
He’s our best salesman at this point. He’s also in a position to tell players looking to leave that it’s not always greener. He tested the waters last of season and returned. Good for Doug

He plays the position on the team that has the most weight. Your QB may not be the official captain of your team, but he should be behind closed doors.

The fact he's campaigning for guys to stay, along with the smallish number of guys entering the portal, looks like a positive from players.

Biggest thing for me now is assistant coaches. Does he completely clean house? I think one maybe two get retained for some continuity/recruiting.

I'm really interested to see what the staff looks like.
If I had to guess I’d go with 12-15 men between the age of 30-61 wearing mostly UNLV gear. Probably sunglasses if they’re outside. Most definitely hats. Probably yell a lot.


Also possible ill fitting shorts. A guy with initials for first name. Something like JD Berkowski. Sunglasses worn on the brim of the hat...
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Hope to see him grow as a player. Happy that he didn’t quit.

Rough last season. He’ll learn and get better!!
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If I had to guess I’d go with 12-15 men between the age of 30-61 wearing mostly UNLV gear. Probably sunglasses if they’re outside. Most definitely hats. Probably yell a lot.

Whistles! You forgot whistles.

And very innovative ways to articulate their displeasure in your effort and toughness.

Usually involving words not allowed on network TV.
I think that SJSU injury changed something. He wasn’t the same afterwards. Head injuries are so dangerous and can cause problems beyond headaches and nausea.

I really like Doug and I’m happy he’s staying

Didn't have time to expand on answer earlier. Concussions are funny and not in a ha ha way. How people recover varies greatly. Motor skills can be impacted by varying degrees. Absorbing and processing information can be impacted. Memory and recall as well.

I'll try and find the study but it was an interesting read about possible link between previous concussions and other injuries.

Gist of it was, in a sport like football, a guy has to make split second decisions like making a cut to juke a defender. The smallest fractions of a second that the brain takes to make that decision and send impulses telling the muscles to do something can result in a guy making a split second to late and putting the body in an awkward position resulting in injury.
I think that SJSU injury changed something. He wasn’t the same afterwards. Head injuries are so dangerous and can cause problems beyond headaches and nausea.

I really like Doug and I’m happy he’s staying

Here's one study. I dumbed it down in my explanation. Not for your benefit, but because I'm an idiot and couldn't articulate it better.

Suck it @bcvegaspt You can't call me idiot if I already said it.
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