Been out of town for about a week …

Remote in terms of tech. It’s awesome to not have to charge your phone for 6 days. Even better to not have to look at anything social. But then you get non stop peppered by notifications once you get in range.

We did this a couple of years ago, childhood friends that were made from grade 2 or 3 through 9th grade and forged that special bond of brotherhood that has lasted 50 years later. Thankfully, we didn’t lose one over the past couple of years but to a man (8 of us this time, 3 couldn’t make it), everyone has lost somebody close to them in that last two years, some expected, most unexpectedly.

Buddy owns a cabin on Cedar Mountain, a distance from Duck Creek, plenty of room for us all, 3 fully prepped meals per day, everyone chipped in with duties. We planned this, that and the other and did none of it. Didn’t use my gym shoes, my hiking boots, remained in flip flops and didn’t leave the cabin, aside from sleep, we were all on the large deck just bs’ing and tossing back a few.

Highly recommended if you get the chance to connect like that.

Not looking forward to getting back to work, that’s for sure. As I left on my PTO, I threw a rather large monkey wrench at management, officially giving my interest in a different job (I absolutely LOATHE my current job, what it has become). I figured it was a good time to release it, let them stew over it for about a week. Haven’t gone through the 100+ text messages or any work emails yet, I’m sure it’ll be interesting. I’ll see if anything UNLV popped up in the messages.

Anything major happen with UNLV in the past week before I go through some posts later tonight?

Will the future of the Pac-12 name really mean that much?

As we wait to see what the Pac-12 will do regarding a rebuild or merger will that name really mean that much in the future? I've been reading that the B12 is looking at selling the naming rights of the conference. Possibly to "Allstate". It could possibly happen for the right amount of money where you might have the new conference name, as mentioned in the article linked below, as the "Allstate 12 Conference". Per the article it could land the B12 an additional 30 to 50 million dollars per year. They aren't the only ones that have talked about this. The Mountain West Conference could be one of those conferences in the future to sell it's naming rights. The NYTimes has an article about G5 conferences having that discussion however I can't get behind that paywall.

Anything that will get us more money I'm all for it.
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Liberty’s schedule 2024

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Being EXTREMELY optimistic that we may have an outside chance of being considered for a big bowl game, this is one of the schools that we would have to leap over.

This is a Menzies’ schedule if he was allowed to hand select the weakest of the weak. Their o/u is 10.5. I don’t see how you lose one, let alone two, yet that doesn’t mean that they are a good team. We and Boise, and probably countless other G5 schools, have scheduled legitimately difficult schools. If you look at “RPI” there’s no way that we don’t rank higher than them, even if we lose 4.

2024 Preseason Ratings/Projections

As we start getting closer to a new season, preseason ratings and projections will start to come out (Phil Steele, Athlon, etc).

One that I started following last year is Kelley Ford. They’ve already come out with their preseason ratings for us and the MWC:

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They have us rated as the #84 team overall with highest probability to finish the season with 6 wins and finishing 5th in conference.

I’d say our schedule heavily factors into these win totals. If you look at the other MWC teams and their schedules, you can see how many of them have easier paths to the CCG (look at Fresno’s conference schedule).

All that glitters is not gold

I think it was Cervantes who coined the phrase in Don Quixote. This is just for discussion.

Talking with a guy at work who I shoot the shit with daily about sports, he had a pretty high level recruit son about twenty years ago so he’d been through the AAU stuff, recruiting visits and all that jazz. So he was familiar with all the local talent back then, from the mid 90’s through the early 2010’s, had UNLV guys over to his house many times (UNLV was recruiting his son) ….

Anyway; it’s surprising (to both of us) some of the stuff that comes out when we talk. And it got me thinking back to the way I viewed things before this site, as a fan who just saw games, that’s it.

I made so many assumptions that were flat out wrong, even the complete opposite of what the facts were in my mind. For instance, like many, I was all about Greedy and didn’t like Dickel. That’s when I started regularly attending practices and pick ups. And I was so far off on that one.

But there are many other things you assume …… this guy is tough (he’s a complete wimp), this guy is soft (toughest guy on the team), this is a great teammate (he’s a POS who divides the team), this guy is a headcase (he’s glue). This guy is disrespectful, a problem to coach, this one is a coaches dream, etc, etc, etc.

We also do it from video highlights and that one drives me crazy, it’s like a dating profile, you only see the good.

I always say trust your eyes and draw conclusions for yourself because you know what you see, don’t let others tell you how it is. But even that can be dead wrong …. About the only thing you can assess with any degree of success is actual level of talent and that’s only if you can see both the good and the bad, as in live games vs similar competition, not highlight reels.

We had a long discussion about this sort of stuff and it was an eye opener.

Anyway, just some food for thought.

Admittedly, I don’t

Watch a ton of NBA, but have watched some during the playoffs.

DJ, it’s amazing he starts. I know, I know, Kryie and Luka get all the shots so he “fits” in that he doesn’t need the ball. But he reminds me of old school Corky Ausborne just sitting in a corner and watching. Oh, unlike Corky, he will board crash a bit and grab an occasional oop. If he’s open, he will launch the three in mediocrity (but better than here). Defensively, he doesn’t look that disruptive, gets beat off the dribble a lot. Just looks like a journeyman.

Drinking the Punch..

Who’s drinking the punch..?

Don’t normally comment on stuff like this.. But Wadddilove all over X, claiming he expects the Rebs are tourney bound..

I’ve learned over the years.. You can’t have blinders on.. Especially when you haven’t seen GAME REPS/OR it happen in a DECADE.. I don’t know if he is looking for likes, etc.. But I’m sorry, having that assessment on the current roster, you don’t know basketball, you just don’t..

Covering the Rebs & having that take is wild to me.. Anyway, I digress..

Rain drops

Been awhile. But the wife and family went out to soaks in the rain today in Florida. No wind, just a down pour. Beautifully cold and crisp rain drops on our heads. Bring back a lot of memories.

She took some pictures. I am getting old looking. My sons looks great in the rain water.
