Who said UNLV TV numbers were low?

Not according to the Idaho news paper who compared Boise States TV audience for rated televised games to the rest of the MWC for 2023. Boise came in no. 3. No. 1 was?

I know. I laugh my ass of because they are using viewership numbers from when UNLV sucked and could never get on TV, and when they did it was on a streaming service. They have ignored the last 2 years. Why do they think UNLV has 11 of 12 games on national TV this season, is it because nobody wants to watch?
Excellent find. I am pretty sure our numbers are going to be a lot higher after this season.
Pay wall. What did article say?
This is the main focus for us:

"Boise State’s TV audience ranked No. 3 among Mountain West teams that played at least four publicly rated games, according to UNLV led the conference, averaging 1.46 million viewers in five publicly rated games. Air Force ranked No. 2 with 1.14 million viewers in four applicable games. Wyoming ranked No. 4 with an average of 730,000 viewers in five games."
Makes me wonder what the PAC was looking at in their "Metrics". You would think that information would be important in making decisions especially when media revenue is of high importance if not the highest importance.
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I would be careful with these metrics. Our numbers definitely were boosted by Michigan, Kansas and Vanderbilt. The numbers don’t look so exciting when you remove bowl and out of conference.
What if I took out Boise's Bowl Games and OOC schedule of Washington, Memphis, and UCF? Looking at the smaller OOC game, do you think Bryant draws more eyes than North Dakota?

This is essentially the same statistical argument that 'Charles Williams is a below average RB if you remove all of his long touchdown runs'. Sure, but aren't those statistical 'outliers' part of the the sample size when you're calculating things like total yards and yards per carry? The Michigan game is doing some heavy lifting in our numbers, but that's what you should get by scheduling a top 5 team on the road, but how much lifting is that game in Seattle doing?
I would be careful with these metrics. Our numbers definitely were boosted by Michigan, Kansas and Vanderbilt. The numbers don’t look so exciting when you remove bowl and out of conference.
Yes but this is true of the other MWC schools as well. Our title game vs BSU drew over 1M.
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You have certain teams who are going to have big TV numbers because of who they are… big cities with huge alumni bases spread across the country. The only team who maybe slightly fits that bill in the MW is probably Air Force.

Everyone else’s TV numbers go directly hand in hand with if they’re any good. Boise sort of qualifies in that regard… how much though is up for debate. Several years ago Boise was REALLY good and became this mid major darling for a lot of people, but that was ONLY because they were actually REALLY good. They’ve still been pretty good over the last several years but they’re not the mid major darling that they once were and their popularity has regressed closer to the mean.

If and when they’re in the middle of the pack their “metrics” won’t be that great and their market won’t be shit.

In the new PAC Oregon St and Washington St will probably stay fairly consistent… older schools, larger alumni bases, PAC legacy schools. The other four are gonna be inconsistent at best.
To answer the OP. Nielson ratings say our TV numbers are low.
Playing Michigan on regular CBS last season really boosted our numbers. Any Michigan team will draw numbers. One with NC legit hopes? Really jacks that up.
I also though we ended up with a better bowl game than Boise. Kansas has probably a better team than UCLA and it was during holiday week which is a ..better time slot.
Butts in the seats matter too, and UNLV has been much lower than their conference standing would dictate. Especially considering what our home field is and the size of our market.
Now this year does offer a lot of opportunity to raise our TV profile. Keep winning will expand our viewership nationally just because people are going to want to watch the playoff contenders play. We also have way more TV games of course .
The Friday Kansas game was good. Houston numbers were bad. I think having additional Friday games will help viewership as well.
Set up your DVRs. Do the same for your inlaws, your parents, your grandparents, etc.
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6th in the league when you tied for first isn't great. Even terrible ass SDSU drew more fans last year.
It is sad. Was last season, season #1 in Snapdragon?

Regardless, we should pull more than the Aztecs.

I've lived here my entire life and I still disagree with the term "We will support a winner." Not true. People of Las Vegas will support a team that gives them clout in the community. 85% of Golden Knights fans drive Range Rovers and have their nannies pick up their kids from private school. Even in seasons where the Knights are good but not Stanley Cup contenders the talk of the town decreases. The flags aren't as flown nearly as proudly. Hockey fans talk hockey but Golden Knights fans are zzzzzz...

It will take a huge momentum switch for Las Vegas residents to see UNLV sports attendance as something to go on their IG reels. Free glass of wine and allowing dogs to be brought in purses smaller than 9" x 11" would be a good start.
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