But nobody pays all of those, right? You've spent the last few days saying there's no way we're getting 18 from each departing school so why would Memphis have to pay the full 25+ million?
They wouldn't. I said 18 million for the
AAC because that is what the last leaving 4 schools paid when leaving together. So 18 is negotiated down from the 25+ mil. It would likely be less since it was another year earlier, but also maybe not because the AAC are more desperate without these next 4 uf they decided to leave. 18 million is probably a safe bet for the AAC schools. 2.5 mill help, if true, totally sucks and was a terrible offer.
But I don't think it IS inconsequential. If you enter into a relationship--business or personal--where you accept less than your peers, then you are less than your peers because you show the world what you value yourself as. You'd be a second tier player with fewer institutional rights in the best 2nd tier conference. If they wanted us, they could have had us. They didn't even discuss it with us while planning it per Harp's interview. I don't think this tack is without risk--it's probably the best choice in a couple of bad choices. If the current conference alignment lasts for 10 years, then even with the huge financial hit we take then it will have been a mistake--I just don't think given the evidence on hand that it will be what happens.
Fair enough. But if your co worker gets poached by a rival company, but then he is able to get you raise, even if you are no longer equals you don't take it because your feelings are hurt? He gets a signing bonus, you don't but you make the same salary. That is the comp: same annual revenue with less money to help up front. But you still are equals in the long run. I get it saying eff you to them. And I like Harp's approach because there is a bit of that here. But again, long term if we don't win the P4 lottery we are in a worse spot.
I think with the redistribution of the 5 departing teams including the Boise Bonus, we're supposed to be getting 6.8 a year for the remainder of the MOU period for staying--not counting the incremental payment of the 6-11 million part of our 20-25 million signing bonus. But lets call it 7 to keep the math simple. We pay UTEP as well at that number.
I don't believe this is true at all. We get 10-14 million in 2025, then 1.3-1.6 on top of the base contract for 6 years or so. However it euqals out or 24.5% on the distributed money received from the PAC. When UTEP joined it was reported they we likely looking at 4.0 mill a year. SO it will likely 5.3-5.6 for UNLV with the next deal. That is it. That is all of the additional distribution. I don't think we get more in the contract. We get more than others based off the 24.5% distribution deal.
As for the next 2 years? I believe the traiterous 4 still get paid, but they pay it back as part of the exit fees. That's how it worked with other conference. Which would be 11 total mill for UNLV, more for Boise. yes. But I don't we get Boise's cut until they pay it back after they leave as a part of their fees. They don't lose 11 mil now AND pay 11 mil later. It is one or the other.
I can't find this 11 million figure you're mentioning. Where is that from? The only recent exit fee negotiation I could find settled was SMU paying 27 million instead of 25 to join the ACC. Is that you thinking that contract only applies to remaining years on the media contract, because I don't believe that's the language in the contract, do you have a source that says that?
I know that the teams' surrendered media rights as part of their exit fees (so that would be 10 million each for everyone but Boise, and Boise would 14 million).
The 11 million is what is UNLV will get leftover after the lump sum up front. So that is assuming the full 25 million, 14 up front and 11 to be stretched out over the next few years.
The OTHER 11 million is what is owed to each time besides Boise. It would be 11 for us. 6 mil this year, 5 mil next season ( no aggreement with the PAC 2 so it is less). Sorry not sure which 11 million you were confused about. I am guessing this one.
Lets go with your 11 million for the sake of argument. That's 2 full years of media gone from an athletic department that's running in the red with a despearate need to extend their red hot coach. It's a net 36 million dollar penalty vs staying though (we don't pay an exit fee and keep our 11 million--which is actually 14 million now), and 2 full years before we see dime one from a new media deal. And that's a BEST case scenario of no full 18 million penalty AND no poaching fee that the PAC isn't helping with beyond their legal team. And the more money we make in the PAC only is a little higher (call it 3 million) more than we make staying--that's why the total payoff is not a quick payment. You're giving up liquid cash now to pay fees in order to make more money later--but you still have to run your department, and the oppurtunity cost isn't just 10 million vs zero.
I agree a bit here, but the more I read, the it seems like they pay back after they leave. Nothing mentioned double dipping.
As for extending the hot coach? yes that will be problem. But unfortunately we aren't getting that first lump sum until 2025 so we can't do it now. I thought we would be getting our payouts sooner. Harp talked about using booster support in the article to get him extended now. Which is good, but I doubt he gets 10-14 mil right now. But yes, we could extend him with using that money in the future. But the problem is that it based off of things that we won't know for 2 years. What the final exit fee number will be after negotiations and if all of the poaching fees stick. I believe the lump some is based off the poaching fees which we should get before they leave whenever that is settled.
That article also mentioned the PAC would give us 6 mil for fees. So if it ends up the 11 mil that is a 5 mil deficit. Which is a 15-19 mil swing in the MW's favor initially. Max 26 (14 + 12) if we pay 18 mil which is somewhat unprecedented. Not a 36 million swing. If they get 10 and we get < 6 for 6 years, then down to 4 mil after that. It doesn't take that long to break even.
When I'm doing the math i'm looking at position A - leave for the PAC and Position B stay in the MWC.
Position A requires minimally an 11 million dollar penalty, refusing a 25 million dollar lump some, hoping that the poaching penalty gets overturned, and offers a net difference at best of 3 million a year based on optimistic media contracts for the PAC and with the MWC staying at the same rate (also optimistic but GN seems pretty confident enough to put things in writing there).
We don't get to keep the 14 million payment AND leave for the PAC. Those are mutually exclusive. We don't get the 6.8 if we're leaving, those funds will get redistribruted to other people. Sure if we could all the best parts of staying AND then leave we'd break even really fast...but that's not how this would go down. We'll be making a net 3.2 million more per year in the PAC and had to surrender 11 million (minimal) in fees and 25 million bonus PLUS increase shares of 2 million a year. And we'd also get a full CFP redistriion of 300k per school per year which the PAC schools aren't getting (going into the 'conference fund).
At this point I think we can just agree to disagree.
Again position A is refusing a 10-14 million lump sum in 2025. And paying a maximum of 12 million in exit fees ( 18-6 from the PAC). It is more likely 5 mil in fees or less. The net difference of the base PAC and MW deal is 5-6 million perhaps? Hard to say. It will be at least 4. The next 6 year will be closer to a 3 mil difference then it grows from there.
I agree we give up 10-14 mil now. We cant get any of that and join the PAC as some thought initially, including me.
I am happy to disagree whether this is a bad idea. In fact, We may actually agree. I think it is probably a bad idea, but I can get behind it for the potential of it. If it pays off ( P4) will look like geniuses and we are betting on ourselves. I do love that mentality
But I think objectively staying in the MW without a P4 invite is the worse of the 2 options long term vs going to the PAC. Especially looking at the numbers. Then you factor in Gonzaga and all of the NCAA credits they will be getting, etc etc. The additional revunue sharing potential in the PAC is much higher.