Yeah, that's what I've been wondering also. I wouldn't think the departing schools would have to pay until they actually leave, but I don't have the contract to verify that. If that's the case, it wouldn't be for 2 more years, right?

For the longevity of the MWC, I think the real question is regarding the media deal. From what I can see, the current deal runs through the 2025/2026 season. So basically, the rest of this school year, then all of next. However, I'm sure that the conference would be in negotiations with the media groups much earlier to start working out the details of an extension, or a new contract.

That would put the MWC in a tough spot for negotiations. 4 of the bigger schools have put in notice to leave, so the new contract would likely be quite a bit lower than the current one. This may be where UNLV and the other schools have the ability to vote to break up the conference. If, hypothetically, the remaining MWC get a new media deal offer than caps out at $1,000,000 a year, or something like that, would you be better trying to break away to join a different conference? I'd say yes for at least a majority of the schools including UNLV, AF, USU, UNM.

They may not be able to have the number of schools required to dissolve the conference initially, but how many MWC schools are required to agree to whatever new media deal is offered? I'd think it would have to be a majority, right? So if Hawaii doesn't get a vote, then 4 of the 7 remaining members could basically veto any new media deal, which would essentially blow up the conference. Why would the schools stay if they're not going to be getting a paycheck?

That would be my line of thinking in this. Get those 4 schools together to agree to not sign off on any new media deal. Then, go to the other schools and tell them what they're planning to do. At this point, you come to an agreement with the 4 departing schools, to where they pay a percentage of the fee, which gets split evenly between all of the remaining schools, and then you vote to dissolve the conference.

This could be a totally wrong line of thinking since I don't know the details of how these all shake out, but it seems at least reasonable IMO.
Especially if AF leaves then you have more revenue to split among fewer schools, at that point agree to break up the conference and the remainders go their own way and now you have this war chest to split up meantime.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

I don't know if it will be official announcements but get the feeling we will see a lot more 'Team X' and CUSA/AAC/PAC are in heavy discussions.

I get the feeling this could move pretty fast.

Absolutely no inside info. Just gut feeling after AFA rumblings today.
The AFA rumbling about going the AAC have been an ongoing thing for about a year or longer now. I have been reading about it.I am assuming it is getting louder? I really like the AFA fans.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

I would imagine we will here some of the new PAC invites. Not us.


Memphis and Tulane are big pieces. If we start seeing lots of reports about talks with PAC and those two then $#!+ is going to start rolling down hill fast.

AAC will start head hunting to replace those two. They are at 14 now. AFA puts them at 15. Probably looking at 1 more if things stay the same. 3 more if Memphis and Tulane leave.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Hawaii will be the only one left and received $200M from the MWC?

I'm not sure how it's going to fall out in terms of money.

I could honestly see Hawaii in either CUSA or possibly football only in the PAC.

Those are really there only options I think. They can't go FCS. Not sure the AAC wants them.

Not to. mention since they are football only not sure they would get anything.
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

I always assumed it would never matter for UNLV because there was never movement that directly impact the Rebs. Utah and BYU, sure. But UNLV had only shared the conference for like 15 years with them (Mwc and a couple years in the WAC). I always thought UNLV would either continue in MWC with basically it's configuration unchanged from last year, or be in a conference that included a bunch of those teams. UNLV doesn't seem like it brings enough to anyone when it's not in the geographic footprint.

Regardless, it's not as though joining the AAC would negate my fandom. Still gonna hold season tickets as long as I live in Vegas. Gonna boo at teams they face on the road from my couch, same as now.

But I have a disdain for SDSU and Reno and even UNM that I'll never hold for American teams.

It does take a little juice out of it as a fan.

Hard for me to 'hate' a LaTech like I do Reno or SDSU.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Dude I 100% agree but I stopped getting worked up about college football traditions.

So many rivalry games have vanished recently.
I always assumed it would never matter for UNLV because there was never movement that directly impact the Rebs. Utah and BYU, sure. But UNLV had only shared the conference for like 15 years with them (Mwc and a couple years in the WAC). I always thought UNLV would either continue in MWC with basically it's configuration unchanged from last year, or be in a conference that included a bunch of those teams. UNLV doesn't seem like it brings enough to anyone when it's not in the geographic footprint.

Regardless, it's not as though joining the AAC would negate my fandom. Still gonna hold season tickets as long as I live in Vegas. Gonna boo at teams they face on the road from my couch, same as now.

But I have a disdain for SDSU and Reno and even UNM that I'll never hold for American teams.

TOP 25?

I agree. I’m just saying, one lucky UNLV “break” during that 5 game skid, we don’t have Odom.
You mean the first time in football we have been lucky in decades? Now the luck seems to be snowballing for UNLV football! Doesn't hurt to have the MWC defensive player of the week, special team player of the week, and freshman of the week. Now they need to work on adding offensive player of the week so they get all four in the same week!
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Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

I guess I meant from a regional rivals standpoint. Like I genuinely don't care about any university in the American. Even a little bit. Not that I dislike them, I'm apathetic to them entirely.

You're definitely right though, early games sounds great!

Dude I 100% agree but I stopped getting worked up about college football traditions.

So many rivalry games have vanished recently.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Being that most games are on Saturday gotta be honest I'm totally fine if UNLV is playing at 10am our time.

Traveling to away games would kinda suck, but let's be honest we don't travel particularly well as it is now.

6 road games with 10 am 1p or 4pm starts


6 homes games with PTZ starts.

Heck this year we have 2 noon home kick offs I believe.

I don't see it as a huge issue really.
I guess I meant from a regional rivals standpoint. Like I genuinely don't care about any university in the American. Even a little bit. Not that I dislike them, I'm apathetic to them entirely.

You're definitely right though, early games sounds great!

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

AAC will take a financial hit from their previous media deal, which included UCF, Houston, and Cincinnati I believe.

Joining AAC (if it remains as it currently is) would be an upgrade in competition from the MWC as it will be in 2026. But is it worth it for us as fans?

It would mean no pacific time zone teams other than UNLV, and it would mean Air Force is the closest team to us, and is the only, where next is North Texas.

That hurts fans more than helps. The $$$ and viability of future is it. But it sucks.

Being that most games are on Saturday gotta be honest I'm totally fine if UNLV is playing at 10am our time.

Traveling to away games would kinda suck, but let's be honest we don't travel particularly well as it is now.

6 road games with 10 am 1p or 4pm starts


6 homes games with PTZ starts.

Heck this year we have 2 noon home kick offs I believe.

I don't see it as a huge issue really.

Unlv & Air Force in contact w/AAC

Except they dont really control any of that at this point. Theyre trying to create the perception that the Pac 12 is the same old brand with new teams and it deserves a Power conference designation but theyre missing the fact that there are very limited teams that they can choose from to maintain the "Pac brand" of the west and attempt to sell themselves as such.. I mean lets not fool ourselves that should they go after a AAC or CUSA level program that it makes them any more than MWC lite. Its what makes all this foolishness so stupid. They dont really have anything to improve their brand after those 6 except adding MWC schools and no one else has anyone that makes up for the loss of those 4 in name value that increase MWC brand value.
They aren’t choosing, the network will be deciding because ultimately they are paying for a product. If the Pac2 can add schools and get 10-15 million a school in media revenue, it doesn’t matter what the perception is.


Not that I want to see the MW dissolve, but if they did wouldn't the money be distributed pro-rata to all the schools? And the NCAA money would go (I think?) to the schools that earned the credits? And I wonder if the 4 (and counting) traitors would share in the money since they are still in the conference?
Perhaps, but the leftovers shouldn't want to share that revenue if they don't want to, and they shouldn't.

Just like the PAC, you willingly left, so part of that is losing your right to leftover incoming funds. Can't have your cake and eat it too. If they MW votes to dissolve they could be forgoing all if not most of the exit fees, then sharing the NCAAT profits. Or perhaps giving that up if it only goes to the teams that earned it.

The argument could be made that those 2 schools prevented the larger group from creating a more profitable conference affecting their bottom lines and those programs dont have the same resources to challenge the way the Pac 2 did. Part of the Pac 2s argument was the withdrawl of the rest of the teams was done before they had been in open negotiations for the conference rights and that caused them to not be able to secure those figures in away to keep things from falling apart. Since the 4 are openly leaving at this point, thats not part of the conversation, so the remaining teams with a place to go but dont want to or have the $ to pay the fee could argue the conference currently doesnt have a viable path to profitability and as such should dissolve.
I don't know, this feels very much the same as the PAC. The media rights were closer to being expired, but it is very similar. If anything, the MW contract language seems to provide more protections to remaining teams if they were to get poached.
It is meant to protect teams for be effed, like they are. Saying that they are effed so they have to legally dissolve is backwards. The PAC just set a pretty comparable precedent for this just months ago.
The remaining MW teams have the rights to MW revenue and all of the exit fees that are coming their way if they stick together. They would be stupid to give that up.
