OK, I'm interested again (aka beer in hand, bored). First let me link the ACC's 2024 schedule and comment on Bull's design for the PACWest/ACC conference.
So Bull's scenario assumes that 6 current or pending ACC teams go elsewhere: FSU, Clemson, Louisville, Pitt, Miami and Stanford. OK, so the cream, although a few name teams remain (Duke, VT at least).
Beyond the top 6, all of the above probably are at least as desirable to the P3 as WSU or OSU, probably more factoring in logistics. So the P3 would eat up the top 6 for starters.
Now to sort of get to rebel2000's question(s), I don't think the Pac-2 has clue #1 WTF they are doing. I have not heard anything lately about the alleged money, which appears to be a mystical number even now. Which as an accountant really pisses me off. I am not aware of any major remaining court issues, I could be wrong. Maybe over the pre-August 2 revenues and expenses. That day is approaching fast.
I think WSU and OSU are futzing around holding out some fleeting hope that they will be invited elsewhere. Big-12 being the only realistic possibility. Well, the door was slammed in our faces, and Big-12 already has 4 new teams to shoehorn in next year. And the above-mentioned ACC 6 to court.
So, and I think foolishly so, a PAC rebuild is plan B. Foolishly in that it would be Plan B not my preference Plan A. I have seen crazier shit than Bull's PAC/MW/ACC plan, But I just don't know. Looks like 2 small conferences tied together by championship games only?
Getting back to the 2024 ACC. 17 teams, no Divisions, 8 conference games? So you play only half of your conference mates? I guess there will be championship games, but HTF do you figure that out when you only play half your league? Nonsense. Stanford plays at Syracuse, Clemson, and NC State. Plus non-con ND. Cal? At Auburn, FSU, Pitt, Wake Forest and SMU. That will be fun! And in the notes - no existing ACC teams will travel to California in back to back seasons. Gee Stanford and especially Cal, that sounds fair compared to your schedule!
Can't wait to see Stanford and Cal's M and W basketball, baseball, W soccer and VB schedules. Stanford fields about 100 total teams (sarcasm alert, but not far off) so I'm sure beach VB and men's water polo will be independent much like now.
Crazy shit. So I stick with my position. Reverse merger with MW under the PAC banner. You guys decide who to bring along or forsake, but we need 12 teams minimum. If SMU, buyer's remorse Cal or someone else fits the bill fine. Max of 14 to keep it out West. Where we all belong. If that isn't enough to keep us Power 5/4 or whatever, then so be it. As I've stated, you all seem to be doing just fine now. WSU and OSU, hopefully with transition help from this mystical Pac-12 residual money, will adjust to the new normal.
Hell I might even brave another road trip in my truck camper.
Guess I'll meander over to my board and share the ACC schedule. Wish some of you besides Meister would stop by and flatulate a little. Go up to the top of your site, Colleges, Pac-12, Washington State. Posting is non-subscription on the FB and BB boards.