Boxing Thread

Tank vs Loma should be a good one.
Can Loma outbox him and avoid the hammer?
5 years ago I would say yes but right now I am not sure.
I will say Tank by late KO.

Loma is technically of of the best fighters in the last 25 years. But even 5 years ago Tank would have given him trouble. Tanks just so much bigger naturally. Plus Tank isn't some wild unskilled dude with power that Loma could pick apart. He's pretty sound defensively.

Would love to see Loma win, but I think he gives up to much size. Would need a damn near perfect performance.

(Wasn't knocking your post or take on the fight, sorry if it came off that way).

Just not sure it's so much an age thing vs a size thing. Loma wasn't a devastating puncher even at lower weights. Sharp puncher. Could get your attention, keep guys honest. Got his KOs through attrition typically. Tanks got a solid chin. I don't know if Loma can get his respect or even make him hesitant.

If he can get Tanks attention early, he's got a shot.

But I'm not sure he can.

Is anyone surprised by this?

Exactly. Ultimately, there was a bidding war with USC and Georgia. How can you blame a kid if he make an extra $2-300k per year and over the next 4 years? That can turn into over a Million dollars that he might not see over the next 20 years.
Exactly, he went for the money. He was good for UNLV but i dont see a NFL career for him. I cant blame him for choosing a way to help him financially to get big bucks why he still has a chance to.

Is anyone surprised by this?

With Jaden Maiava, was it him or her s family and his agent? This choice may have helped his family out off some financial difficulties
Exactly. Ultimately, there was a bidding war with USC and Georgia. How can you blame a kid if he make an extra $2-300k per year and over the next 4 years? That can turn into over a Million dollars that he might not see over the next 20 years.

Is anyone surprised by this?

Wood did the same thing with hoops. Told everyone he was coming back. Coaches, faculty, fans … and then poof, he used a video to make an announcement just a couple days later, so obviously his intent was to leave altogether, but decided to lie to everyone about it.

It’s a tremendous character flaw.
With Jaden Maiava, was it him or her s family and his agent? This choice may have helped his family out off some financial difficulties

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

My wife goes to El-Eid. She is excellent. Regarding Diabetes 1, I've noticed that over the last two years, doctors have made a lot of progress in its treatment. Kind of like the blood cancers. My leukemia which in the recent past was treated by chemo injections, now most of the treatment is through daily oral pills.
We just switched to Dr. Reese. Not with Comprehensive Cancer but El-Eid was taking too long. Dr. Reese is a friend of ours and I bet he'll have us in by the beginning of September instead of the end of November

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

Glad to hear you are keeping it in check. Smudge cells is a key for us in the laboratory when we look at it under a microscope.

A lot of advances made with leukemias. Most people don’t realize there are several types, probably about 20 different ones. The ALLs were the ones that wreaked havoc among children back in the 40’s and a couple decades beyond, took my moms brother when he was 6 or 7. It had a real impact on my mom who was a couple years older. Thankfully those advances have been really great.

Still sucks and I’m sorry to hear about it. Glad you have doctors you like and trust with your health.
Thanks a lot. But back to the important subject. GO REBELS1

Remember when any article about UNLV was for the bottom 5.

Nelson couldn't even beat out Madsen... Boise was mediocre last year till Madsen got hurt and they replaced him with Green... alot of the Boise hype was over Nelson at QB and as of right now, that's not happening...
You got it a little backwards: BSU was mediocre with Green at QB. They looked better with Madsen. No sooner did Madsen get the starting job, tho, he suffered a season-ending injury. That's why CJ Tiller (now at USU) started their bowl game, and Green is at Arkansas. Madsen's advantage is his familiarity with the offense, and that's what landed him the starting job in Week 1. All the arm talent in the world won't save you if you're throwing it to the wrong team, and Koetter won't let that happen. By the same token, if Nelson gets a firm grasp on the offense they won't hesitate to put him in. If BSU is blowing out GA Southern, or Madsen struggles against Oregon, I'm sure Nelson will see some time. Regardless, I don't think we're too far into conference play before the job belongs to Malachi.

Is anyone surprised by this?

The dislike of Maiava on here is crazy. I get he abandoned ship but without him I don't see us being where we were last year. Did he struggle and make bad plays at times, yeah he was a freshman, that's kind of expected. Did he over perform, sure, again he was a freshman. Kid obviously had talent or top tier P5 schools wouldn't have come knocking.... legit if he's here right now, we're probably in top 25 preseason and a hands down favorite for CFP.
Losing out to another talented QB with more time in the system doesn't mean "he sucks"... give him a year to push Moss and he either will get his shot or end up at some other big P5 school. Just saying
I don't hate Maiawa. My only complaint isn't with his performance, he was a freshman. He did very well for his first year. But, when he told his fans that he was staying, I felt that he made a commitment to us. Then when he committed to Georgia and then reneged and went to USC, I see that as a character flaw.

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

Not meaning to answer for him … it’s gotta be type 1. That’s the age it hits. Type 2 used to be 40s/50s/60s, but American diets are awful and the FDA is REALLY bad with what they allow in our foods. So we are seeing T2 now even in younger teens but it’s more of an exception than the rule.

You’re right about type 2. If you learn the right ways and stay on top of it, you can live a full life. I’ve been diagnosed for 16 years now, needed insulin at the start, was on it for under a year … med free for the last 15 years with a mid 5s A1C. The diagnosis was the wake up call I needed and used it to my advantage to get healthy.

Very sorry to hear about the leukemia. You don’t have to answer, but was curious if it’s CLL CML or acute? We deal with those a lot, obviously … but just in terms of microscope work, looking at the cells, staging them, etc. (we don’t do the genomics here)
I have CLL. My father and his sister had CLL. When he had it in the 1960's and 1970's there were few treatments. Like I mentioned I've had it for 17 years. I started out with three full cycles of chemo and now I simply take pills. I am very fortunate because they really have made a lot of progress in the disease' treatment.

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

She is T1.

Sorry to hear about the leukemia and we are also going to Comprehensive Cancer Center. Today's appointment is in the NW location and with a medical and radiation oncologist. My wife's surgeon is El-Eid. She's been fantastic.

Prayers for you!!! #GoRebels
My wife goes to El-Eid. She is excellent. Regarding Diabetes 1, I've noticed that over the last two years, doctors have made a lot of progress in its treatment. Kind of like the blood cancers. My leukemia which in the recent past was treated by chemo injections, now most of the treatment is through daily oral pills.
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Is anyone surprised by this?

Moss have been in that system for 3 years, Maiava just got there as a true sophomore. Give him time...
The dislike of Maiava on here is crazy. I get he abandoned ship but without him I don't see us being where we were last year. Did he struggle and make bad plays at times, yeah he was a freshman, that's kind of expected. Did he over perform, sure, again he was a freshman. Kid obviously had talent or top tier P5 schools wouldn't have come knocking.... legit if he's here right now, we're probably in top 25 preseason and a hands down favorite for CFP.
Losing out to another talented QB with more time in the system doesn't mean "he sucks"... give him a year to push Moss and he either will get his shot or end up at some other big P5 school. Just saying

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

You and your family have been through so much. My heart goes out to you. Out of curiosity, and please don't feel you have to answer this, does your daughter have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Type 1 is a bit more challenging than type 2. But it looks like you guys are on top of it. I've had type 2 diabetes for over 20 years. After you get used to a new routine, you can live a full life. You just need to monitor it to control it. There are so many food products that are friendly to diabetics. If you need any advice, please feel free to let me know and I'll try to answer your questions. I also have leukemia and go to Comprehensive Cancer in the northwest office. Dr. Clark Jean is my oncologist and is known to be one of the best. Very happy with him. He has a great uplifting personality and is extremely well qualified in case you are looking for a second opinion. Best to you and your family.
She is T1.

Sorry to hear about the leukemia and we are also going to Comprehensive Cancer Center. Today's appointment is in the NW location and with a medical and radiation oncologist. My wife's surgeon is El-Eid. She's been fantastic.

Prayers for you!!! #GoRebels

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

Little update. I didn't want to be too much of a downer, but 5 days after my wife was diagnosed with cancer my 9 year old daughter went into a coma for 40 hours. That was our family's introduction to her diabetes. We had no symptoms before that, just a day of vomiting and then she became unresponsive at 1 am on the morning of the 27th. She was in the PICU for 4 days and in the hospital for a total of 7 days. We're lucky she's alive. It was a miracle.

Your prayers and good vibes helped. I really did feel comfort and peace throughout that week.

Daughter is doing much better as we try to navigate diabetes with a 9 year old. They won't let us get the insulin pump until they are positive mom and dad can administer insulin the old fashioned way, just in case the pump malfunctions. We're giving her 4 shots a day and she's even giving herself shots. We were taking/testing blood 5-6 times/day, but she now has the monitor. So much easier. She's a strong little lady. Kids never cease to amaze me.

Wife went to the oncologist last week, got a PET scan on Friday, and meets with radiation oncologist today. She's scheduled for surgery in November at the latest and hope to get her in sooner. The PET scan results will determine if she needs additional surgeries and if she will need chemo as well. Fingers crossed.

It's nice to be amongst friends.
You and your family have been through so much. My heart goes out to you. Out of curiosity, and please don't feel you have to answer this, does your daughter have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Type 1 is a bit more challenging than type 2. But it looks like you guys are on top of it. I've had type 2 diabetes for over 20 years. After you get used to a new routine, you can live a full life. You just need to monitor it to control it. There are so many food products that are friendly to diabetics. If you need any advice, please feel free to let me know and I'll try to answer your questions. I also have leukemia and go to Comprehensive Cancer in the northwest office. Dr. Clark Jean is my oncologist and is known to be one of the best. Very happy with him. He has a great uplifting personality and is extremely well qualified in case you are looking for a second opinion. Best to you and your family.

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

Little update. I didn't want to be too much of a downer, but 5 days after my wife was diagnosed with cancer my 9 year old daughter went into a coma for 40 hours. That was our family's introduction to her diabetes. We had no symptoms before that, just a day of vomiting and then she became unresponsive at 1 am on the morning of the 27th. She was in the PICU for 4 days and in the hospital for a total of 7 days. We're lucky she's alive. It was a miracle.

Your prayers and good vibes helped. I really did feel comfort and peace throughout that week.

Daughter is doing much better as we try to navigate diabetes with a 9 year old. They won't let us get the insulin pump until they are positive mom and dad can administer insulin the old fashioned way, just in case the pump malfunctions. We're giving her 4 shots a day and she's even giving herself shots. We were taking/testing blood 5-6 times/day, but she now has the monitor. So much easier. She's a strong little lady. Kids never cease to amaze me.

Wife went to the oncologist last week, got a PET scan on Friday, and meets with radiation oncologist today. She's scheduled for surgery in November at the latest and hope to get her in sooner. The PET scan results will determine if she needs additional surgeries and if she will need chemo as well. Fingers crossed.

It's nice to be amongst friends.
Very sorry to hear about this the best to you and your family!!
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A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

Im fortunate to know a lot of Endocrinolgists in SD, two that I know very well are nationally known and both were diaganosed with T1DM as kids. If you are unsure about your daughters providers and need help with referrals in LV let me know.

If you arent familiar with TCOYD take a look they do amazing work. Steve the founder is one of the Endo's I mention above as Jeremy both are friends of mine.

Keep your head up!!
I do like our endo. The drive sucks but my daughter likes it because it means on checkups she misses the entire first half of school. Thanks for the information.

A lot OT, but I’m going through some sh*t right now. If you’re into prayers or good vibes.

Im fortunate to know a lot of Endocrinolgists in SD, two that I know very well are nationally known and both were diaganosed with T1DM as kids. If you are unsure about your daughters providers and need help with referrals in LV let me know.

If you arent familiar with TCOYD take a look they do amazing work. Steve the founder is one of the Endo's I mention above as Jeremy both are friends of mine.

Keep your head up!!

Is anyone surprised by this?

Maiva gets dumped on, ESPN wrote him off.

“It was the kind of performance Riley needed to see. Instead of dipping into the transfer portal for two quarterbacks -- a young one and a veteran -- like Riley said he would do, USC only brought in UNLV's Jayden Maiava, giving Moss the clear chance to become the starting quarterback.”

Translation: he’s from UNLV, he clearly sucks and is no threat to JM.
