermine would come in here and destroy us. We have no team identity right now. Based on that we will struggle unless things change. I have seen drills at practice and their shell defense drill is good and its a basic system but I don't know much about the offense. It looks farther behind than it should be right now.

common ncaa sets to run on offense

no middle vs forcing middle defense concepts

Watch these two videos for some ideas on how teams defend or use certain sets to get scoring. We do none of this right now. I think we are a "no-middle" team but its hard to tell watching us.

Run some Zoom action or Spain pick and roll for basic stuff. Curious to hear others on this.
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Pitiful Light Show

Attention Eric Harper.. attention Kevin Kruger… attention whoever is in charge of our light show… WAKE UP…. Immediately CANCEL the “movie presentation “ for our whole team to just stand around and look up and watch how great they are. Pitiful.. Secondly, who’s bright idea is it to dim the lights BEFORE they introduce the opponent?? Giving THEM a light show too. Stupid.. Ever since we started having a highlight movie during the light show we have had a horrible home court record. Go back to what MADE the light show..
1) introduce the opponent with lights on.. zero fanfare
2) a pause. .. lights go off.. announcer says “and now”
The fight song immediately starts with a bang
No boring one minute stupid movie please. Cancel it.

What is the likelihood

That UNLV is viewed more as a football school rather than a basketball school 3-5 years from now? I’ve noticed the excitement in the community around the football program and it hasn’t really accomplished anything yet, especially compared to MBB. Social media, mainstream media, talk among the community, it’s all at such a different level now and very different tone (as would be expected). But we’re approaching the tip-off to basketball season and there’s not much buzz at all even with CKK’s best team on paper. I always thought Vegas was a football town and just needed a winning team to get behind. Perhaps it is finally coming to pass?


I don’t have a lot of positive things to say about the entirety of the game, but I saw something in Dedan. I saw a high school kid playing out there in the 1st half. Head down, slumped shoulders. That was a wake up call for him. I saw that same kid come out in the second half and collect himself. He controlled his pace, started drawing defenders and kicking the ball out, had an impressive lay in under the hoop, nice looking stroke. There is a certain patience to his game that we haven’t seen in any point guard for a while. Slow the roll on him. Let him adjust. Dude is going to be so good. As for the rest of the team? Not too sure.

UNLV Soccer

Men’s soccer won tonight at home against top ten Seattle U in the semis of the conference tournament. Advance to finals on Saturday at 1. UNLV is hosting so check out the final if you are in town.

If you want to watch the replay it is on ESPN+. Won’t spoil the details on how they won. Worth the time to watch if you like soccer.
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OT: OFF TOPIC Rebel-Net gamers out there - our Rust (video game) server is finally up

Fellow Gaming Rebel-Netters! (Seems the general forum is gone so I'll put this here.)

A couple buddies and I have developed a custom modded server for the game Rust and discord server for the server community. So for any gamers out there, if you already play and are looking for a fresh server, swing by and check it out!

There a few ways to connect, one is through the connect channel on our discord (, our website also has connect buttons ( as well as you can search Rust MXS PvE right from within the game under modded servers.

If there are any gamers out there, or people looking to just try something new hope to see you around! I'll probably be adding some UNLV skins too LOL!

Even if you don't play it would be a HUGE help if you could join the discord! =)

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Future Opponents

Interesting to see Creighton starting the season at #8 in the country. They play Iowa and Oklahoma State before us.

St. Mary's Starts the year at #23 and I think they want to join the MW. They Play UNM, SDSU, Boise and CSU before us. They also play Utah. They could be a good benchmark game to see how we may fair in conference play.

SDSU is #17 to start the year.
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