I don’t know. Everyone is being cancelled now in the other direction. I get that “turnabout is foul play” and all that.
But I still side with free speech. If you’re pissed they missed, you should be able to say so. I think it’s crass, bad karma, etc, to hope for such things … but aside from obvious things that cross the line, you should be able to say what you feel.
When speech is free, you don’t get to pick and choose.
And trust me, going back many years, just on this site, some wanted full control of what people were allowed to say (but this could be bad for the the staff … there are much better ways to say a kid isn’t good … lie to everyone and tell them the schedule is better than it seems … I wouldn’t say the team sucks, there are a million reasons why they’ve struggled, I’d like to moderate the site and control what’s allowed, etc). And there’s never a good reason to control people’s thoughts and what they can say, especially since there are mechanisms for you not to hear what they say. Freedom of speech, freedom to not listen.