If this were a few bad seasons this decade, it might be over reactionary. But this is multiple decades of being in the perennial bottom 10-20. This is anything but knee-jerk.
There are excuses aplenty, namely money. But you know what? It’s not like many other schools have had the same or even more insurmountable challenges yet they don’t always dwell in the same level of suckiness that the Rebels have. So we can spin away and blame, blame, blame, allow UNLV to be the victim. Screw that. Let’s place the blame where it belongs. I have a hard time believing that UNLV is Bad Luck U that just happens to hire bad coaches. Listen, guys might not be great, they might not be good fits, but they all know football, they just do. I think UNLV has probably dragged them down ability wise because UNLV isn’t and has never been fully committed. No money? You’re getting paid to go get it, earn your f’n money and RAISE it. You have a marketing job? Basic marketing ain’t gonna cut it, get out there, get aggressive, get innovative. Easier said than done? EXCUSES! That is the reason you are getting paid, do your f’n job. Everyone. To a man/woman that’s involved in athletics. Everyone should have pride, unity, belief and the drive. They shouldn’t only have that pride during a powwow at a long lunch over a fruity cocktail. Don’t occupy a seat for a paycheck. Do your job. Everyone.
They’re bullshit excuses man. You don’t fail for this long if you have some strengths. You have to suck ass across the board to be this poor for this long. Now there is a major facility, that’s money, it’s a huge asset. The new stadium isn’t ours, we are lucky, but it’s a huge asset. So we have important assets, we DO have a population, a footprint. This goes so far beyond coaching, for both football and basketball. We “need” the Pitino’s of the world only because we need to compensate for all the other weaknesses. Fix those goddamn weaknesses and there are plenty of coaches that would work out just fine here.
Now fix the rest of the bullshit.