They will have a tough time keeping Boise and WSU/OSU happy if they're adding that tier.. that was the whole point of this exercise. Cut out bad programs, they aren't going to get better playing significantly more invested programs. I know that seems counterintuitive to the argument of us adding them, but we never pretended to be the "Elite" too good for those destinations and programs...

My biggest hope is this creates some kind of stalemate and somehow this just becomes a full merger.
Sorry man. I just can't get excited about a future conference filled with FCS call ups and CUSA schools. I do not think it pushes the program forward.

Boise State didn't invest in their program to stay in the WAC.

It feels like UNLV just invested in it's program (Fertitta complex etc) to move to CUSA 2.0.

There's no way Gloria is handing UNLV 30 million for them to bolt in two years.

UNLV could be stuck in CUSA 2.0 for 5 years.

I'm legitimately concerned if the new PAC figures it out it will be significantly better than the MWC and ultimately UNLV gets left behind.
People assume we will be in the Big12 5 years from now but the reality is the most likely scenario is that we’re still here in the MWC.

The PAC is full of schools that are committed to football and basketball. There is a good chance the PAC becomes the clear #5 conference getting the playoff bid most years. You can’t say that about MWC.

Look at Boise. They had to have a 10 year run of near perfect football just for the MW to invite them. There’s no guarantee a PAC invite even comes our way again if our football program slides back.
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Wondering about GCU. They don't have a football team but the rest of the athletic programs have been quite successful. The biggest party in college basketball and a market in Phoenix wouldn't hurt.

I get what you're saying and actually agree its something to consider. But they need to get this football thing figured out before even looking at basketball additions.

(Seriously not meant to be snarky)
People assume we will be in the Big12 5 years from now but the reality is the most likely scenario is that we’re still here in the MWC.

The PAC is full of schools that are committed to football and basketball. There is a good chance the PAC becomes the clear #5 conference getting the playoff bid most years. You can’t say that about MWC.

Look at Boise. They had to have a 10 year run of near perfect football just for the MW to invite them. There’s no guarantee a PAC invite even comes our way again if our football program slides back.


Like I said Boise invested to escape the WAC.

UNLV just invested to join CUSA 2.0.

I'll gladly eat my words if Gloria is able to patch together a solid conference.
I get what you're saying and actually agree its something to consider. But they need to get this football thing figured out before even looking at basketball additions.

(Seriously not meant to be snarky)
But I love this party! Imagine if we could ever get UNLVs student section like this.

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Not likely. We arent in a position to have basketball only programs and it makes TV deals murky.

Is this saying what I think it's saying? UNLV gets 25 million.

But will not be compensated in the future if the next media deal is less than the current one?

Better squirrel away about 10 million dollars to compensate for that.
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Is this saying what I think it's saying? Part of the 25 million lump sum is to compensate for potential future media rights shortfall from next contract?

If it is, better squirrel about 10 million of that away now.
The defectors of the MWC signed the agreement that if they leave, they would incur penalties and part of that penalty is the forfeiture of tv revenue and bonuses from postseason play.

The penalties of the pac poaching is a separate deal and I’m not sure how they get out of that one but clearly they tried to dissolve the MWC by poaching programs.
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Is it a good sign for your conference if you call up an FCS school and an argument could be made they might be the 3rd best football program day one?
Boise started off in the same conference as Montana and see where they are now. No reason Montana or the Dakota schools could do the same if they moved up conferences.
The defectors of the MWC signed the agreement that if they leave, they would incur penalties and part of that penalty is the forfeiture of tv revenue and bonuses from postseason play.

The penalties of the pac poaching is a separate deal and I’m not sure how they get out of that one but clearly they tried to dissolve the MWC by poaching programs.

Right. I think I got that part. Maybe. Probably not. It's all convoluted.

What I'm getting at is.

UNLV is going to get 25mil.

Next media rights is in two years.

I think we can agree unless Gloria somehow poaches some unexpected home runs the next media deal is going to take a hit compared to this one.

Current media deal is 5 million per team roughly.

If it drops to 3 million (and that might be generous) that creates a 2 million a year shortfall for UNLV from previous deal. They would have to dip into this 25 million to account for that. Over 5 years thats 10 million dollars gone already.
Boise started off in the same conference as Montana and see where they are now. No reason Montana or the Dakota schools could do the same if they moved up conferences.

How long did it take Boise?

And I get your point but because one school managed it doesn't mean they will.

A new conference of FCS call ups will not be well respected by pollsters. Look how hard MWC teams have to work to get ranked now, and the MWC is probably the top G5 conference in the country.
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A little surprised, but not shocked by any means. I think the 2 biggest factors were 1-a lot $ right now and 2-lack of trust in the PAC leadership. They will end using $60m to have a slightly better conference than the MWC when all is said and done, when a reverse merger would have cost nothing. Not to mention the secret back stabbing meetings.
The PAC would have certainly been the safer choice, but honestly neither choice excites me too much. Don’t know who the MWC adds, will be interesting to see, the key for football will be strong non conference opponents to help overcome a weaker conference schedule.
Only time will tell if this ends up being the correct choice or not. Will want to see how it all plays out before having any strong reaction to the news
How long did it take Boise?

And I get your point but because one school managed it doesn't mean they will.

A new conference of FCS call ups will not be well respected by pollsters. Look how hard MWC teams have to work to get ranked now, and the MWC is probably the top G5 conference in the country.
I understand the Boise argument, but it could be argued that joining the MWC has hurt them. I think it has more to do with timing personally (there was always going to be a drop off of the 2007 team), but they haven’t been nearly as dominant in the MWC as they were before and they still aren’t where they want to be.
I go back and forth on this. Really just need to see what the completed conferences . Has to really pisd off the MWC 4 where thecPAC is currently
Right. I think I got that part. Maybe. Probably not. It's all convoluted.

What I'm getting at is.

UNLV is going to get 25mil.

Next media rights is in two years.

I think we can agree unless Gloria somehow poaches some unexpected home runs the next media deal is going to take a hit compared to this one.

Current media deal is 5 million per team roughly.

If it drops to 3 million (and that might be generous) that creates a 2 million a year shortfall for UNLV from previous deal. They would have to dip into this 25 million to account for that. Over 5 years thats 10 million dollars gone already.
Hopefully the extra $$ UNLV & AFA receive is for not leaving the MWC, which would have effectively ended it, not for agreeing to stay beyond the current media deal. The PAC really gave UNLV & AFA all the leverage. Presumably they assumed both or at least one school would come running over, but UNLV couldn’t afford the exit fees without PAC help and AFA would go a different direction if it were to move. Notably, UNLV’s new CFO is from the AFA and has deep ties with it. Wouldn’t be surprised if he played a role in keeping the two schools united.
So we're the richest guy in the poorest neighborhood. That's what we've become. I don't trust or count money I am owed until it's in my pocket. You wait, I guarantee you the 30 million goes down to 10-12 million. Paid out over years and years. Good luck collecting.
There will be no high end recruits athletes will leave. UNLV athletics is at a tipping point. I am not excited for the future. I know I'm not between 18-49 and my opinion is not as important but this was a gut punch.
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I understand the Boise argument, but it could be argued that joining the MWC has hurt them. I think it has more to do with timing personally (there was always going to be a drop off of the 2007 team), but they haven’t been nearly as dominant in the MWC as they were before and they still aren’t where they want to be.
I go back and forth on this. Really just need to see what the completed conferences . Has to really pisd off the MWC 4 where thecPAC is currently

Part of their decline (I wish UNLV had ever been good enough to where 8-4 was considered disappointing 🙂) was that the MWC top to bottom was better than the WAC.

I'm just pissy now because I anticipate the worst.

I totally hope I'm wrong. And I will gladly endure you all calling me an idiot if UNLV comes out OK in this...I'm not the type of fan that is OK seeing their team lose just to go on a message board to tell people 'See I told you so!'
Right. I think I got that part. Maybe. Probably not. It's all convoluted.

What I'm getting at is.

UNLV is going to get 25mil.

Next media rights is in two years.

I think we can agree unless Gloria somehow poaches some unexpected home runs the next media deal is going to take a hit compared to this one.

Current media deal is 5 million per team roughly.

If it drops to 3 million (and that might be generous) that creates a 2 million a year shortfall for UNLV from previous deal. They would have to dip into this 25 million to account for that. Over 5 years thats 10 million dollars gone already.
Depends on who the conference decides to partner with on a tv contract that is willing to “invest” and collaborate on who to invite. If it is CBS they are going to want to stay in the California and Texas markets, they may even want to stick it to CW and the defectors.

There’s a reason why Memphis, Tulane have not taken the pac up on their offer to this point. They don’t have the money or the offers are low balls. Everyone’s waiting on the ACC to blow up, if it does then all eyes are on the Texas schools because Tulane and Memphis will go to the ACC.
Hopefully the extra $$ UNLV & AFA receive is for not leaving the MWC, which would have effectively ended it, not for agreeing to stay beyond the current media deal. The PAC really gave UNLV & AFA all the leverage. Presumably they assumed both or at least one school would come running over, but UNLV couldn’t afford the exit fees without PAC help and AFA would go a different direction if it were to move. Notably, UNLV’s new CFO is from the AFA and has deep ties with it. Wouldn’t be surprised if he played a role in keeping the two schools united.

Interesting thanks for that tidbit.

Here's a couple thoughts.

UNLV and Air Force aren't bound to this until they receive money correct?

(I'm about to go super conspiracy theory right now. And no I don't believe what I'm about to say has even the slightest chance of happening but here goes)

Was reported that AAC commish had eyes on UNLV and AFA. Was also rumored in a CBS Sports article I think? that one of the AAC commish's possible plans to keep Memphis and company was to add more pieces in an attempt to bolster the conference and open up new markets. Those pieces mentioned were UNLV and AFA.

What if there's even more going on behind the scenes. What if this was a play by UNLV and AFA to stick it to the PAC get some cash, allowing Gloria time to bolster the MWC with the agreement UNLV and AFA could bolt to the AAC without penalty in the future.

I feel dumber for even suggesting it but one can dream right?
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Interesting tidbit on lvrj reporting the next media deal will NOT be less.

“Mountain West schools currently make almost $6 million annually in overall payouts. League officials have informed UNLV that preliminary negotiations indicate that number should not decrease when a new media rights deal is signed despite the loss of several name-brand institutions.”

I also wonder if unlv had stipulations or clause that if a conference that is not named PAC12 invited unlv, that we wouldn’t be subject to penalties.
Depends on who the conference decides to partner with on a tv contract that is willing to “invest” and collaborate on who to invite. If it is CBS they are going to want to stay in the California and Texas markets, they may even want to stick it to CW and the defectors.

There’s a reason why Memphis, Tulane have not taken the pac up on their offer to this point. They don’t have the money or the offers are low balls. Everyone’s waiting on the ACC to blow up, if it does then all eyes are on the Texas schools because Tulane and Memphis will go to the ACC.

That's a solid take. You could be right. It's a lot better than the Alex Jones conspiracy theory I just came up with in another post..🤣

I quit chewing after years and years and sometimes these nicotine pouches just don't cut it and my stress level goes through the roof. 🙂
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Hopefully the extra $$ UNLV & AFA receive is for not leaving the MWC, which would have effectively ended it, not for agreeing to stay beyond the current media deal. The PAC really gave UNLV & AFA all the leverage. Presumably they assumed both or at least one school would come running over, but UNLV couldn’t afford the exit fees without PAC help and AFA would go a different direction if it were to move. Notably, UNLV’s new CFO is from the AFA and has deep ties with it. Wouldn’t be surprised if he played a role in keeping the two schools united.
I don't think Air Force and UNLV goals line up the same. Cadets are mandated to support their fellow cadets in attendance even if they're playing "little sisters of the poor." All the schools that left were my circled games. It will be a ghost town We can't have a former Air Force cadet thinking for us Rebels. By definition we are the opposite of each other.
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Interesting thanks for that tidbit.

Here's a couple thoughts.

UNLV and Air Force aren't bound to this until they receive money correct?

(I'm about to go super conspiracy theory right now. And no I don't believe what I'm about to say has even the slightest chance of happening but here goes)

Was reported that AAC commish had eyes on UNLV and AFA. Was also rumored in a CBS Sports article I think? that one of the AAC commish's possible plans to keep Memphis and company was to add more pieces in an attempt to bolster the conference and open up new markets. Those pieces mentioned were UNLV and AFA.

What if there's even more going on behind the scenes. What if this was a play by UNLV and AFA to stick it to the PAC get some cash, allowing Gloria time to bolster the MWC with the agreement UNLV and AFA could bolt to the AAC without penalty in the future.

I feel dumber for even suggesting it but one can dream right?
The pac was rejected by 3-4 schools this week and unlv, they don’t have a central time zone school. The shine has worn off on this renovation job by OSU and Wazzu. They scrambled to invite Utah state and filed a lawsuit against the MW.

Not a good week for the PAC, it is essentially a regional conference that they did NOT want to become.
Interesting tidbit on lvrj reporting the next media deal will NOT be less.

“Mountain West schools currently make almost $6 million annually in overall payouts. League officials have informed UNLV that preliminary negotiations indicate that number should not decrease when a new media rights deal is signed despite the loss of several name-brand institutions.”

I also wonder if unlv had stipulations or clause that if a conference that is not named PAC12 invited unlv, that we wouldn’t be subject to penalties.

I'd be shocked if that's true considering the markets we lost. How couldn't it go down?

I'm mean holy hell that's great if that's the case.

But I'm skeptical how 6 teams is equal to 12 for a media deal.

Hey maybe I'm selling Gloria short. Maybe all this time she's had two phones to her ear. One telling the PAC to show her the money and the other lining up schools I thought were out of reach.
The pac was rejected by 3-4 schools this week and unlv, they don’t have a central time zone school. The shine has worn off on this renovation job by OSU and Wazzu. They scrambled to invite Utah state and filed a lawsuit against the MW.

Not a good week for the PAC, it is essentially a regional conference that they did NOT want to become.

Appreciate you getting me to take one step back from the ledge.
I'd be shocked if that's true considering the markets we lost. How couldn't it go down?

I'm mean holy hell that's great if that's the case.

But I'm skeptical how 6 teams is equal to 12 for a media deal.

Hey maybe I'm selling Gloria short. Maybe all this time she's had two phones to here ear. One telling the PAC to show her the money and the other lining up schools I thought were out of reach.
I’m assuming inflation plays a role. The value of a dollar is different than it was in 2019.

That being said I’m assuming CBS is driving the bus on who the MWC should invite, should be interesting to see. The lvrj article hints that invites will be going out soon.
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I’m assuming inflation plays a role. The value of a dollar is different than it was in 2019.

That being said I’m assuming CBS is driving the bus on who the MWC should invite, should be interesting to see. The lvrj article hints that invites will be going out soon.

That will ease the mind quite a bit. (Imvites)

However the inflation part isn't great. Like you said six million doesn't go as far as it use to.

So Gloria/MWC saying it isn't going to lessen is a little bit of semantics since even though it's the same number it's not worth as much.

But it is better than an actual lessening.

Seriously it felt like this.

UNLV gets gifted a 30 million dollar football facility.

They have access to playing in a state of the art Stadium.

Hire a coach that is recruiting at a high level and winning games.

And some how parlayed that into being 'demoted' to CUSA 2.0.
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A couple of things.
I don't see why people think that the media deal between the 2 conferences will be close.

They took our 4 best markets adding it to their 2 markets which is likely better than all of our markets. Then USU which is probably upper middle for us. They will have to get one more team which may be filler. We will have all of our old filler, then pay for the privilege for more teams that will be filler. Filler drops media contract value.

People are exited about Montana schools? A STATE with 200k people in it? That's not moving the needle.

The PAC will announce their media deal as soon as they are finished. They have not hidden that all of the moves they have done at this point has been with the guidance of their to be named media partners. They aren't throwing out fake numbers when approaching teams, it has been coming from the the partners ready to pay that bill. I believe that 12 mil was the value if they got all of their first choices. It won't be that, but they still have the initial6 which is as much of 3/4th of their top markets. I doubt it gets any less than 8 mil per year, unless they REAALY reach for that last school.

The MW war chest will be likely closer to 100 mil after negotiations and IF the lawsuit doesn't work. Giving UNLV and AFA half of that is cool I guess. But that does help the league get stronger. BTW the PAC war chest after everything was settled was more that 200 million.
Simple as this. The PAC will have a much better media contract. UNLV is the MW best market, it would be the PAC's 7th.

The is NO way we get AAC teams when the PAC could not. None.

This year's annual contract is only 6 million because of the PAC 2 agreement. It goes down to 5 next season.

The ONLY way this makes ANY sense is A: This deal does not bind the UNLV to the MW beyond 2 years AND B: UNLV has had enough discussions with the B12 that there is more than a slight chance they will take us in 2 years.

Otherwise we traded 3 mill at best a year for 25 million now, instead of paying 9 million dollars for 8+ million a year to play in a better conference by basically any other metric.

It feels like we were dealt a king and ace of diamonds in texas hold em and we went all in before even seeing the flop.
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That will ease the mind quite a bit. (Imvites)

However the inflation part isn't great. Like you said six million doesn't go as far as it use to.

So Gloria/MWC saying it isn't going to lessen is a little bit of semantics since even though it's the same number it's not worth as much.

But it is better than an actual lessening.

Seriously it felt like this.

UNLV gets gifted a 30 million dollar football facility.

They have access to playing in a state of the art Stadium.

Hire a coach that is recruiting at a high level and winning games.

And some how parlayed that into being 'demoted' to CUSA 2.0.
Agree with you across the board.

My only hope is, like you said in another post, this creates a stalemate and forces a merger.

The money…? Meh. If reports are true and UNLV was $22million in debt or whatever, then ok, whatever… sure, pay off the debt you’ve accrued trying to elevate your athletic department and move yourself back to square one. You don’t really believe in your programs anyway.

In a business with limited opportunities you just cashed out and admitted that you don’t want to compete.

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In the day of transfer portals and players moving in and out quickly, this isnt as horrendous as some think. We are still in a strong MW this year and next. We can still recruit based on that. It is critical we do well in that window to set ourselves up with 1) more financial stability, and 2) more to offer other conferences. It's hard for many to accept, but UNLV is in no position to pay large exit fees. We just aren't. Getting handed 25-30 mil for us as a school is huge. Ideally they use it to 1) extend Odom, 2) figure out bball, be it extending Kruger should he do well this year, or finding next coach that is proven and we can now afford.

I suspect we will also allocate a portion of the money for paying bigger name schools to actually come to vegas for home football and bball games, which will help growth and attendance. There is a reason we rarely if ever get big programs here. We can't pay them. Set aside a portion of this for coming years to lock in big home OOC games.

Now, with all this said, this is a short to medium term move and only truly is beneficial if both bball and football can take steps forward this season and next, causing increased attendance, tv audience, and revenue. If that doesnt happen and we fall off or stay the same, then this will go down as a failure. But it's our only move. We cannot pay exit fees. Period. Big12 isnt expanding until 2030. As a school we need to get in a better spot financially to even be able to invest properly to be considered.
Typical UNLV gross mismanagement. But when attendance declines 20% and TV viewership to match it then it will be the fans' fault. The admin is delusional if they think Odom will stay here to coach games in South Dakota. And when this revenue dries up after our TV revenue declines even more what then?
My gut tells me that since this is the case there's a couple things that were probably true. The PAC wasn't offering to pay our buyout to a level which we could afford it AND we were probably starting at 50-75% of the media deal for 2-3 years AND the PAC doesn't have a hard media deal in hand.

It's a conservative play, but if we're signing a rights deal for 5 years and getting 25-30 million to stay home then the math probably ends up working out in our favor over that 5 years. We can't be getting that much money AND be poaching from the AAC so we'll probably be looking to add NMSU, and Sam Houston or UTEP to get to 9 teams (I'd prefer Sam Houston of those two Texas schools).

The hard truth is the overall quality of the MWC is going down. I think our next media deal is going to be significantly less unless we take a ton of Friday and Thursday game options to give those networks something 'different'. We also, can't afford to be mediocre in the money sports in this conference. This conference is going to be a 2 bid league in hoops at best, and there won't be any 10-2 teams in football that are sniffing the playoffs.

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