Sluka Redshirting and Transferring

The smartest part of that official UNLV statement is UNLV said Sluka made a FORMAL request for money which is a violation of the NIL. It would be seen as a pay for play.

If that’s true then no team is going to take him since he’s tainted.

The Sluka team has no choice but to say anything they told UNLV was informal, so no NIL violation, but that also means UNLV didn’t do anything wrong. They simply declined an informal offer they weren’t willing to consider after they had already complied with their end of the bargain. Sluka quits

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The smartest part of that official UNLV statement is UNLV said Sluka made a FORMAL request for money which is a violation of the NIL. It would be seen as a pay for play.

If that’s true then no team is going to take him since he’s tainted.

The Sluka team has no choice but to say anything they told UNLV was informal, so no NIL violation, but that also means UNLV didn’t do anything wrong. They simply declined an informal offer they weren’t willing to consider. Sluka quits

I trust in the UNLV school president, the AD, and Odom. I think the MWC/PAC issue and Sluka will all be fixed by honest hard work by UNLV!
He might be a freshman but he went though Desert Pinea. He’s like a 27 year old man

I used to have a JYD thumb wrestler...
I watch old wrestling clips on YouTube all day…80’s 90’s.

I like the promos, stuff that you didn’t catch when you were younger.

The new stuff that’s out’s lame. Bad storylines etc. they are athletic and in top top shape but that’s about it.
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RG3 just gave SlookAtme some great advice. I think our team would prefer he didn't take this advice, but powerful and sound. Either way, great publicity for the team and UNLV.

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Who was the 12 piece McNugget poster? He and I ended up being really cool after his initial "bat-outta-hell" stage.

I wish I would have screen shot that entire thread. Not going to lie, I "was" a snarky a-hole who enjoyed getting under people's skin. In my defense I did wear a tshirt with "reagan21" across the front to all the RN events and BBQs
Every 18 kids they can get another one into the league in the same amount of time. Just increase your their wives by another 3 or 4 and you can produce the entire defense for BYU
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Der Sluka!!

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