OT: Celebrity deaths

If we are going to talk about celebrity deaths, maybe we should start looking at UNLV basketball in the same way?
UNLV basketball died a long time ago..we’re just spirits going to a game outta habit.

There’s gonna be no splash hires. Just more of the same.
UNLV basketball died a long time ago..we’re just spirits going to a game outta habit.

There’s gonna be no splash hires. Just more of the same.
I believe the current President and AD will go all out to make as good of a basketball hire as the made with the football coach. The football coach was a homerun compared to almost every other coach being a foul ball!
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I never saw this quote. Was before my time.

I was at biology lab class at UNLV when the verdict was read..
I sat next to OJ at a closed circuit fight for Duran/Leonard at Olympic Stadium (so the first fight), I think at the old MGM Grand. I talked to him much of the fight. Seemed like a nice guy. But that was pre-double murderer.
Piece of shit wanted to be represented for free by the godfather’s son lol.

And my cousin was the one who put him in jail for the palace station thefts.

Was in high school bilogy lab 1995 when the verdict was read. Holy shit..

“If I did it” book..

76 years old. Same age my mom died
I was a student at UMC when the verdict was handed down. Very uncomfortable position because it the cheers and jeers were very heavily across racial lines. Just a gross feeling.

If I were jury, easily not guilty, plenty of reasonable doubt, imo (moreso because the prosecution screwed up royally) … but gun to my head? Yeah, he got away with murder.
I was a student at UMC when the verdict was handed down. Very uncomfortable position because it the cheers and jeers were very heavily across racial lines. Just a gross feeling.

If I were jury, easily not guilty, plenty of reasonable doubt, imo (moreso because the prosecution screwed up royally) … but gun to my head? Yeah, he got away with murder.
it not even debatable. Not even close. Even the jurors said they did it to stick it to the white people because of Rodney King. Not one thing other than Mark Furman using racist words on the recording was looked bad had nothing to do with the case . The glove did not fit because it was soaked in blood. The shoes that he said he did not own( he did) , cuts on his hand( how did they plant blood not knowing he had cuts on his hand while he was in Chicago) , the limo driver that was waiting on him to take to the airport,him not having a alibi, the bronco engine being warm after he killed both people. The amount of force that it took to take her head almost clean off. The way he acted afterwards. The duffle bag he caried to the airport, Oh yea there was a video of him in a movie killing Nichole the same way he did with the training he got for the movie. Never even tried to find Nichole killer, Then there is this. PURE Psychopath. Then writing a book if i did it. Way too much circumstantial evidence
it not even debatable. Not even close. Even the jurors said they did it to stick it to the white people because of Rodney King. Not one thing other than Mark Furman using racist words on the recording was looked bad had nothing to do with the case . The glove did not fit because it was soaked in blood. The shoes that he said he did not own( he did) , cuts on his hand( how did they plant blood not knowing he had cuts on his hand while he was in Chicago) , the limo driver that was waiting on him to take to the airport,him not having a alibi, the bronco engine being warm after he killed both people. The amount of force that it took to take her head almost clean off. The way he acted afterwards. The duffle bag he caried to the airport, Oh yea there was a video of him in a movie killing Nichole the same way he did with the training he got for the movie. Never even tried to find Nichole killer, Then there is this. PURE Psychopath. Then writing a book if i did it. Way too much circumstantial evidence
Explain to me how 10mL of blood could not be accounted for … they needed to account for it, it casts doubt. Very easily can dilute 10 mL of blood in a gallon of saline and spread it wide and far and have it turn up on any dna blots/PCR.

Did that happen? Probably not, but when you got a racist cop on the scene and you cannot account for the missing blood …. Yeah, wordy, but that should raise doubt in anyone.

The prosecution calling on a piece of evidence when they don’t know the outcome … that’s rookie stuff. The glove certainly did not fit. You say because of the blood, maybe it was; maybe he bloated with steroids, maybe … but it still casts doubt. If those things don’t cast any doubt, maybe your mind was made up ahead of time.

I’m definitely innocent until proven … the prosecution cast more doubt than anything definitive. And the defense was quite solid. I’d have been quick on the jury with a not guilty.

That said; hold a gun to my head and say I better get the truth right or else … I’d say he did do it.

My point is - you’ve been here a long time, so have I. You get very easily clouded by pure emotion, you don’t let dust settle and reassess. You just go with your gut and your gear sticks there … it’s a great recipe for consistent poor judgment.
Explain to me how 10mL of blood could not be accounted for … they needed to account for it, it casts doubt. Very easily can dilute 10 mL of blood in a gallon of saline and spread it wide and far and have it turn up on any dna blots/PCR.

Did that happen? Probably not, but when you got a racist cop on the scene and you cannot account for the missing blood …. Yeah, wordy, but that should raise doubt in anyone.

The prosecution calling on a piece of evidence when they don’t know the outcome … that’s rookie stuff. The glove certainly did not fit. You say because of the blood, maybe it was; maybe he bloated with steroids, maybe … but it still casts doubt. If those things don’t cast any doubt, maybe your mind was made up ahead of time.

I’m definitely innocent until proven … the prosecution cast more doubt than anything definitive. And the defense was quite solid. I’d have been quick on the jury with a not guilty.

That said; hold a gun to my head and say I better get the truth right or else … I’d say he did do it.
Ps, I didn’t count the number of items that you consider iron clad proof that were circumstantial or the number of opinions you jumped canyons with to turn them into some sort of delusional truth.

I’m an evidence based person, always have been and will be until I lose my mind.

Then again, it’s not surprising - you had proof Marv was going to be great and McCoy was going to be a great NBA’er.
Explain to me how 10mL of blood could not be accounted for … they needed to account for it, it casts doubt. Very easily can dilute 10 mL of blood in a gallon of saline and spread it wide and far and have it turn up on any dna blots/PCR.

Did that happen? Probably not, but when you got a racist cop on the scene and you cannot account for the missing blood …. Yeah, wordy, but that should raise doubt in anyone.

The prosecution calling on a piece of evidence when they don’t know the outcome … that’s rookie stuff. The glove certainly did not fit. You say because of the blood, maybe it was; maybe he bloated with steroids, maybe … but it still casts doubt. If those things don’t cast any doubt, maybe your mind was made up ahead of time.

I’m definitely innocent until proven … the prosecution cast more doubt than anything definitive. And the defense was quite solid. I’d have been quick on the jury with a not guilty.

That said; hold a gun to my head and say I better get the truth right or else … I’d say he did do it.
What happens when you put leather gloves in shrinks lol.

Trial of the Century..

Next to Kyle Riddenhouse.
I was a student at UMC when the verdict was handed down. Very uncomfortable position because it the cheers and jeers were very heavily across racial lines. Just a gross feeling.

If I were jury, easily not guilty, plenty of reasonable doubt, imo (moreso because the prosecution screwed up royally) … but gun to my head? Yeah, he got away with murder.

Always felt he gave the order. May have even been there when it happened but wasn't the one that 'did it'.
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Explain to me how 10mL of blood could not be accounted for … they needed to account for it, it casts doubt. Very easily can dilute 10 mL of blood in a gallon of saline and spread it wide and far and have it turn up on any dna blots/PCR.

Did that happen? Probably not, but when you got a racist cop on the scene and you cannot account for the missing blood …. Yeah, wordy, but that should raise doubt in anyone.

The prosecution calling on a piece of evidence when they don’t know the outcome … that’s rookie stuff. The glove certainly did not fit. You say because of the blood, maybe it was; maybe he bloated with steroids, maybe … but it still casts doubt. If those things don’t cast any doubt, maybe your mind was made up ahead of time.

I’m definitely innocent until proven … the prosecution cast more doubt than anything definitive. And the defense was quite solid. I’d have been quick on the jury with a not guilty.

That said; hold a gun to my head and say I better get the truth right or else … I’d say he did do it.
Ps, I didn’t count the number of items that you consider iron clad proof that were circumstantial or the number of opinions you jumped canyons with to turn them into some sort of delusional truth.
I’m an evidence based person, always have been and will be until I lose my mind.

Then again, it’s not surprising - you had proof Marv was going to be great and McCoy was going to be a great NBA’er.
The gloves were the exact size and type Nichole bought for OJ . Your not evidence based! Not in a bit. You anti-cop. They cant plant blood if he has no cuts. How would they know that if he is in Chicago?How would they have planted the glove not knowing of OJ whereabouts? They had a Kinfe box container at his house with the exact type of knife used in the killing! His car engine was warm to the touch. That was never driven according to him. Owned the exact pair of shoes (very limited) and size that the murder used. Denied even owning them? WHY? because he knew he left a blood trail. How would they know he had no alibi to FRAME him? The limo driver testifying how eratic OJ was to the airport. Did not want anyone touching the bag with all the evidence. Never checked on the flight. .Do u realize how many cops would have to be guilty of framing him? The chances of all the evidence coming together and not 1 shred of proof pointing to his innocence . Defend your side or dispute anything i said. As for the whole MARV thing ONCE AGAIN i was optimistic in the beginning SORRY 4 that. He took NMSU to the tournament a few times in the WAC? Signed a 5* Brandon McCoy Arizona , Michigan St and Oregon was all after him. So they all though highly of him also. ALL 3 Hall of Fame coaches. I did not keep on defending Marv 4 that long and McCoy (soft) 4 that long either. U keep on acting like everything i said is set in stone and cant change my opinion. BTW the goto statement u use EVERYTIME when u question me about EVERYTHING, about McCoy and Marv is not really the Checkmate u think it is. Not even a little. Hindsight is "MARVELOUS"
Ps, I didn’t count the number of items that you consider iron clad proof that were circumstantial or the number of opinions you jumped canyons with to turn them into some sort of delusional truth.

The gloves were the exact size and type Nichole bought for OJ . Your not evidence based! Not in a bit. You anti-cop. They cant plant blood if he has no cuts. How would they know that if he is in Chicago?How would they have planted the glove not knowing of OJ whereabouts? They had a Kinfe box container at his house with the exact type of knife used in the killing! His car engine was warm to the touch. That was never driven according to him. Owned the exact pair of shoes (very limited) and size that the murder used. Denied even owning them? WHY? because he knew he left a blood trail. How would they know he had no alibi to FRAME him? The limo driver testifying how eratic OJ was to the airport. Did not want anyone touching the bag with all the evidence. Never checked on the flight. .Do u realize how many cops would have to be guilty of framing him? The chances of all the evidence coming together and not 1 shred of proof pointing to his innocence . Defend your side or dispute anything i said. As for the whole MARV thing ONCE AGAIN i was optimistic in the beginning SORRY 4 that. He took NMSU to the tournament a few times in the WAC? Signed a 5* Brandon McCoy Arizona , Michigan St and Oregon was all after him. So they all though highly of him also. ALL 3 Hall of Fame coaches. I did not keep on defending Marv 4 that long and McCoy (soft) 4 that long either. U keep on acting like everything i said is set in stone and cant change my opinion. BTW the goto statement u use EVERYTIME when u question me about EVERYTHING, about McCoy and Marv is not really the Checkmate u think it is. Not even a little. Hindsight is "MARVELOUS"
They drew his blood for DNA testing … he volunteered it. They couldn’t account for some of that blood. It went missing. That’s enough doubt right there.

I’m not anti-cop. I’m anti-crappy cop.

OH NO, the smoking gun! A warm car engine means he did it. He didn’t want somebody to touch his bag. That proves it he murdered.

My point is - as with everything you’ve ever posted. You present your opinions as absolute facts when they are opinions. You wouldn’t know a fact if it jumped up and wiggled on your face. You hold your opinions in such high regard that you think they are facts. The Marv thing? It’s not that you said it, it’s that you acted like a girl in the 50’s at an Elvis concert. You get lust in your eyes. It was gross seeing a grown man nearly scorch his shorts because he convinced himself that we hired a hall of fame coach when there was zero evidence that he was a good coach and he was showing before our very eyes that he was a used car salesman. But that still gave you wet dreams at night.

The idiot prosecution thought they had a slam dunk with the gloves … lol. They were so smug yet so stupid with that move. It didn’t fit. Oh, I get why it didn’t fit, but they screwed themselves. They helped cast doubt. The defense casted some doubt. Your mind is always made up and you don’t budge from it even after things roll in. You’re predetermined.

I think he committed the murders. But based on the evidence of the case, no way I convict him.

My point is - you’ve been here a long time, so have I. You get very easily clouded by pure emotion, you don’t let dust settle and reassess. You just go with your gut and your gear sticks there … it’s a great recipe for consistent poor judgment.
They drew his blood for DNA testing … he volunteered it. They couldn’t account for some of that blood. It went missing. That’s enough doubt right there.

I’m not anti-cop. I’m anti-crappy cop.

OH NO, the smoking gun! A warm car engine means he did it. He didn’t want somebody to touch his bag. That proves it he murdered.

My point is - as with everything you’ve ever posted. You present your opinions as absolute facts when they are opinions. You wouldn’t know a fact if it jumped up and wiggled on your face. You hold your opinions in such high regard that you think they are facts. The Marv thing? It’s not that you said it, it’s that you acted like a girl in the 50’s at an Elvis concert. You get lust in your eyes. It was gross seeing a grown man nearly scorch his shorts because he convinced himself that we hired a hall of fame coach when there was zero evidence that he was a good coach and he was showing before our very eyes that he was a used car salesman. But that still gave you wet dreams at night.

The idiot prosecution thought they had a slam dunk with the gloves … lol. They were so smug yet so stupid with that move. It didn’t fit. Oh, I get why it didn’t fit, but they screwed themselves. They helped cast doubt. The defense casted some doubt. Your mind is always made up and you don’t budge from it even after things roll in. You’re predetermined.

I think he committed the murders. But based on the evidence of the case, no way I convict him.

My point is - you’ve been here a long time, so have I. You get very easily clouded by pure emotion, you don’t let dust settle and reassess. You just go with your gut and your gear sticks there … it’s a great recipe for consistent poor judgment.
Sorry for trying to be optimistic. No evidence with Marv?? He dominated the WAC and he got a 5 star recruit to commit here. Plus was known for his recruiting. Yea i changed on that about 1/2 thru the season 2. Im not a psychic . Show me any evidence that i state things as facts. You have my whole history of messages at your disposal. I can be objective. Im not going to be swayed just because you say so. Am i always right?? of course not. Was right about OTZ. Seems like your the one stuck on your conclusions about me with very little evidence. If the Marv thing was true about me acting like everything was a fact i would of never said fire him. That is what your clamming .correct?? I can change my mind. I have changed my mind. THAT IS A FACT. That blows your whole argument up .1st year was a pass until he got his players. Your point is not well taken. You keep on talking about the missing blood. Then address the rest of the stuff. There is a ton of circumstantial evidence. How would they plant it all with no way of knowing it would all point to OJ? All the evidence was taken before he got back from Chicago. No cuts on his hand or solid alibi and it all falls apart. It would be the biggest corruption case in the HISTORY of USA. All to frame a HOF RB? Makes no sense. Im a realist if u were u would say yea the cops were not perfect ,but way too much evidence pointing to his guilt and find him guilty. Your in a group of low IQ , race baiters , criminals , and leftist that would of found him innocent. Your none of those which makes it really weird that you would say something like that.
Sorry for trying to be optimistic. No evidence with Marv?? He dominated the WAC and he got a 5 star recruit to commit here. Plus was known for his recruiting. Yea i changed on that about 1/2 thru the season 2. Im not a psychic . Show me any evidence that i state things as facts. You have my whole history of messages at your disposal. I can be objective. Im not going to be swayed just because you say so. Am i always right?? of course not. Was right about OTZ. Seems like your the one stuck on your conclusions about me with very little evidence. If the Marv thing was true about me acting like everything was a fact i would have never said fire him. That is what your clamming .correct?? I can change my mind. I have changed my mind. THAT IS A FACT. That blows your whole argument up .1st year was a pass until he got his players. Your point is not well taken. You keep on talking about the missing blood. Then address the rest of the stuff. There is a ton of circumstantial evidence. How would they plant it all with no way of knowing it would all point to OJ? All the evidence was taken before he got back from Chicago. No cuts on his hand or solid alibi and it all falls apart. It would be the biggest corruption case in the HISTORY of USA. All to frame a HOF RB? Makes no sense. Im a realist if u were u would say yea the cops were not perfect ,but way too much evidence pointing to his guilt and find him guilty. Your in a group of low IQ , race baiters , criminals , and leftist that would of found him innocent. Your none of those which makes it really weird that you would say something like that.
Trying to be optimistic means allowing emotion to dictate … don’t you see that? It speaks volumes about not being able to see things properly because you are “trying” to hedge a certain way before anything comes in. I don’t know what to tell you, you’re a poster child for feelings over facts. You beat the orange drum acknowledging zero issues, you flip and flop over coaches game to game, a methed out trout out of water you flop so much.

You label me low IQ but still haven’t been able to properly use you’re vs your at any time you’ve posted, you claim I think like a leftist which I don’t care what you decide to label me… but you’re right, I’m not a lefty, I’m not a righty either … sometimes things might seem left, sometimes right … I don’t place myself in a club that has to pick one or the other all the time, you can pigeonhole me into a club, I don’t care …. But in a million years I’d have never found him guilty … because based on the actual case, how it was presented, there was plenty of reasonable doubt for me. Ample. You jumped to conclusions with much of the stuff (warm car, etc). I’m not going to convict somebody of murder solely based on some circumstantial evidence when there was enough to counter it.

I’m not talking about right or wrong. Everyone is right sometimes, everyone is wrong sometimes. I think I’m talking about poise vs emotion and jumping to conclusions while ignoring other things …. Feelings don’t matter when facts are available.

My gut tells me OJ sliced and diced two innocent humans in a fit of rage … but the evidence didn’t tell me the same thing. No way I could have found him guilt and serving life in prison based on a gut feel/emotion over the presented facts of the case.
Trying to be optimistic means allowing emotion to dictate … don’t you see that? It speaks volumes about not being able to see things properly because you are “trying” to hedge a certain way before anything comes in. I don’t know what to tell you, you’re a poster child for feelings over facts. You beat the orange drum acknowledging zero issues, you flip and flop over coaches game to game, a methed out trout out of water you flop so much.

You label me low IQ but still haven’t been able to properly use you’re vs your at any time you’ve posted, you claim I’m a leftist which I don’t care what you decide to label me… but you’re right, I’m not a lefty, I’m not a righty either. But in a million years I’d have never found him guilty … because based on the actual case, how it was presented, there was plenty of reasonable doubt for me. Ample. You jumped to conclusions with much of the stuff (warm car, etc). I’m not going to convict somebody of murder solely based on some circumstantial evidence when there was enough to counter it.

I’m not talking about right or wrong. Everyone is right sometimes, everyone is wrong sometimes. I think I’m talking about poise vs emotion and jumping to conclusions while ignoring other things …. Feelings don’t matter when facts are available.

My gut tells me OJ sliced and diced two innocent humans in a fit of rage … but the evidence didn’t tell me the same thing. No way I could have found him guilt and serving life in prison based on a gut feel/emotion over the presented facts of the case.
I’m not saying that didn’t happen. That it did happen, that doesn’t mean they proved their case or the case was disproven. The jury’s decision had zero impact on what I would have decided if I were on the jury. And no amount of deliberation would have knocked me from my decision (unless they were privy to some powerful info the public didn’t see, but that didn’t happen). Bullying wouldn’t have worked, even if I was the only holdout … there was way too much that couldn’t be answered that lended itself to enough doubt. I would have stood my ground, sort of like I have with other things. Pressure from others isn’t going to knock me from “what I think” or how I’ll respond … I was sure of that before, more sure of it after covid.

So, because I would have found him not guilty if I were on the jury, are you insinuating that the only reason I’d say that is because I wanted payback for Rodney King? Or am I allowed to come to a decision independently without it being painted as something more sinister?

I’m not arguing whether he killed them or not. We can go back and forth and we’d have the same conclusion.

But they didn’t prove he was guilty, far from it. I mean, it’s not the America it used to be - but I still believe in presumption of innocence until proven otherwise. And I believe in free speech, protection of children, freedom to choose, and this, and that, a lot of traditional ideals that have given way to woke clownism. But I’ll still believe in them.
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I’m not saying that didn’t happen. That it did happen, that doesn’t mean they proved their case or the case was disproven. The jury’s decision had zero impact on what I would have decided if I were on the jury. And no amount of deliberation would have knocked me from my decision (unless they were privy to some powerful info the public didn’t see, but that didn’t happen). Bullying wouldn’t have worked, even if I was the only holdout … there was way too much that couldn’t be answered that lended itself to enough doubt. I would have stood my ground, sort of like I have with other things. Pressure from others isn’t going to knock me from “what I think” or how I’ll respond … I was sure of that before, more sure of it after covid.

So, because I would have found him not guilty if I were on the jury, are you insinuating that the only reason I’d say that is because I wanted payback for Rodney King? Or am I allowed to come to a decision independently without it being painted as something more sinister?

I’m not arguing whether he killed them or not. We can go back and forth and we’d have the same conclusion.

But they didn’t prove he was guilty, far from it. I mean, it’s not the America it used to be - but I still believe in presumption of innocence until proven otherwise. And I believe in free speech, protection of children, freedom to choose, and this, and that, a lot of traditional ideals that have given way to woke clownism. But I’ll still believe in them.
Did u watch the trial? or just highlights? Never said because of Rodney King. Ur not listening to reasoning. U keep on dismissing actual evidence against him. How much proof do u need?? They proved it ! Ur just not accepting it. Thats why u wont debate on the actual merits of the case. I also believe in FREEDOM. Free speech and protection to children but unlike u i allow other people to have other opinions and will debate on the merits of those beliefs. U just got caught up in the sensationalism of the DEFENSE! Once again u claim to go on facts but when disputed u lash out. The jurors that were on the case thought he was guilty. U dont think there were jury members scared of their lives or well being if they had found him guilty? HEALTHY DEBATES dont hurt nobody. All of your talk is based on emotions. Like your hatred for Menzies. I get it trust me. I got it way after u did ,but i eventually caught on. But this is getting old. i can admit when i am wrong, but that not good enough 4 u. Im not perfect and just cause i go back and forth sometimes just means im human and can admit maybe i was wrong in the first place. Do i have to state everytime i make a comment that i might change my mind? or that im a certain % of being right?? give me a break. i have been right about things do u give me credit 4 that?? This board is based on opinions ,facts and feelings. None are always 100%. That is why we come on here to voice ourselves. Not being blasted because at one point i was wrong , had a different out take than u or let my FANDOM get in the way. It all in good fun. Debate me when i make a comment. I encourage that. Thats what this country is missing these days political discord and able to have different opinions than someone else without distain and backlash. BTW never called u low iq, criminal ,liberal or anything like that. I said ur in that group of OJ is innocent ,but ur not any of those.
Did u watch the trial? or just highlights? Never said because of Rodney King. Ur not listening to reasoning. U keep on dismissing actual evidence against him. How much proof do u need?? They proved it ! Ur just not accepting it. Thats why u wont debate on the actual merits of the case. I also believe in FREEDOM. Free speech and protection to children but unlike u i allow other people to have other opinions and will debate on the merits of those beliefs. U just got caught up in the sensationalism of the DEFENSE! Once again u claim to go on facts but when disputed u lash out. The jurors that were on the case thought he was guilty. U dont think there were jury members scared of their lives or well being if they had found him guilty? HEALTHY DEBATES dont hurt nobody. All of your talk is based on emotions. Like your hatred for Menzies. I get it trust me. I got it way after u did ,but i eventually caught on. But this is getting old. i can admit when i am wrong, but that not good enough 4 u. Im not perfect and just cause i go back and forth sometimes just means im human and can admit maybe i was wrong in the first place. Do i have to state everytime i make a comment that i might change my mind? or that im a certain % of being right?? give me a break. i have been right about things do u give me credit 4 that?? This board is based on opinions ,facts and feelings. None are always 100%. That is why we come on here to voice ourselves. Not being blasted because at one point i was wrong , had a different out take than u or let my FANDOM get in the way. It all in good fun. Debate me when i make a comment. I encourage that. Thats what this country is missing these days political discord and able to have different opinions than someone else without distain and backlash. BTW never called u low iq, criminal ,liberal or anything like that. I said ur in that group of OJ is innocent ,but ur not any of those.
I religiously watched the case.

Blood was missing. They admitted it. They admitted they didn’t know where it went.

Unaccounted blood in a case that involved DNA. Couple it with an overzealous, racist cop who was the lead detective. How that single thing doesn’t cast doubt to everyone, I’ll never know. Does it cast doubt to you? If it does, you would have found him not guilty. If you think it’s ok, go on to murder.

Just that one thing is enough doubt for me. But there was certainly more.

There was absolutely a ton of circumstantial evidence pointing to him as being the murderer. I’m not contesting that. At all.

But I’m stating, to convict somebody for life - you better be sure … and more than enough doubt was cast.

That’s what it comes down to me. Is there doubt? Yep.
Next up..Duane Eddy, maybe one ofthe first guitar gods from the 50’s. Dead at 86.


Roger Corman..dead at 98. This guy’s movies were incredible. Surprised he was still alive.

My favorite movie that he gets credit for, Death Race 2000.
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gosh, can u imagine being a 7th grader and buying As Nast as they wanna be as a kid. Blaring it outside as we’re playing basketball and my neighbor has her 5 year old outside!!

She calls my mom and we all get in trouble.

Good good times.
Bro, this is pretty significant..

Richard Simmons dead at 76.

I don’t care what you say about him but he was pretty awesome. He got people to move around and lose weight.
Two of my cousins are brothers met and married women from Brazil and they both said everyone in their immediate family parents and siblings have been held up at gun point at least once and some more than once.
Through the 70's and 80's my ex brother - in - law was in business with a Brazilian ( guy he met and befriended in college ) and they imported used computers to Brazil. He made so much cash he sold his half of the business and retired at 35. He never married but lived in Malaysia and then the Philippines. Died a few years ago. I didn't make the funeral but it was in Manila. I was told there we a dozen women there who were crying when he was buried.
Through the 70's and 80's my ex brother - in - law was in business with a Brazilian ( guy he met and befriended in college ) and they imported used computers to Brazil. He made so much cash he sold his half of the business and retired at 35. He never married but lived in Malaysia and then the Philippines. Died a few years ago. I didn't make the funeral but it was in Manila. I was told there we a dozen women there who were crying when he was buried.
Don’t they have like professional “cryers” or mourners in the Philippines. Heard about that.

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