It appears this is a power issue. Should the Regents have control of their own board in regards to how they operate or should the State Legislature have power to set their rules and procedures? The arguments below were issued by the Nevada Secretary of State.
Voting in favor of Question 1 will allow for additional legislative oversight and accountability of the Board of Regents to improve public higher education in Nevada. Question 1 would mandate that the Legislature provide for the governance of the State University, giving the Legislature the ability to change the policies and procedures of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE)to be more responsive to the higher education needs of the State.
Proponents of Question 1 want voters to believe that the framers of the Nevada Constitution got it wrong, and that the Legislature’s involvement will somehow improve the transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of Nevada’s higher education system. Unfortunately, passage of this ballot question does not guarantee any of these promised benefits. Question 1 is nothing but the Legislature trying to gain more power and control, and it would only serve to add political pressures to a governance system that is serving this State well. Previous attempts to change higher education governance, including a similar 2020 ballot question to remove the constitutional status of the Board of Regents, have failed because Nevadans recognize the importance of keeping the system in the Nevada Constitution as originally drafted.