Texas State....


One of us has to have a gross misunderstanding or difference in our calculations. I'm not vain enough to think it can't be on my part. I feel at this point we're hitting each other with excellent logic but someone's math is wonky. Seriously, if I tried to quote respond back at you that thing would be 6 pages long haha.

But I'm also not quite nerdy enough to spreadsheet it. The truth will be somewhere between our positions.

One of us has to have a gross misunderstanding or difference in our calculations. I'm not vain enough to think it can't be on my part. I feel at this point we're hitting each other with excellent logic but someone's math is wonky. Seriously, if I tried to quote respond back at you that thing would be 6 pages long haha.

But I'm also not quite nerdy enough to spreadsheet it. The truth will be somewhere between our positions.

Oh hell no.

There will be no civil debate going on here.

Thunder Dome you cowards!
They missed on 50% of their primary targets and when they offered us, Harp said that PAC wouldn't provide a financial guarantee for media rights, which means the deal they thought they had isn't on the table anymore without the AAC 4. The PAC is also having to settle. USU was a panic move, but it's still better than UTEP. But the third best market in Utah--and a DISTANT third at that, isn't as appealing as Vegas.

But they never wanted us. They snuck around and stabbed us in the back, then when their great plan fell apart they wanted us to bail them out. F that.

I'm also a prideful SOB that will happily take a watered down conference if it screws those guys over haha.
UTEP in comparison to Utah State has a far bigger upside as a market. The PAC better pray that Boise State doesn't get their ass handed to them by UNLV football. It appears that UNLV football staying in the MWC will also need to destroy Boise State to remove any chance that they are relevant on a national level in the playoffs. With the MWC TV contract running out in another year, it is primary that UNLV football does well and makes the playoffs so that this can be used to leverage a better TV contract for the MWC. On the other side, if the PAC can be shut out of both the playoffs and removed from a top 25 ranking, that could reduce the value of any media deals they are currently working towards. How bad would it look to those bidding on a PAC media deal if they get their flagship football team gets their asses handed to them by UNLV? I pray for UNLV to play BSU in the same way they did Fresno State? I am hoping the football gods are looking out for UNLV during that game.
Oh hell no.

There will be no civil debate going on here.

Thunder Dome you cowards!
a man is crying and saying `` i 'm tired boss '' in a dark room .
Definitely. But the product they put on the field struggled in Conference USA. 3 winning seasons in the last 20 years. Last winning season 2021. They're like looking at Big West UNLV football. Shit, maybe I'm rooting for them now.

I've probably overvalued the Texas/Utep market to some degree. One sports reporter said it's as much a New Mexico market as a Texas market.

I just think that 700k population is hard to pass up. Ideal no. But in comparison to say Las Cruces? No brainer.

One of us has to have a gross misunderstanding or difference in our calculations. I'm not vain enough to think it can't be on my part. I feel at this point we're hitting each other with excellent logic but someone's math is wonky. Seriously, if I tried to quote respond back at you that thing would be 6 pages long haha.

But I'm also not quite nerdy enough to spreadsheet it. The truth will be somewhere between our positions.
Fair enough, a couple of things are true I believe.
The exit fees are heavily influenced on the value of the contract. What you are assuming that defectors get cut off now, losing 11 million for all school but Boise, then are charged an additional 18 if fees hold up 100%. That is not true. The withheld money are a part of the fees. It can't be both.

From all recent realignment, teams negotiate on the final fees much later than them announcing, I think the PAC did it in the Spring maybe? The AAC defectors from 2 years ago negotiated to pay theirs over time. I think the PAC paid a lump sum.

So it seems to me that we would continue and the traitorous 5 now continue to get all of the usual contract money, but will be paying it back in some way or form later. Whether it is a lump sum or payments is seemingly part of the negotiations.

Also in terms of the agreement, from UNLV's website

"According to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by President Whitfield, the Mountain West will pay an estimated lump sum of $10-to-14 million to UNLV in 2025, and also pay UNLV approximately $1.5-to-1.8 million annually over a six-year period beginning in July 2026. The new payments are on top of the current revenue streams from existing contracts and media assets. The current media deal expires in June 2026 and negotiations for a new media deal will begin in the near future. The university will also have the flexibility to explore future membership in an autonomous “Power Four” conference without penalty should the opportunity become available. "

UNLV will NOT be getting additional preferences in the contract beyond this. So in 2032 we will be getting the same as everyone else. This is not a sweetheart deal that Boise got. The MW didn't want to make that mistake twice.

They are getting 24.5% of all the distributed revenue from all the fees coming from the PAC between poaching and exit fees. Notice how it is a range. If every last penny was expected to be paid, there would NOT be range. We would know exactly what we would be getting. Or at least a more narrow range. Also this deal was made BEFORE the lawsuit. So those numbers can also change.

Also every last penny coming from the PAC won't go straight to the schools. They need some for operational revenue and pay UTEP's fees and anyone else who may join.

Also crunching numbers right now if we get the full 14 mil + the full 1.8 mil per year after that, that is a total of 24.8 million. That looks to be the MAX possible we will get from staying. And that is if we are unlucky enough not to be poached by the big 12 in the next years. Notice that is far less than 24.5% of 145 million of receiving every last penny of what is reported (55 mil in poaching, 145 toal with exit fees). It actually lines up with the 110 million dollar number of 55 mil in poaching fees and 55 mill in exit fees (average of 11 per school), with left over for operational expenses.

It was reported that the PAC offered us 6 million to join. How much of the exit fees get negotiated down is a guess, but every other instance it has been negotiated down. The range in the payouts also supports that theory. I think it will be 11 mil, because that is the final pay out for all of the schools besides Boise. Again whether that is now or later, but I would be surprised that it is now.

I am assuming some things yes, and I have no idea what our contracts say vs other conferences. But I don't think that the MW's are somehow that much more ironclad. Our fees are very high over 150% of the payout worth. I think they were set very high to counter the inevitable negotiations, netting a higher overall fee windfall. I see this in healthcare all the time. Hospitals raise rates knowing that it will be a percentage payment from the insurance companies. Then the regular payment gets totally screwed if they have a deductible.

I also don't know the exact number the fees will be, but I am pretty sure that we can't assume we get every last dollar of ever fee. The MOU pretty much supports that.

I did miss on on the estimated range, it is more than I remembered. But again I do think it could be lower than originally projected because of the lawsuit. Also the payout structure also supports coming from one lump sum (the poaching fees), then payments later ( team will be paying off exit fees over time).

Can you see my logic now? Any disputes with anything I just said?
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I've probably overvalued the Texas/Utep market to some degree. One sports reporter said it's as much a New Mexico market as a Texas market.

I just think that 700k population is hard to pass up. Ideal no. But in comparison to say Las Cruces? No brainer.
El Paso is barely Texas. But is IS Texas and it is a pretty big market that has some potential Mexico crossover. It is unlrealized potential for now, and likely doesn't help our bottom line on this first media contract.

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