I guess it is possible to wait for the 43 mil guaranteed in poaching fees, then dissolve. Not sure if there is a stipulation in that 43 mil poaching fee protecting against that. I would assume there would be, but maybe not.

But again, we are leaving out the other 72 million in exit fees. Those will likely go away. So which of these remaining schools are financially sound to give up and additional 10 mil+ a piece, more if AFA leaves for the AAC just to try to join the CUSA?

If nothing changes and the MW tries to rebuild with some CUSA teams, perhaps a couple of others, they will have the capital to poach, and I believe the new schools will get a slight bump in annual revenue. It would be less than what the MW gets now, far less, but likely better than what the CUSA currently gets.

It depends how far they want to stretch the footprint, but I can see the MW going after Liberty for instance.

I really don't think the MW dissolves. I would personally love that. I think we would be in the PAC the next day. Hell the Big 12 may kick the tires if it doesn't have to pony up front. But dissolving the conference takes millions of dollars out of the leftovers that they can't afford to give up. It would be stupid for them to do so.
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Given the circumstances

Depends on where we go from here really. Next next 5 games are tough. Could end up in a similar situation. If going purely off of what it meant for a season, I would say 1994 against Reno would get my vote. That win, over a rival that had beaten us 5 consecutive times, gave us our one and only conference championship. Was at that game. Was very cold (for Vegas anyway).
I also go for Reno 94. It meant a lot back then. The Kofi Banks catch. The DeJohn Branch TD run. It was awesome. And probably the coldest I have ever been.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

If we want to go to the AAC, we better be sure. It’s $18 million to get to the AAC. It would be another $18 million to get out of the AAC if something else better were to come along. That’s a boatload of cash for our program.
This article states pretty much what I thought. I did not know about the "threatcaster" that is pretty funny.

Also it does make me laugh a bit that the MW tried to raise the price on the Pac 12 for that second year of the scheduling agreement. They obviously took that well!

As for jumping to the ACC, I agree with Warthog. No reason to rush. Something better may come up, and I think the PAC is better for sure. We don't need to announce that anytime soon.

This was an objective decision and UNLV was not one of those top 4 media markets. Simple as that. I think we have all, myself included, overestimated the power of being in Las Vegas. Market penetration matters, and no one knows that better than the media companies themselves.

So what is next, show up and watch games. Hell I saw that recording a game also counts with Nielson Ratings. . So record games that you go to, it helps ratings. Tell you friends. Sneak to your inlaws TVs and set it their DVR to record all UNLV content and don't tell them. We need to show everyone, especially the Big 12, that UNLV can have fans and are worth the investment.

Also of course go to games. Yes this includes basketball. If you care about UNLV athletics our window is maybe less than a year right now to either be truly upgraded or left in the dust.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Yeah Gloria got blindsided. And I was so looking forward to having her be the Pac-14 Commissioner. And I will say again, I do not the like the way tis came down. Screw the MW just like we got screwed. But the remaining schools have a somewhat soft landing with all the money that will be shelled out. Plus you still have 2 full seasons as a conference, then the 2-year grace period. So no hurry at all to do something drastic.

For UNLV (and AF), don't give up yet. The timing of the poaching payment, and possibly getting your hands on some of it, is intriguing right there. Granted it's only about $5M per remaining team. I hold firm to the belief that a Pac offer is coming. To me we need to get UNLV and either AF or ? from the MW to solidify at 8. Then these Memphis/Tulane/directional Texas notions can be put on the backburner for awhile.

WSU's games with BSU, Fresno and SDSU have taken on a whole new meaning. Wish we were playing you guys too.
Considering UNLV is the only ranked team in the MWC or PAC, I am not concerned about the future of UNLV.


Interesting that they may entertain the thought of eventually taking us in the PAC 12 but at a reduced payout rate.
A lot will depend on a few things. Will others break rank to join the new PAC? Will they be able to get a commitment from Memphis / Tulane? The new PAC has to have a minimum of 8 members, so are they willing to bring in a crappy school or two, just to get up to that number in the event that other schools play hardball with them?

Somewhat of a high stakes poker game. If no other teams were to join the PAC, those 6 would be royally screwed, so although the PAC does have leverage, they could get screwed over in a major way if the other schools decided to stay put.

IMO, once the PAC has 8 schools, they'll have more leverage. At 6, they're still vulnerable. Also, I'm wondering what the structure is for the new PAC including buyouts if/when schools want to leave in the future.


I really feel if they get Tulane and Memphis to commit, they need to bridge the gab some. Get Texas State and UTSA. Gives you some local interest with the rivalry, a small piece of texas, and reasonably distanced road games for Memphis and Tulane.

Looking at current makeup, Tulane is only slightly closer to the rest of the AAC anyway. Memphis being far west tennessee, they are more in the footprint of course.

I keep seeing North Texas involved in posts and commentary (mostly Twitter). They be second to last resort for Pac 12 into Texas imo. UTEP would be the only one I would want less if I was P12


Those 5 aren't much further from Tulane than 4 or 5 of the PAC12 schools, right? I haven't mapped and my geography sucks east of Colorado....
I guess it depends on what they're looking to do. Do they really want to create a new conference that spans from Washington to Florida? Maybe they do, but I was thinking they would try to stay somewhat more regional.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Yeah but our commisioner spent money on a 'threatcaster'. A person who's sole job was to identify possible poaching threats from other conferences.

And it was our own conference members. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The threatcaster is the reason the poaching provision with the Pac2 was put in place. Guess they underestimated what the poaching fee should have been. $10M/team should have been the price.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

You were correct we had a traitor in our midst. It wasn't that we let the foxes in the hen houses. They were already there.

I no longer believe you are a sleeper agent. 😀

And our commissioner got absolutely bamboozled..
Yeah Gloria got blindsided. And I was so looking forward to having her be the Pac-14 Commissioner. And I will say again, I do not the like the way tis came down. Screw the MW just like we got screwed. But the remaining schools have a somewhat soft landing with all the money that will be shelled out. Plus you still have 2 full seasons as a conference, then the 2-year grace period. So no hurry at all to do something drastic.

For UNLV (and AF), don't give up yet. The timing of the poaching payment, and possibly getting your hands on some of it, is intriguing right there. Granted it's only about $5M per remaining team. I hold firm to the belief that a Pac offer is coming. To me we need to get UNLV and either AF or ? from the MW to solidify at 8. Then these Memphis/Tulane/directional Texas notions can be put on the backburner for awhile.

WSU's games with BSU, Fresno and SDSU have taken on a whole new meaning. Wish we were playing you guys too.
