That’s another good point. Players aren’t 4 year anymore … burn it now while you have him present …
THIS is how I feel about the situation.

That being said, coaches with class (see the Kruger family, don't see Beard, the Rat of Auburn, Coach K, etc.) would do what's best for the players regardless. Coaches with class look out for the boys/young men.
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THIS is how I feel about the situation.

That being said, coaches with class (see the Kruger family, don't see Beard, the Rat of Auburn, Coach K, etc.) would do what's best for the players regardless. Coaches with class look out for the boys/young men.
I was actually thinking the best thing for the kid, if he’s able and the stars align (we are making a run), is probably to play.

Best case he has a great year here next year and maybe one more.

If he came back to a great postseason run this year it would be a lot to build on for next year.

Agree with your point about coaches with class. I like having one.
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Can’t imagine them bringing him back and ruining a season for him. Even if he were “ready” to come back, you aren’t in game condition, aren’t at speed/reaction condition, would probably eat up another couple/three weeks of floor time before he was fully acclimated. And then you get into the minutes aspect and getting in sync with different lineups, them learning your game as well as you learning theirs. Unless he’s way, way ahead of what we know, seems like it would be unfair across the board.

That said … there’s a lot of other things to consider too. We don’t know alot, we aren’t behind closed doors.

Let’s say we were on the brink of a bid, legitimately chasing it … not pipe dreaming it … and what he brings is enough and he’s close to ready … and he can accept whatever role the coaches gave him and the rest could accept their redfined/reduced role (for some), yeah, I could see a coach taking a shot if the kid was agreeable to it …
Still in a boot last night. On the bench, actively supporting teammates. We still have Whaley, committed, from CSI. #1 JC team in country. He is doing well there.

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