Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

In my mind, those 2 thought they were better than everyone else in MWC and that they should have been given advantages that the MWC balked at as they already did that with Boise. So they agreed to go their own way, and as such reached out to partners to form new conference. Boise and SDSU as flagship brands in MWC would be killers to the MWC brand and the other 2 to create panic among the remaining teams in hopes that they could force the conference to either dissolve or devalue itself in a way to avoid poaching litigation. In the end, we know their intent is going to be to try and break MWC apart to keep from paying fees and then they'll pocket the cash they have amongst the 2 of them while keeping the other 4-6 happy with new media deal. That's the game..
game time, Masked.
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Think about this. Assuming this is true, UNLV and AFA are contacted but neither bite. BSU contacted but asked for some incentives with the payments. Why would OSU and WSU obliged?
In my mind, those 2 thought they were better than everyone else in MWC and that they should have been given advantages that the MWC balked at as they already did that with Boise. So they agreed to go their own way, and as such reached out to partners to form new conference. Boise and SDSU as flagship brands in MWC would be killers to the MWC brand and the other 2 to create panic among the remaining teams in hopes that they could force the conference to either dissolve or devalue itself in a way to avoid poaching litigation. In the end, we know their intent is going to be to try and break MWC apart to keep from paying fees and then they'll pocket the cash they have amongst the 2 of them while keeping the other 4-6 happy with new media deal. That's the game..
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

This is not a popular opinion because some think that the next MWC wont be as good as a brand, which is possible and probable given strength of Boise name brand. However, there are ways we could be the thought leader for the new conference and get that $$ advantage over the rest of conference... SDSU has been trying for a decade to abandon ship, they just jumped to a slightly leaner version of the same thing and until the media rights are out there, who knows if itll actually be better. It would be hilarious to see the rest of the West/Midwest conferences shun joining the 6, but ADs would rather associate with a knockoff Pac 12 brand than anything else...
Think about this. Assuming this is true, UNLV and AFA are contacted but neither bite. BSU contacted but asked for some incentives with the payments. Why would OSU and WSU obliged?

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

Might be a blessing in disguise if UNLV stick around with Gloria and MWC. The rats like BSU and SDSU are gone. Build a brand with loyal teams. Just let Whitfield and Harper do their thing...imo. B12 would be great, though.
This is not a popular opinion because some think that the next MWC wont be as good as a brand, which is possible and probable given strength of Boise name brand. However, there are ways we could be the thought leader for the new conference and get that $$ advantage over the rest of conference... SDSU has been trying for a decade to abandon ship, they just jumped to a slightly leaner version of the same thing and until the media rights are out there, who knows if itll actually be better. It would be hilarious to see the rest of the West/Midwest conferences shun joining the 6, but ADs would rather associate with a knockoff Pac 12 brand than anything else...

Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

If I'm UNLV, I go talk to the Big 12 commish. We do somewhat of an SMU deal, with taking very little money initially. Either have the big 12 pay our buyout from the MWC, and then we take a 25% share for 2 years, 50% for 2 more years, 75% for 2 more, then are 100% after 2 more years. That would way more than pay for the $18,000,000 buyout, and it would still be a fine deal financially for UNLV.

Plus, recruiting would be much better for us, and we'd get better attendance numbers in all sports due to the better conference games. So any money we lose initially from the partial share, we could make up through ticket sales.
They would have to buy us out And at least gaurantee at least what we get currently for coaching salaries, otherwise we won't be able to afford it. Our budget seems to be tight.
SMU has way more money to play around with.
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Pac-12 Rebuild Update...

It wouldn't be my first choice either, but what are the options?

1. Stay in depleted MWC
2. Find a way to get in to the Big 12
3. Join the PAC teams
4. I don't know if there's a realistic 4th option. I guess try to join the AAC? However, the travel would be horrendous, and I don't think it would be as high of profile move as just going into the PAC. Maybe there's a case where the ACC blows up, and we try to be part of a regional grouping of teams with whoever is left, but with BSU, SDSU, CSU and Fresno all leaving, that probably messes up the chances of that happening.
Might be a blessing in disguise if UNLV stick around with Gloria and MWC. The rats like BSU and SDSU are gone. Build a brand with loyal teams. Just let Whitfield and Harper do their thing...imo. B12 would be great, though.
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