2 of USU touchdowns...


Rebel Legend
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Should of been picked off. Every season seems like we lose those 50/50 balls like 90/10 of the time!
we are simply overmatched.... team isn't getting better week to week.. staying stagnant at best while everyone else is improving... that's coaching... or lack of.
You know I think Desiree is just a photo op type AD. Photo at the VGK game at UNLV’s lame alumni parties. Overall the noobs are running the office there at the Athletic offices. Somewhere Marvin is laughin his ass off. His tires are flat but damn football the engine just fell off. Overall UNLV is ran by a bunch wanna be Presidents and Regents taking salary for nothing.
Might as well pain that cannon matte blue. We will not see it in red for a long time.
I just dont think we are that talented. Yes we have talent. IQ, game plan. discipline development all mean nothing without structure.
She will probably make a move if we dont match last years win total or go bowling.

Doesn’t matter what she does. She has a budget of 600K a year. She will get a sucker or a loser or both for that.
The question is who would be the replacement? IMO need a strong personality type, and a known name in order to turn it around. Main thing will be to change perception and feel around the program.

Sounds pretty familiar to every other time we go through this cycle.

It’s too bad because no one was counting this game towards the end season total. Looking like the UNM game will be considered the turning point of the season, and not in a good way.
IF you are going to make a move make a move at the end of the season. WE need momentum going into the new stadium. Need to give the new staff atleast a year to get their players in.
IF you are going to make a move make a move at the end of the season. WE need momentum going into the new stadium. Need to give the new staff atleast a year to get their players in.
No. You fire in the middle of the season to buy time for a coaching search that won’t start until the season would have ended. That’s the smart move.

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No. You fire in the middle of the season to buy time for a coaching search that won’t start until the season would have ended. That’s the smart move.

LOL! What i am saying you do it at end of this year not next.
No. You fire in the middle of the season to buy time for a coaching search that won’t start until the season would have ended. That’s the smart move.

Funny thing is I think that method may have secured us a very good coach even though he hadno chance to recruit year 1. But I don’t recommend it.
Doesn’t matter what she does. She has a budget of 600K a year. She will get a sucker or a loser or both for that.
I hear you on the $ 600k. But it could be worse. Teams pay way more and still get losers.

Team Pay Record

Wyoming $ 1.4 Mil 2-4
Rutgers $ 2.2 Mil 1-6
Nebraska $ 5.0 Mil 0-6

And a number of teams pay below a Mil ( although above $ 600K) and have nice records.

We'll be looking for a retired or fired coach who has demonstrated success and has something to prove - or try to catch lightning in a bottle with a young coach.

It's the kind of hire that can make or break an AD's career.
I hear you on the $ 600k. But it could be worse. Teams pay way more and still get losers.

Team Pay Record

Wyoming $ 1.4 Mil 2-4
Rutgers $ 2.2 Mil 1-6
Nebraska $ 5.0 Mil 0-6

And a number of teams pay below a Mil ( although above $ 600K) and have nice records.

We'll be looking for a retired or fired coach who has demonstrated success and has something to prove - or try to catch lightning in a bottle with a young coach.

It's the kind of hire that can make or break an AD's career.
If she doesn’t at least have out feelers, if she’s not making some calls... she’s not worth the money she’s being paid. It pays to be prepared and proactive. Don’t make a move until there’s decent amount of certainty... and if you aren’t going to make a move, stop speculation with a 3 year extension. Because everyone is going to be speculating. We’ve given up 110 points the past two games. And one of those games was with a team that had a poor offense.
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If she doesn’t at least have out feelers, if she’s not making some calls... she’s not worth the money she’s being paid. It pays to be prepared and proactive. Don’t make a move until there’s decent amount of certainty... and if you aren’t going to make a move, stop speculation with a 3 year extension. Because everyone is going to be speculating. We’ve given up 110 points the past two games. And one of those games was with a team that had a poor offense.
My thoughts exactly. It seems she is just waiting for that call for the next job opening.
My thoughts exactly. It seems she is just waiting for that call for the next job opening.
But she hasn’t done nearly enough here to warrant a call from a higher school. That’s what she wants. You don’t get there by the status quo. You have to make your mark somehow, someway. And that’s part of the reason I don’t think either coach is as safe as some think they are. A football or basketball coach makes their mark by post season. An AD makes their mark by hires/fires and fundraising ability.
I have taken my wife Betty Jo a southern Texas girl all over the country to see the Rebs. She has never seen them win. I brought her and my family to The Howard game thinking this is a slam dunk. Nope SOR. Damn.
All the suggestions for a new coach are all things we've done already. Forever. We're just going to have to luck out with a young unproven coach who turns things around. That's what we can afford
I'm surprised so many are on the fire the coach bandwagon. At this point it better to save the money and have Sanchez play out his contract year with make-or-break.
If he can't fix it next year, you enter the season with a built football facility and a fresh new coach as you enter the stadium.
A firing waste money and allow the next coach to look bad on the field next year if he struggles.
Marketing wise you would be better with everything fresh during the stadium year if CTS fails.
I'm surprised so many are on the fire the coach bandwagon. At this point it better to save the money and have Sanchez play out his contract year with make-or-break.
If he can't fix it next year, you enter the season with a built football facility and a fresh new coach as you enter the stadium.
A firing waste money and allow the next coach to look bad on the field next year if he struggles.
Marketing wise you would be better with everything fresh during the stadium year if CTS fails.
I think he needs next year, too.

Football, it takes awhile for young kids to get through the system and physically mature to where they are difference makers. It’s not like basketball where one or two classes flips your roster and freshman can be as impactful as seniors.

That said, butts in seat (not the incredibly inflated “tickets sold” number, don’t get me started) is important because it’s what people are buying and it adds to the perception. That’s hurting. Badly.

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