Kool Aid

Hyperbole makes me happy..

Adam Hill local media guy tweets out after KU lost to Illinois..

'This is disastrous for UNLV'

What? Disastrous? Really?

Losing to Utah Tech would be disastrous.

Sure you'd rather beat a ranked KU team than not

But hardly 'disastrous' to have two P4 road wins.

Sure not N. Illinois beating ND at home impressive but impressive nonetheless.

And if UNLV loses to Kansas the sky isn't falling if you can rebound against Fresno..

3-1 with a possibly ranked Syracuse team coming to town is a pretty good place to be.
Losing to KU is not the end of the season but it would surely make our season a lot more fun. The next home game may burst that 30K ceiling if UNLV beat KU.

Some Interesting things related to realignment and the MWC / Pac2

I guess they’re holding out for that management position. I get what you’re saying, but there’s a reason they were left behind and it has everything to do with their market share. The analogy of lipstick on a pig comes to mind.
And YBU didn’t stick around after TCU/Utah bolted. Took awhile but look at them now.

The MWC has a similar problem as the old WAC, too much dead weight, bottom feeders. OSU and Wazzu are going to probably poach schools. Especially if they have a great media partner. It was a great move by them to get the CW partnership and CW also has relationships with the ACC.

Best case scenario is ACC falls apart, they form an East/west conference. Whether or not it’s called the PAC or something else, who knows. It’s likely the remaining schools wil get a payout/settlement similar to what OSU and Wazzu got. Maybe more, and you’ll have a few schools sitting on a pile of cash and assets.

The MW is very vulnerable.
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Some Interesting things related to realignment and the MWC / Pac2

OSU and Wazzu are sitting on a pile of cash and assets from the previous pac-12 iteration.

IMO, they are gaming it out right now. They have cultivated some media partnerships (CW). Probably 4 schools from MW they are eyeballing along with others in parts of the country. The ACC is going to be the domino that determines the next moves.

They aren’t going to join the MW, they overpaid us to help out this year but going forward they are going to try and play p4 teams.
Exactly. If the ACC blows up, likely the Big12 or other conferences will look to scoop up some of the top programs and maybe OSU/WSU can be included in that. For example, if the Big12 goes to 24 teams, as well as the SEC and Big10 (B1G), there would essentially be 3 super-conferences, and everyone else would be in the G7 or whatever it looks like when the dust settles.

Currently, the SEC has 16 teams,
the Big 10 has 18 teams and
the Big 12 has 16 teams.

So in the event that they form 3 super conferences, there would probably be some spots available but the number would depend on how big each conference agreed to be. I'm sure that Notre Dame would take one of those spots, so it would be a mad scramble after that. OSU/WSU would like to be in that picture, and I believe to an extent, they will be

Some Interesting things related to realignment and the MWC / Pac2

The article said something that I thought was wrong. I thought the poach penalty (Withdrawal Fees) ended August 1, 2025 because they did not extend the scheduling agreement for the second year. In studying the Agreement I was wrong and they were right. Article 7 does say that the withdrawal fees do apply for 2 years following the termination of the Agreement.

Holy shyt. OSU and WSU are screwed if they try to take any of our programs earlier than the August 1. 2027 date.
OSU and Wazzu are sitting on a pile of cash and assets from the previous pac-12 iteration.

IMO, they are gaming it out right now. They have cultivated some media partnerships (CW). Probably 4 schools from MW they are eyeballing along with others in parts of the country. The ACC is going to be the domino that determines the next moves.

They aren’t going to join the MW, they overpaid us to help out this year but going forward they are going to try and play p4 teams.
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Some Interesting things related to realignment and the MWC / Pac2

Not really, who wants to join a conference that pays peanuts?

Unlv gets 3 million dollar share for media rights. Peanuts!

The commish herself has repeatedly labeled MW a G5, it’s not going to attract OSU and Wazzu.

They have a lot of options, merging with the MW is not one of them. It’s cost prohibitive for them.
I guess they’re holding out for that management position. I get what you’re saying, but there’s a reason they were left behind and it has everything to do with their market share. The analogy of lipstick on a pig comes to mind.
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Some Interesting things related to realignment and the MWC / Pac2

Arrogance is what killed the PAC 12 and arrogance is what is going to comeback and bite WSU and OSU in the ass if they’re not careful. Navarez and the MWC need to hold strong and stand together because despite what the P12 leftovers believe, the MWC holds all the cards.
Not really, who wants to join a conference that pays peanuts?

Unlv gets 3 million dollar share for media rights. Peanuts!

The commish herself has repeatedly labeled MW a G5, it’s not going to attract OSU and Wazzu.

They have a lot of options, merging with the MW is not one of them. It’s cost prohibitive for them.

Kevin should be ashamed:

The story isn’t yet completely written.

But it’s appearing like I was wrong. Won’t be the first time, won’t be the last time. But if it doesn’t pan out, it’ll be another lesson for me to stick with my gut, not my heart.

My initial gut was not a good hire, getting the job because of pops (that part is true). But in talking with people that know him much better than I do … I tried to keep an open mind … then i focused on him as a feisty player who knew how to win, then add in his father as a resource … then I thought, maybe, why not? I still hope for that, but I keep hearing about the complete lack of urgency from the staff, weak team unity … and then you see the very bland results. A backed into NIT doesn’t make me strain my undies. This is the basketball program, once the pride and joy and only thing that mattered, you should not need a high powered microscope to search for improvements. That SHOULD be reserved for football … because football didn’t matter, nobody cared and the history was awful … you take small improvements.

Not really buying the vanilla though. If Odom wasn’t winning, he’d be considered vanilla. Very measured and calm in every response, nothing colorful about him. And Sanders, who is as loud as they get, might end up being a used car salesman that costs 6M per year. I don’t think vanilla vs flamboyant has anything at all to do with winning or ability.
Odom is experience and has knowledge and knows how to run a program. Not really Vanilla. Tell me any HC that wins at a high level that is Vanilla. U have to be able to demand respect, get the most out of your players , get the right minded players, know how to build a team to win. Being Charismatic draws those types of players in. Not having those qualities leads to what we have. No kid is going to come here because of CKK! NONE! They come here for other reasons. Being captivating goes a long way in coaching kids up and being able to land the right type of players. So being Vanilla does hurt.
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Kevin should be ashamed:

And Lindy?

It’s happening in our own backyard. You don’t catch lightning in a bottle twice in a week.

She didn’t need excuses. Fast growth. Poor history, poor recent history, young, first time HC, garbage budget. Very little experience.

But that’s different.
Yea, seems like CKK and people still on board with him are running out of excuses. RAN OUT IMO! I dont see any end of the tunnel with him. Wish it was different! Vegas does not like Vanilla. Which CKK has in spades. Recruiting at a high level is the key obviously . CKK has proven not to be able to do that. Nobody is going to throw money(NIL) at UNLVBB with him as the HC. Few exceptions. If we are in a close $ tie with other schools for a player we probably lose more time than not. They come here for PT and thats about it. Maybe Vegas nightlife? They sure are not coming here for chance to go dancing.
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Kevin should be ashamed:

Tinkering, trying to slide in through the back door …. Just do the work, win. Win the league itself, regular season. Don’t depend on 3/4 in March.

Like Odom did. No excuses. Crappy team. Historically terrible program.

Like Lindy did. No excuses. Crappy team. Historically poor program.

With less resources, less history, less backing and a much worse starting spot.

Stop dicking around. Get to it. Incremental (and arguable) slow growth doesn’t cut it. That’s a sham, it’s a built in excuse to fail.

Just win. Enough is enough.

Everything is an excuse as to why we should accept the sub mediocrity that we’ve had.
I agree. But using Odom as an example that the idea of slow growth being a sham doesn't make sense.

He has a somewhat unique approach that I like. Building around talent that he already has. But that is the exception rather than a rule. Most coaches rise through the ranks due to a particular approach which made them unique and successful. Most of then those approaches need specific personnel to run that may takes years to develop.

It is easier to turn over a roster in 1 year now more than ever, but Odom didn't do that. The majority of his contributing players last year were legacy players. Good players brought in from another coach who was a good recruiter if nothing else.

I don't see Kevin for instance, using slow growth as a crutch. In fact until this year he has tried the opposite. Going with temporary players over longer term players, which is what you were implying he should do. So if your "slow growth" is meant to be a shot at Kevin, which is obviously what you are implying, then that doesn't fit either. In fact, we probably would have been better last year if we tried to build with more multiple year players, you know, like the majority of our peers that have done with more success than us.

Kevin himself needs growth being a first time HC, and one without the experience as an assistant as other first time head coaches. But even with that, he took us to our objectively best finish since Rice's first year in year 3.

Before you put words in my mouth like you always do, he doesn't deserve a raise or extension, and we need to see more. Last year was still somewhat of a disappointment. No one is super happy with where we are. Some just are more realistic with our situation.

But you also can't just hone in on Kevin and make a decision. The athletic department has a budget. Football deserves all it can get, it is our one and only ticket to substantially increase media revenue that can completely change the all of our programs. Maybe there is a way to get a high dollar basketball head coach and give the football program all that it needs to make waves. But I don't know where that will come from, do you?

Harper is a football guy, he made a bold decision to fundraise and hire Barry, who wasn't even his first choice. It looks great right now. I couldn't be happier about it. But making a move like that at a place like UNLV, probably means that the other programs, including basketball may get less capital.
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UNLV +7 vs Kansas

I was surprised how good Kansas defense was after their games. Sure they played a team maybe worse than Utah tech in game 1. But defense isn't why they lost game 2.
My point was that their run defense is good. The idea that we will can control the game with the run is probably false
Agree. Will have to control the game through short and intermediate routes with our skill players in space. Take shots down field 4-5 times in the game.
