Remember when any article about UNLV was for the bottom 5.

It’s similar to the first four play in round of the NCAAT.
Are they going to still determine the seeding order and who plays who based on the seeding (i.e #1 plays #12)? How do they determine the seeding order, or is the G5 team automatically #12 as a seed? If the G5 is a #12 seed, how will they explain that if the G5 ends up as a top 10 team going into the playoffs? I just get this gut feeling that they will put the G5 team in a position that will make it hard for them to even win the first game.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Calm down, CNN/FOX. I don't watch that crap since it creates irreparable mindsets. It was the "blithering idiot" that had me stumped.

I might be voting the same as you, but I don't watch the replacement to Days of our lives, Guiding light, etc. Tell me if I'm wrong that the "news" has replaced daytime soap operas (not you personally, just you in general). That's been my theory since Obama signed something allowing "media" to be more opinionated and less factual.

Going down another rabbit hole, since when did we need councils, groups, etc. telling us what "disinformation" is? Wasn't that previously proven over time and didn't need to be "corrected" immediately? I say "corrected" since those corrections are usually based on opinions and not necessarily facts, but I digress...

Back to your original point, of course I can tell who's giving Ukraine, etc., multiple billions at a time but our veterans get rations at the foodbank. I guess that they can't funnel money back into their accounts through a foodbank or else they'd already be doing this.
I don't watch either of those networks either. It is just way too easy to see where the money is going, and it isn't to help our citizens.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

If you really can't figure out which party is given everything away, then I will assume you have had your head stuck in the ground for decades!
Calm down, CNN/FOX. I don't watch that crap since it creates irreparable mindsets. It was the "blithering idiot" that had me stumped.

I might be voting the same as you, but I don't watch the replacement to Days of our lives, Guiding light, etc. Tell me if I'm wrong that the "news" has replaced daytime soap operas (not you personally, just you in general). That's been my theory since Obama signed something allowing "media" to be more opinionated and less factual.

Going down another rabbit hole, since when did we need councils, groups, etc. telling us what "disinformation" is? Wasn't that previously proven over time and didn't need to be "corrected" immediately? I say "corrected" since those corrections are usually based on opinions and not necessarily facts, but I digress...

Back to your original point, of course I can tell who's giving Ukraine, etc., multiple billions at a time but our veterans get rations at the foodbank. I guess that they can't funnel money back into their accounts through a foodbank or else they'd already be doing this.
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Remember when any article about UNLV was for the bottom 5.

Even now that there are 12 playoff teams there will a lot complaints about a G5 getting a bid. For example last year Liberty was the righest rated G5 school and I think they were 21 and got their asses handed to them in the Fiesta Bowl by Oregon. So in reality the playoffs are top 11 plus one. Im ok with giving a G5 a bid, most years, really every year in CFB there arent 12 teams that have a shot to win the NC anyway so throw a bone to the G5. I think more times than not the 5 seed will boat race the 12 seed G5 school but every now and then a good game may happen.
Boise and OU one of the best games ever

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

It's terrible when I need to ask which candidate you're talking about. I don't follow politics closely so they both could fit this description on any given day.

For the record, I already know who I'm voting for, so I don't need to follow the day-to-day stuff.
If you really can't figure out which party is given everything away, then I will assume you have had your head stuck in the ground for decades!
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OT: Hypocrisy in politics

It's terrible when I need to ask which candidate you're talking about. I don't follow politics closely so they both could fit this description on any given day.

For the record, I already know who I'm voting for, so I don't need to follow the day-to-day stuff.
Getting rid of illegals and stop putting them ahead of US citizens (60% are getting some form or multiple forms of public assistance )will save this Country will save BILLIONS!! Stop being a piggy bank to the world with wars and defense will save BILLIONS! STOP forgiving student dept will save BILLIONS! Login to view embedded media

Remember when any article about UNLV was for the bottom 5.

UNLV is the only team that scheduled three group of four teams as well as Oregon State, South Florida scheduled two, and the rest of the teams either one or none.
Yessir, UNLV is the only one. And I believe UNLV will beat Houston soundly too. Then Utah Tech or something. Kansas will be tough. It is the sound of the UNLV storm that be resounding.

OT: Hypocrisy in politics

The blithering idiot just announced a whole new round of freebies to make inflation worse. It is working well for Venezuela.
It's terrible when I need to ask which candidate you're talking about. I don't follow politics closely so they both could fit this description on any given day.

For the record, I already know who I'm voting for, so I don't need to follow the day-to-day stuff.
