Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

This is my prediction when it comes to the playoffs. G5 conference affiliation will have little impact. What will matter is wins against the P4. Odom was clever in his scheduling. He is the only G5 program to schedule 3 P4 opponents and the only G5 school that is 2-0 on the road against the P4. Syracuse is important. A win at home UNLV will be 3-0 against the P4 and it doesn’t matter whether they are a member of the MWC, MAC or AAC. What will matter is a 3-0 record against the P4. Assuming equal win-loss at the end of the year at say 11-1 and UNLV is one of 2-3 G5 with the same record, UNLV will get the nod.
Exactly. Schedule good OOC games, win those and run your conference. Conference means dyck. I don't think we were complaining about being in the PCC or BW when we were winning and I think winning games against Cal St. Fullerton didn't really matter in the long run.
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Exactly. Schedule good OOC games, win those and run your conference. Conference means dyck. I don't think we were complaining about being in the PCC or BW when we were winning and I think winning games against Cal St. Fullerton didn't really matter in the long run.

Then why do teams leave conferences?

If you are scheduling 'up' you absolutely have to win them.

Because an in conference loss kills you in the rankings if you are playing in the Sunbelt or the equivalent of CUSA.

Better conference competition allows for some wiggle room.

Basketball and football aren't comparable.

You're bringing up a by gone era of college Basketball.

If the PAC12 had offered UNLV an invite in the 90s, UNLV would absolutely have told Cal Fulerton and the rest peace out boys.
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Who do YOU guys want to have join you?

Oops misread that one.

In terms of joining the PAC with us...Tough call some decent arguments for a few..

1- USU
1a- SJSU
3 Reno
4 Wyoming

I didn't include Hawaii not sure PAC would invite football only.

Didn't include AFA because I don't think they are sticking around.
That's the rub isn't it..

Do you go heavy on Texas schools?

Take the top of CUSA?

Grab both Dakota's and Montana's?

Realistic options aren't great to be honest.
If I'm rebuilding the MWC with the assumption that AFA is out, and otherwise it's intact:

Sac State
Weber State

With all three, you'd need some assurance that they'd invest a certain dollar amount and/or percentage of revenue from conference into direct upgrades. Sac State and Idaho are the two obvious ones to me. I don't know if you could get the Montana or Dakota schools (any of the 6) without something in a contract about "what happens if everyone leaves us" and you (MWC) would probably have to cover the $5mil fee to move up to FBS.

I think you'd have to go after NMSU and UTEP just to grab the only 2 teams you have a shot at. I don't know if UTSA or Texas State would leave the American or Sun Belt respective. Likely no.

North Texas is extremely unappealing to me.
Who do YOU guys want to have join you?
If UNLV got to determine who were to theoretically join the Pac 12 with them as 7 and 8?

If only one, I'd want it to be geographic. No need for a geographic outlier all alone. Probably USU. I don't hate Sac State being given the chance, but would need some kind of assurance to upgrade facilities (as they have publicly stated they intend to do) both hoops and football. Only been to Hornet Stadium once, and it was when the UFL CA Mountain Lions (they might have been the Redwoods at the time?) played the Locos. Definitely need something better, probably would need something better even for a MWC light invite.

But ideally if UNLV was one of four, I'd want UTSA, Texas State, and one of either Memphis or Tulane. Fall back plan to USU or Sac State.
If I'm rebuilding the MWC with the assumption that AFA is out, and otherwise it's intact:

Sac State
Weber State

With all three, you'd need some assurance that they'd invest a certain dollar amount and/or percentage of revenue from conference into direct upgrades. Sac State and Idaho are the two obvious ones to me. I don't know if you could get the Montana or Dakota schools (any of the 6) without something in a contract about "what happens if everyone leaves us" and you (MWC) would probably have to cover the $5mil fee to move up to FBS.

I think you'd have to go after NMSU and UTEP just to grab the only 2 teams you have a shot at. I don't know if UTSA or Texas State would leave the American or Sun Belt respective. Likely no.

North Texas is extremely unappealing to me.

Sad thing...

Any combo we put together...

Is pretty unappealing.

Catch all your UNLV football action this year On ESPN 9...Or your Uncle Lou's house. Sometimes if he positions the rabbit ears just right and stands on one leg while holding a skillet he can get the game.
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UNLV is in an amazing spot. Good and bad. Either way... Maize! If our Prez and AD are competent, it'll be GOOD!
Corn Agriculture GIF by KRONE
As it seems exit fees too high, and rewards too little to make a new pac12, how about a "do over"? Mvc votes to disband and take top 9 of mwc to pac12 and adds a school or 3 down the road. That way pac keeps more money and unlv cuts dead wood out of mwc and goes to a slightly upgrade conference.

And do not agree to any big exit fee should b12 come calling.
Who do YOU guys want to have join you?

I'd have to go UNM. Sure their football has sucked but, they did make and investment in bringing in Bronco Mendenhall as their coach this year. He may be able to get things going. Their basketball is good and as a revenue sport they will bring in some money. Future revenue sport of Women's basketball they are good there as well. With the women's basketball WSU is the only one right now that is worth anything. CSU has potential. The other three suck.

By the way your former women's volleyball assistant coach now head coach at reno has already won as many games this season as reno's old coach did in all of last year. You guys let a good one get away.
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Sad thing...

Any combo we put together...

Is pretty unappealing.

Catch all your UNLV football action this year On ESPN 9...Or your Uncle Lou's house. Sometimes if he positions the rabbit ears just right and stands on one leg while holding a skillet he can get the game.
Did you watch Friday night on the CW? Hows that any better...

As for the Idaho, Weber St. Sac St suggestion- no thanks. There's no market value there, they aren't ready for G5 level, and no one is tuning in to watch Weber St... at least Montana would draw eyes within the state of Montana and have facilities that could be G5 level, especially a full stadium every Saturday.
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I'd have to go UNM. Sure their football has sucked but, they did make and investment in bringing in Bronco Mendenhall as their coach this year. He may be able to get things going. Their basketball is good and as a revenue sport they will bring in some money. Future revenue sport of Women's basketball they are good there as well. With the women's basketball WSU is the only one right now that is worth anything. CSU has potential. The other three suck.

By the way your former women's volleyball assistant coach now head coach at reno has already won as many games this season as reno's old coach did in all of last year. You guys let a good one get away.
Probably in the minority but I think UNM is valuable and has tons of upside. Snake is a national treasure.
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Did you watch Friday night on the CW? Hows that any better...

As for the Idaho, Weber St. Sac St suggestion- no thanks. There's no market value there, they aren't ready for G5 level, and no one is tuning in to watch Weber St... at least Montana would draw eyes within the state of Montana and have facilities that could be G5 level, especially a full stadium every Saturday.

My point was the worse our conference affiliation is, the less exposure for the program.

So if you thought the CW was bad imagine what the MWC will have to cobble together next time around.

Yeah I go back and forth on what would be the best move in terms of additions.

Figure we'll likely need 5 if AFA leaves...

I could see an argument for going Texas State, Utep, Sam Houston State, NMSU, and then maybe Sac State?

Maybe say screw it Sac State, Plus both Dakota and Montana schools?

I really don't know...

And I'm really hoping we don't have to find out.
I'd have to go UNM. Sure their football has sucked but, they did make and investment in bringing in Bronco Mendenhall as their coach this year. He may be able to get things going. Their basketball is good and as a revenue sport they will bring in some money. Future revenue sport of Women's basketball they are good there as well. With the women's basketball WSU is the only one right now that is worth anything. CSU has potential. The other three suck.

By the way your former women's volleyball assistant coach now head coach at reno has already won as many games this season as reno's old coach did in all of last year. You guys let a good one get away.
AFA needs to join the AAC. It makes too much sense at this point.

They'd be my first choice otherwise. That being said, it would 100% be UNM. USU has shown more promise, but those fans are BYU².
Probably in the minority but I think UNM is valuable and has tons of upside.

Basketball will always be solid.

Football I don't know. That's a really tough job. Even with the portal.

The Glory years of Rocky Long they went .500 overall.

Sparsely populated State. Hard to keep what top level talent there is home.

A lot like UNLV before, never shown any real interest in investing in football. It's why Long left.

I think Bronco was a good hire for them. But you can only do so much.

I could see them over Wyoming and possibly over Reno if PAC dips into MWC again.
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Did you watch Friday night on the CW? Hows that any better...

As for the Idaho, Weber St. Sac St suggestion- no thanks. There's no market value there, they aren't ready for G5 level, and no one is tuning in to watch Weber St... at least Montana would draw eyes within the state of Montana and have facilities that could be G5 level, especially a full stadium every Saturday.
I just don't think the Montana schools would be willing to leave Big Sky for an exceptionally unstable MWC without its top 4.

I broadly agree, it's not desirable. But nobody remaining is. There are no other "preferred" viable options, at least as I see them.
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Absolutely not... Wyoming is going to spiral. Losing longtime HC that established their culture, dated facilities, poor travel to and market exposure... they're great MWC school, not so much if you're building a new conference
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Remember if we are talking about a rebuild of the MW. FCS teams have to pay a 5 mil fee for moving up.
I think you start with UTEP and NMSU those are the easy ones. Those would be cheaper and they are arguably better right now.
Maybe UTSA but the AAC would have to blow up for that to work. Same with UNT or Rice.
But I would favor an AAC merger if they get blown up. CUSA maybe too. Keeping things regional will help a lot.
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Wyoming has better infrastructure for football. But I think UNM would be picked first because it is a better market.
UNM would help basketball and perhaps a little more cash will help them in football. Mendenhall was a good start obviously.
CSU would want Wyoming though. But I don't think they would pass the economics
Absolutely not... Wyoming is going to spiral. Losing longtime HC that established their culture, dated facilities, poor travel to and market exposure... they're great MWC school, not so much if you're building a new conference
I hate it for them, but if the conference chips were redistributed based on the parameters we currently use for realignment, they would be in the Big Sky or something. If the MWC doesn't crumble, they would be a really good anchor. But only if supported locally at current level or greater. Those fans care about that program, and it's pretty cool actually
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Remember if we are talking about a rebuild of the MW. FCS teams have to pay a 5 mil fee for moving up.
I think you start with UTEP and NMSU those are the easy ones. Those would be cheaper and they are arguably better right now.
Maybe UTSA but the AAC would have to blow up for that to work. Same with UNT or Rice.
But I would favor an AAC merger if they get blown up. CUSA maybe too. Keeping things regional will help a lot.
But if you just got 120 million dollars from the departure of 4 teams, you kick 5 million to Montana easy... I'm not familiar with NDSUs current stadium/infrastructure to do so, but Montana absolutely has the facilities and are currently constructing a huge indoor football practice facility. Plus their fans are amazing for a small level school. They could easily transition.
Perhaps. Not sure if they have a exit fee too.
But Montana and the Dakotas have the tiniest markets and would create some travel issues.
But from a competition standpoint I like them much better than Sac State.
That is only if Hawaii gets a vote, and I am fairly certain they do not have a vote.
I couldn't say with certainty that they have a vote. Are they then technically an affiliate member. I'm sure Colorado College and Washington State as affiliate member don't have a vote. You may be right. Wouldn't that be funny if Washington State had a vote just because they have their baseball and swim team in the MW.
Absolutely not... Wyoming is going to spiral. Losing longtime HC that established their culture, dated facilities, poor travel to and market exposure... they're great MWC school, not so much if you're building a new conference

I'm not sure where you're getting dated facilities from.

They are renovating current stadium. And their football facility is only like 15 or so years old and has had additions added. In 2018 added a high altitude athletic performance center.

The rest I agree with.
But if you just got 120 million dollars from the departure of 4 teams, you kick 5 million to Montana easy... I'm not familiar with NDSUs current stadium/infrastructure to do so, but Montana absolutely has the facilities and are currently constructing a huge indoor football practice facility. Plus their fans are amazing for a small level school. They could easily transition.
Ndsu plays in the fargo dome. Capacity 19,000. Until recently they filled it. Ndsu fans really suck as they act like bama fans, as they have been bama of the fcs. While Ndsu is a small tv market, it is better than Wyoming.