Might as well lock Kruger in and let him coach for the foreseeable future. There’s no need to throw any money at basketball now. Nobody is going to come out to watch these games. We’ll have 2 decent games worth seeing after Christmas now (UNR/UNM).

MWC 3.0 is likely a 1 bid league most years.
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I'd be shocked if that's true considering the markets we lost. How couldn't it go down?

I'm mean holy hell that's great if that's the case.

But I'm skeptical how 6 teams is equal to 12 for a media deal.

Hey maybe I'm selling Gloria short. Maybe all this time she's had two phones to her ear. One telling the PAC to show her the money and the other lining up schools I thought were out of reach.
It may not go down in the near term. What Rosegreen posted: “Mountain West schools currently make almost $6 million annually in overall payouts. League officials have informed UNLV that preliminary negotiations indicate that number should not decrease when a new media rights deal is signed despite the loss of several name-brand institutions.”

It may not go down short term but if the media rights stay at or near $4 million the overall school revenue will eventually go below $6 million because all the Tourney units earned by the departing schools will eventually dry up. With this conference we may be a one bid league into the Tourney from here on out. We may need to cheer for the traitors to earn more Tourney units over the next two years to stretch this out.
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Might as well lock Kruger in and let him coach for the foreseeable future. There’s no need to throw any money at basketball now. Nobody is going to come out to watch these games. We’ll have 2 decent games worth seeing after Christmas now (UNR/UNM).

MWC 3.0 is likely a 1 bid league most years.
**** that. At least hire someone that has some emotion and personality that can actually recruit and coach and be dedicated to it. Hell put Lindy in the job.
Here’s why I have some semblance of optimism for the future of the MWC. Between UNLV UNM, Air Force and San Jose St, I believe we have the better Head Coaches of the 2 conferences who are more than capable of continuing to build up those programs. Now the hard part is convincing those coaches to stay on.

And this is a stretch,

But what if UNLV and AFA got together and said, if we're going to stay in the MWC, we need to make it very lucrative for ourselves, hence this 25-30 million dollar payout, while knowing that this would piss off the other remaining schools who aren't expected to get as big of a share? Either, it will pass and UNLV & AF will get a big chunk of change, OR, the other schools will have a fit and be pissed at the overall operation of the MWC, thus voting it into dissolution? Probably not immediately, due to wanting to collect the exit fee money plus the money from the

Most of the remaining schools can't leave, due to the exit fee cost, and also that they don't have anywhere good to go. But they also know that IF, all of the remaining schools voted to split the buyout from the MWC5, and then dissolve the conference the year after, they could all leave with no fees. At that point, they'd have an extra chunk of change from the teams already leaving, and all of the schools could figure out where to go that would be best for themselves.

So we're the richest guy in the poorest neighborhood. That's what we've become. I don't trust or count money I am owed until it's in my pocket. You wait, I guarantee you the 30 million goes down to 10-12 million. Paid out over years and years. Good luck collecting.
There will be no high end recruits athletes will leave. UNLV athletics is at a tipping point. I am not excited for the future. I know I'm not between 18-49 and my opinion is not as important but this was a gut punch.
IDK, if you’re not in a P4 the difference between the G5s aren’t really that great. UNLV has its own attraction (Allegiant, Fertitta, marketable city that the media is drawn to) and if we can keep Odom and maintain the level of winning we’ll be just fine in that regard. We’ll play in bowl games and be in the conversation for the playoff spot. Give Odom everything he needs to continue pursuing his plan to make UNLV a nationally ranked football program. If that plan is executed successfully everything else will follow. It all makes this season even more important for the program’s future. In that light I can understand the decision to take the MWC $$ and plow it into the program, MBB, in planning for an even brighter future. Doesn’t mean it will play out that way, but it isn’t a bad plan (assuming that’s the plan).
PS - CKK better start f’n winning THIS SEASON!!!
Definitely need to upgrade the 1980s light show. It’s become embarrassingly aged and no longer reflects the level of entertainment of Vegas today nor does it excite the students. With all the creative entertainment talent in Vegas why UNLV can’t reach out and tap into it is bewildering.
IDK, if you’re not in a P4 the difference between the G5s aren’t really that great. UNLV has its own attraction (Allegiant, Fertitta, marketable city that the media is drawn to) and if we can keep Odom and maintain the level of winning we’ll be just fine in that regard. We’ll play in bowl games and be in the conversation for the playoff spot. Give Odom everything he needs to continue pursuing his plan to make UNLV a nationally ranked football program. If that plan is executed successfully everything else will follow. It all makes this season even more important for the program’s future. In that light I can understand the decision to take the MWC $$ and plow it into the program, MBB, in planning for an even brighter future. Doesn’t mean it will play out that way, but it isn’t a bad plan (assuming that’s the plan).
PS - CKK better start f’n winning THIS SEASON!!!
I like putting more emphasis in football, has much more upside potential if we keep winning.

And this is a stretch,

But what if UNLV and AFA got together and said, if we're going to stay in the MWC, we need to make it very lucrative for ourselves, hence this 25-30 million dollar payout, while knowing that this would piss off the other remaining schools who aren't expected to get as big of a share? Either, it will pass and UNLV & AF will get a big chunk of change, OR, the other schools will have a fit and be pissed at the overall operation of the MWC, thus voting it into dissolution? Probably not immediately, due to wanting to collect the exit fee money plus the money from the

Most of the remaining schools can't leave, due to the exit fee cost, and also that they don't have anywhere good to go. But they also know that IF, all of the remaining schools voted to split the buyout from the MWC5, and then dissolve the conference the year after, they could all leave with no fees. At that point, they'd have an extra chunk of change from the teams already leaving, and all of the schools could figure out where to go that would be best for themselves.


How sustainable is this when you march a bunch of irrelevant schools in front of your fan base each week, fans wont show up to see these games.
How sustainable is this when you march a bunch of irrelevant schools in front of your fan base each week, fans wont show up to see these games.
Been working pretty well for Liberty. Worked for Boise State back in the day.

In basketball, Gonzaga has made it work, with a big part of that being their OOC schedule.

It can be done, but it's not easy.

And this is a stretch,

But what if UNLV and AFA got together and said, if we're going to stay in the MWC, we need to make it very lucrative for ourselves, hence this 25-30 million dollar payout, while knowing that this would piss off the other remaining schools who aren't expected to get as big of a share? Either, it will pass and UNLV & AF will get a big chunk of change, OR, the other schools will have a fit and be pissed at the overall operation of the MWC, thus voting it into dissolution? Probably not immediately, due to wanting to collect the exit fee money plus the money from the

Most of the remaining schools can't leave, due to the exit fee cost, and also that they don't have anywhere good to go. But they also know that IF, all of the remaining schools voted to split the buyout from the MWC5, and then dissolve the conference the year after, they could all leave with no fees. At that point, they'd have an extra chunk of change from the teams already leaving, and all of the schools could figure out where to go that would be best for themselves.

Yeah, I still believe (probably misguided) that there are more dominoes to fall and I’ve thought of this very thing in relation to UNLV and AFA getting VERY special treatment and how the others must feel.

On the one hand they know they need the two… on the other hand that’s about $8.5 million each less to them than the would otherwise get with an equal distribution… assuming the $30 million that I’ve heard.

Obvious jealousy would occur, but maybe they just bite their tongues.

Riddle me this though…

If you’re the remaining MW teams, aside from UNLV and AF, don’t you know that even with those teams you’re not a very good conference no matter who you add? You’re clearly behind the PAC and the AAC and likely behind others no matter who you add.

Even if you add the best of the rest (which oh by the way may not be available depending on what the PAC does), you still stink and frankly UNLV and AFA aren’t gonna alter that perception.

So if you’re the five other schools, don’t you just offer UNLV and AFA get outta jail free cards, and offer waived penalties for any conference that wants you cards, and let them walk and split the $60 million you just offered them?

No matter what happens in any future settlements you are going to get at least 2/3 of the fees that the departing schools owe since you’re going to withhold that money from any payments that would otherwise be due to them. At a bare minimum each one of them would get roughly $12 million, without any more money coming from the departing 5, or any settlement of damages owed by the PAC. If they happened to collect on all the money owed they’d be looking at maybe $25 million each.

That seems like a Hell of a good deal if you’re gonna be in a crap conference anyway.
How sustainable is this when you march a bunch of irrelevant schools in front of your fan base each week, fans wont show up to see these games.
Exactly fans won't be coming to watch Utah Tech, I bet actual attendance for FSU this weekend is a lot more than Utah Tech was. Because people aren't going to pay to see nobodies in Las Vegas. The tv money will be much lower, attendance will be lower (basketball barely draws as it is) and you're stuck in a dead end conference for 5 years just to get some money you will be able to do nothing with because no big name coach will come or stay here.
There is a possibility that this was a power play of some kind.

What I'm not sure of is what if somebody breaks ranks from the MWC.

PAC is in an equally tough spot no doubt.

My biggest concerns now are.

1- When does UNLV see the money?
2-What happens if the exit fee stuff gets negotiated down?
From what I read the MWC is fronting the money to UNLV and AFA from the exit fees that aren't due uintil 7/1/26. We would still be entitled to our share when the exit fees are paid, and if/when the poaching fees are paid.
Look at Boise. They had to have a 10 year run of near perfect football just for the MW to invite them. There’s no guarantee a PAC invite even comes our way again if our football program slides back.
That was because BYU and Utah wouldn't let them in. The MWC wanted Boise LONNNNGGGGG before they finally got their invitation.
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My gut tells me that since this is the case there's a couple things that were probably true. The PAC wasn't offering to pay our buyout to a level which we could afford it AND we were probably starting at 50-75% of the media deal for 2-3 years AND the PAC doesn't have a hard media deal in hand.
That was because BYU and Utah wouldn't let them in. The MWC wanted Boise LONNNNGGGGG before they finally got their invitation.
This is very true... Utah was rounding also into a very top tier football program at the same time and understood the game... If you lose one game in a non-power conference back then even to a team like Boise, you lost all shot at playing in a BCS bowl. The system was very different now. Also Boise benefitted tremendously in reputation by beating up members of the WAC.. 51-3 over a 5 year period.. You dont think UNLV would benefit from going 51-3 over 5 years with multiple conference championships?
F the mountain west

I’m not devoting any more time to this nonsense.

Go Georgia Tech.
That’s where I’m at. I live here in Vegas now and did my masters at UNLV but at least I’ve got OU football (they’re going to be awful this year) because this shit is just not looking good for us in the future. I know our major men’s teams have been terrible for a while but the lack of NIL fundraising is baffling. Especially in a city like this. I hate to sound like such a little bitch but sheesh.
Has it been stated yet whether or not the 7 remaining MWC schools have signed this? It stated that the agreement only stands if all of the remaining schools sign off on it, which is/was expected to happen today.

Honestly, I'd be kind of shocked if all of the schools sign off on UNLV/AF getting a much bigger chunk of money than they will get.

Has it been stated yet whether or not the 7 remaining MWC schools have signed this? It stated that the agreement only stands if all of the remaining schools sign off on it, which is/was expected to happen today.

Honestly, I'd be kind of shocked if all of the schools sign off on UNLV/AF getting a much bigger chunk of money than they will get.

They don’t really have a choice, they would have to invite a plethora of schools and that’s not ideal.

Best option is to get an anchor and grow from there with Texas schools.
Bro we were selling our free student tix to Fullerton and Pacific games to knuckleheads for like $150/ea.

Win and they will come.
True but different time and different sport and arguably the best time for college basketball ever.

Plus CSUF had Ced and Pacific had Dell Demps😎

You know as well as I do that in LV if you run out NM St, Albeliene Christian and Wyoming every week people will be sitting at home or at a bar watching compelling games instead. There are no Big Monday 9pm starts where 19k is a sellout
A couple of things.
I don't see why people think that the media deal between the 2 conferences will be close.

They took our 4 best markets adding it to their 2 markets which is likely better than all of our markets. Then USU which is probably upper middle for us. They will have to get one more team which may be filler. We will have all of our old filler, then pay for the privilege for more teams that will be filler. Filler drops media contract value.

People are exited about Montana schools? A STATE with 200k people in it? That's not moving the needle.

The PAC will announce their media deal as soon as they are finished. They have not hidden that all of the moves they have done at this point has been with the guidance of their to be named media partners. They aren't throwing out fake numbers when approaching teams, it has been coming from the the partners ready to pay that bill. I believe that 12 mil was the value if they got all of their first choices. It won't be that, but they still have the initial6 which is as much of 3/4th of their top markets. I doubt it gets any less than 8 mil per year, unless they REAALY reach for that last school.

The MW war chest will be likely closer to 100 mil after negotiations and IF the lawsuit doesn't work. Giving UNLV and AFA half of that is cool I guess. But that does help the league get stronger. BTW the PAC war chest after everything was settled was more that 200 million.
Simple as this. The PAC will have a much better media contract. UNLV is the MW best market, it would be the PAC's 7th.

The is NO way we get AAC teams when the PAC could not. None.

This year's annual contract is only 6 million because of the PAC 2 agreement. It goes down to 5 next season.

The ONLY way this makes ANY sense is A: This deal does not bind the UNLV to the MW beyond 2 years AND B: UNLV has had enough discussions with the B12 that there is more than a slight chance they will take us in 2 years.

Otherwise we traded 3 mill at best a year for 25 million now, instead of paying 9 million dollars for 8+ million a year to play in a better conference by basically any other metric.

It feels like we were dealt a king and ace of diamonds in texas hold em and we went all in before even seeing the flop.
I remember reading somewhere that in order for UNLV and Air Force to get that big money (it was said to be 10 million at that time now 25-30 million) they had to sign to a 7 year deal (first 2 years to finish off the current tv deal then 5 years with the future tv deal)! UNLV better have a out clause with no penalties if they leave for a "power 4" conference!
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From what I read the MWC is fronting the money to UNLV and AFA from the exit fees that aren't due uintil 7/1/26. We would still be entitled to our share when the exit fees are paid, and if/when the poaching fees are paid.

Maybe I asked this wrong.

Is UNLV stuck in the MWC past 2026?

Could they collect and then bolt.

If not we're talking 2031 possibly before any chance at a better conference..

You'll have to excuse my lack of excitement right now at the prospect of playing a possible CUSA schedule for 5 years.

I thought the reason we got the Fertitta complex, Mendenhall Center was to position ourselves for bigger things, not be the Flagship program of THE WAC 2.0..

(Sorry I'm salty!)
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Maybe I asked this wrong.

Is UNLV stuck in the MWC past 2026?

Could they collect and then bolt.

If not we're talking 2031 possibly before any chance at a better conference..

You'll have to excuse my lack of excitement right now at the prospect of playing a possible CUSA schedule for 5 years.

I thought the reason we got the Fertitta complex, Mendenhall Center was to position ourselves for bigger things, not be the Flagship program of THE WAC 2.0..

(Sorry I'm salty!)
At this point, nothing is final. Until all 7 remaining MWC schools sign whatever the "binding agreement" is, that also stipulates that UNLV & AFA will get 25-30 million, then nothing is set in stone.

My big question is, what happens if all 7 schools don't want to sign it?
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I remember reading somewhere that in order for UNLV and Air Force to get that big money (it was said to be 10 million at that time now 25-30 million) they had to sign to a 7 year deal (first 2 years to finish off the current tv deal then 5 years with the future tv deal)! UNLV better have a out clause with no penalties if they leave for a "power 4" conference!
Will it even make a difference of we get to the Big 12?. Many feel that in 7 years it will be the Power 2 ( Big 10 and SEC ). When the Big Ten and SEC form a super conference, it will likely have significant impacts on the rest of college football. There will be much less space between the Big 12 /ACC and the G5's as they all become different levels of irrelevant.

Widening Gap Between Haves and Have-Nots​

The formation of a super conference consisting of the Big Ten and SEC would create an even larger divide between the top programs and the rest of college football
. This "super conference" would have immense financial and competitive advantages:

  • Media Rights Revenue: The Big Ten and SEC are projected to make nearly $2 billion combined annually in media rights deals starting in 2024. This dwarfs what other conferences can generate.
  • Playoff Access: There are discussions about the Big Ten and SEC pushing for guaranteed playoff spots and top seeds for their members. This would make it much harder for teams outside these conferences to compete for national championships.
  • Recruiting Advantage: The prestige and exposure of being in the top conference would likely draw even more top recruits to Big Ten and SEC schools.

Impacts on Other Conferences​

Power 5 Conferences​

The remaining Power 5 conferences (ACC, Big 12, Pac-12) would face significant challenges:
  • Conference Realignment: There could be a scramble among top programs in these conferences to try to join the Big Ten or SEC. This could lead to further destabilization.
  • Reduced Revenue: With less valuable media rights and potentially reduced playoff access, these conferences would see their revenues decline significantly compared to the super conference.

Group of 5 and FCS​

Smaller conferences and programs would likely be hit hardest:
  • Widening Resource Gap: The financial disparity between these schools and the super conference members would become even more extreme.
  • Reduced Relevance: With media attention focused on the super conference, it may become harder for these programs to attract fans and recruits.

Potential New Structure​

There's speculation that college football could evolve into a tiered structure:
  1. Super Conference Tier: Big Ten and SEC forming the elite level
  2. Second Tier: Remaining Power 5 and top Group of 5 programs
  3. Lower Tiers: Remaining FBS and FCS programs
This could potentially lead to a separation from the NCAA structure for the top tier, with its own playoff system and rules.


The formation of a Big Ten-SEC super conference would likely accelerate the trend of consolidation in college football, with power and resources becoming increasingly concentrated among a smaller group of elite programs. This would force the rest of college football to adapt to a new reality with potentially reduced resources and national relevance.
I don't know.

On a similar note, most of the OSU fans on X and in their Rivals forum believe that the poaching fees in the agreement between the MWC and PAC are illegal, and therefore won't need to be paid. If the MWC is making this 'binding agreement' that will keep all of the current 7 schools in it, which is in the range of 25-30 million for unlv, what happens if, indeed, the MWC is not able to make good on those payments? Does that allow UNLV / AF a free get out of the MWC free card?
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I remember reading somewhere that in order for UNLV and Air Force to get that big money (it was said to be 10 million at that time now 25-30 million) they had to sign to a 7 year deal (first 2 years to finish off the current tv deal then 5 years with the future tv deal)! UNLV better have a out clause with no penalties if they leave for a "power 4" conference!
Man I hope this works out and by no later that 2031 (hopefully sooner) we are in the Big 12! If not we have without question taken a big step back no matter how you want to spin it! I mean if you were to tell me before all this crap happened "Hey we're going to be in a new conference without Boise, SDSU, Fresno, CSU, and Utah St and replace them with Texas St and UTEP I would said are you ****ing crazy! That big Money you are getting is only good for the short term! Your now in a conference that will always be behind the PAC and AAC for that group of 5 playoff spot! For Basketball you are looking at being a 1 maybe 2 if we're lucky bid conference for the tournament!
This is very true... Utah was rounding also into a very top tier football program at the same time and understood the game... If you lose one game in a non-power conference back then even to a team like Boise, you lost all shot at playing in a BCS bowl. The system was very different now. Also Boise benefitted tremendously in reputation by beating up members of the WAC.. 51-3 over a 5 year period.. You dont think UNLV would benefit from going 51-3 over 5 years with multiple conference championships?

I'm not sure the goal of all our state of the art facilities was to play in a new version of the WAC.

I really wish I had your optimism here.
UNLV had all the leverage, so hoping whatever deal they signed helped them. I could see language about joining other G5 conferences, but hopefully protected if a P4 conference ever came calling.
At this point, nothing is final. Until all 7 remaining MWC schools sign whatever the "binding agreement" is, that also stipulates that UNLV & AFA will get 25-30 million, then nothing is set in stone.

My big question is, what happens if all 7 schools don't want to sign it?
Not sure many of the others had much of choice. Schools the PAC would want are going to cash in and the others need to be in a conference and probably couldn’t afford the exit fees anyway. Also guessing that until the matter is resolved, the PAC isn’t going to approach any more MW schools for fear of higher penalties. Only thing that would save this mess is to do the reverse merger thing, but may be too far past that now.
Man I hope this works out and by no later that 2031 (hopefully sooner) we are in the Big 12! If not we have without question taken a big step back no matter how you want to spin it! I mean if you were to tell me before all this crap happened "Hey we're going to be in a new conference without Boise, SDSU, Fresno, CSU, and Utah St and replace them with Texas St and UTEP I would said are you ****ing crazy! That big Money you are getting is only good for the short term! Your now in a conference that will always be behind the PAC and AAC for that group of 5 playoff spot! For Basketball you are looking at being a 1 maybe 2 if we're lucky bid conference for the tournament!

That's how I look at this whole thing.

UNLV will have to go 12-0 to be in the CFP mix unless Gloria can replace what MWC lost with near equal replacements.

A MWC team can afford a loss now because there are 4 teams hovering around the top 25.

That likely will not be the case going forward.

It's the 2031 one thing I'm worried about.

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