talk of possible top level transfer - UNLV is possible location


Rebel Legend
Feb 25, 2011
Las Vegas
anthony b þ@bigant32 · 6h6 hours ago
Former 4 star All American Rahshead Johnson WR/CB RS Freshman at USC maybe transferring and Unlv is a possible landing spot

I have read in a couple of places in regards to Rahshead, but have not seen anything concrete. Let's see if their is a grain of truth in this in the next few days.
Hope you don't take stuff off our board and post them. Do you know the meaning of confidential?
Originally posted by reblredbrd:
Hope you don't take stuff off our board and post them. Do you know the meaning of confidential?
he just copy and pasted what anthony b þ@bigant32 · 6h6 hours ago tweeted

are public tweets that are posted on the confidential board not allowed to be shared? How about you take a second to read his post before pointing fingers
I am not on the confidential board and it appear that many times I post things way before they are even posted on the site.
Originally posted by bcvegaspt:

This isn't on the Confidential Board (that I could see). Maybe red was talking about it shouldn't be "out there" yet?
Maybe he's confused and thinks this board is confidential and that people shouldnt talk about this elsewhere?? If its on Twitter its not exactly top secret
You are doing great job covering football for this site homie - definitely appreciated.
Some of the USC boards are now talking about a possible UNLV destination. One thread being just yesterday.
The last I read he enrolled in a JC now it was just from one poster on a SC board so take that fwiw. I think it would be great if he came here. SC liked him enough to take a chance on him last year and it just didn't work out but he would be a great pick up
I was the one who started the thread in the USC forum. Although I am a huge USC fan, I just transferred to UNLV last fall from California. I am super excited for the upcoming UNLV football season!
But, It has been confirmed that Johnson has transferred to CC.
This post was edited on 1/24 1:03 PM by FLIPrebel

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