Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Being reported USU is going to the PAC.

I do not like this at all.

If Reno goes to the PAC along with USU and UNM...

Then staying put was a monumental blunder.

You only stay if you had all remaining teams on board.

Seriously wtf.
I highly doubt any of those teams go to the PAC-12 now
As usual, I have no insider information. However, let us say that UNLV takes the money from the MWC defector payouts, the money that UNLV will get for winning the first round of the college football playoff, the money that UNLV will get from losing to Utah in the second round of the playoff, and the money that would have been used for the MWC exit fee and invests it in the football program, paying Odom 6 million dollars per year for the next 7 years and each coordinator 1 million per year. How would this position UNLV for the next round of the Big 12 expansion?
I imagine being the premier football and basketball program in the conference might help... We have the facilities, now imagine 2 to 3 years of high level football success with a coaching staff paid with a kings ransom... Sure, we might get smaller schools in conference for time being, but thats another 2-4 years away. By that time, you'd think wed already be in someone's expansion plans.. but Im a dreamer and settling for the mess of the Pac 2 seems like missing out completely on a P4 invite.
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I give zero poops what the PAC may or may not make.

What I care about is how little UNLV may end up making.

Like I said earlier.

Let's say UNLV is getting 30 million dollar lump sum.

If media deal drops from 5 million per school to 3 million per (And that might be generous considering what MWC will look like now)

That's 2 million less per year over the next say 5 years.

That's 10 million off the top of that 30 million.

Want to lock up Odom. Probably another Million a year.

We're down to 15.

What are attendance numbers going to look like when the Home conference schedule is Sac State, UTEP, NMSU, WYO?

Have to imagine that takes a hit creating another shortfall.

That money dries up pretty damn quick.
Yep. It’s very simple to just disconnect from this nonsense
But its not a long term commitment.... Playoff path is easier, you turn your basketball program into a success.. 5 years from now Big 12 media deal is open for negotiations... That's why it makes sense... and thats 30 million possibly on top of departure fees, so add another 14 million plus and growing... thats a lot of money to play with

I don't know that it's easier though.

You have zero room for error.
If that’s accurate than I think UNLV played this masterfully. I’m sure they leaked the earlier report which put them in a position of power (at least relatively speaking anyway). At this point the PAC needs us more than we need them in my opinion (at least short term). I think we really just need to see how it all plays out.
If that’s accurate than I think UNLV played this masterfully. I’m sure they leaked the earlier report which put them in a position of power (at least relatively speaking anyway). At this point the PAC needs us more than we need them in my opinion (at least short term). I think we really just need to see how it all plays out.

Well I'm glad you're all relaxed!

I've added 27 new grey hairs and lost 18 of the good ones!
The PAC-12 commission has handled this about as poorly as you could have. You never offer those invites out in small batches like that. I think they were thinking 'how can we save the most of this money we can and get to our goals', when they should have been thinking locking this down with everything in iron before the press gets it and now everyone is talking about you in a positive way.

Instead they pinched pennies and it really blew up in their face. Once you're to your third tier and you still don't have enough guys to play it doesn't bode well. MWC leadership however, handled things very well--``didn't panic and we will still have 8. And say what you want about New Mexico and Wyoming, they sure sound better than Sacramento State or UTEP. And we don't have to add anyone to still get a seat at the table.``

I have zero desire to go swimming in that pool now. I'll suck it up and toe the line if we go, but I hope our leadership is now looking at BigXII or bust expansion. There's going to be another round in 2-3 years--and with the PAC12 looking week and vulnerable there may be bigger schools coming after some of those programs.

Edit: Man, you don't check twitter for an hour and you like a dummy. Leaving it up for posterity.
The PAC-12 commission has handled this about as poorly as you could have. You never offer those invites out in small batches like that. I think they were thinking 'how can we save the most of this money we can and get to our goals', when they should have been thinking locking this down with everything in iron before the press gets it and now everyone is talking about you in a positive way.

Instead they pinched pennies and it really blew up in their face. Once you're to your third tier and you still don't have enough guys to play it doesn't bode well. MWC leadership however, handled things very well--``didn't panic and we will still have 8. And say what you want about New Mexico and Wyoming, they sure sound better than Sacramento State or UTEP. And we don't have to add anyone to still get a seat at the table.``

I have zero desire to go swimming in that pool now. I'll suck it up and toe the line if we go, but I hope our leadership is now looking at BigXII or bust expansion. There's going to be another round in 2-3 years--and with the PAC12 looking week and vulnerable there may be bigger schools coming after some of those programs.

Edit: Man, you don't check twitter for an hour and you like a dummy. Leaving it up for posterity.
Yeah, Utah State leaving probably messed up the plan with the MWC
I will say this. UNLV did play this perfectly for once. Every step of the way. Once the AAC schools decided to stay UNLV’s best option was use that leverage for more money; either from the MWC or in buyout assistance from the Pac2. In the short term there is SO much more money.

Utah State decided to prematurely ejaculate. There a wrench in the wheel…BUT we were smart enough to have our MOU be contingent on all 8 members remaining in the MWC.

Still a long way to go though.

What is this?
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I drive home from work, go to the grocery store, and things change 4 more times!

WT actual F!?!.
I'm glad our "commitment" to the MW was good for about 45 min, but man I am going crazy
I will say this. UNLV did play this perfectly for once. Every step of the way. Once the AAC schools decided to stay UNLV’s best option was use that leverage for more money; either from the MWC or in buyout assistance from the Pac2. In the short term there is SO much more money.

Utah State decided to prematurely ejaculate. There a wrench in the wheel…BUT we were apart enough to have our MOU be contingent on all 8 members remaining in the MWC.

Still a long way to go though.

What is this?

This is some Da Vinci Code National Treasure head ass chicanery!

I drive home from work, go to the grocery store, and things change 4 more times!

WT actual F!?!.
I'm glad our "commitment" to the MW was good for about 45 min, but man I am going crazy
So they expect the PAC to pay $12M per school? And we get what $5M now?
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So they expect the PAC to pay $12M per school? And we get what $5M now?
If unlv does accept an invite to the pac 12 we are looking at 8-10. USU drove the price down a little but again I don't think the swing from the 2-4 AAC teams (12 mil) to the new 2 is that extreme. Still waaay better than staying
PAC still needs another team, and who’s left?

UNLV legitimately has an argument now that the conference is no longer viable so stick the $18 mil up your ass.
I don’t understand why they didn’t just invite enough teams to dissolve the conference to begin with and pay zero exit fees and keep well over $100MM.