UNLV Top 25 Ranking?

Boise got the LA bowl last year, though we arguably got the better bowl. Not sure if we would have the liberty of declining for anything other than the playoffs. Not sure how this works these days.
That is because they won the conference.
We weren't ranked last week in either poll. I imagine we come in somewhere similar in todays poll, but agree that a loss for Army probably eliminates them, with their super soft schedule.
We should also root for Memphis to beat Tulane. Memphis isnt able to get into AAC championship game so a win by them doesnt hurt us if we win out. Just need that Fresno team to come through for us

I believe Army vs Tulane is the AAC title game. They are only playing for home field at this point, and each only has one regular season conference game if I recall correctly
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Are you saying that the 5 leaving are getting their shares of the bowls and CFP money this year and next? I thought the MWC are keeping their shares as their defection fees?
Yes they get it. The contract says so. The penalty fees have nothing to do with what money they are owed while they are still under contract.

What if you gave your 2 weeks, worked those two weeks, and then your job decided to not pay you for that time?
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Yes they get it. The contract says so. The penalty fees have nothing to do with what money they are owed while they are still under contract.

What if you gave your 2 weeks, worked those two weeks, and then your job decided to not pay you for that time?
Technically that's correct, however it's typical to withhold the payouts to cover the exit fee vs schools having to fund their exit fees straight up... so instead of recieving the TV payout and NCAA shares they go in as payments towards the exit fee.
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Good to see Boise ranked well in CFP. As a program they deserve the recognition, they’ve earned it this year and as a program over the years. It also helps us by bringing more attention to the conference and UNLV often gets mentioned along with Boise given that we’re both in the running for the CFP spot. Plus it puts a lot of attention on the MWCC game if we can get into it. I like our chances if we can get into the game. All the pressure would be on Boise not to lose. Seriously sucks that our fate is on Fresno beating CSU. That home game against Boise was so huge I don’t think we all realized just how critical it was.
Good to see Boise ranked well in CFP. As a program they deserve the recognition, they’ve earned it this year and as a program over the years. It also helps us by bringing more attention to the conference and UNLV often gets mentioned along with Boise given that we’re both in the running for the CFP spot. Plus it puts a lot of attention on the MWCC game if we can get into it. I like our chances if we can get into the game. All the pressure would be on Boise not to lose. Seriously sucks that our fate is on Fresno beating CSU. That home game against Boise was so huge I don’t think we all realized just how critical it was.
We beat Boise, play CSU at home for Conf championship …. Yeah, we’d be in terrific shape.
Thing was, we didn’t play all that well, Boise really didn’t make a mistake in that game, just picked away at our softer spots and it was a tight win for them.
Home against Utah State won't be a cake walk for CSU either.
I agree. They actually have a pretty solid offense, when it's clicking. It's their defense that kills them. But CSU hasn't put up a ton of points this season, so I think Utah State has a decent chance against CSU.
We beat Boise, play CSU at home for Conf championship …. Yeah, we’d be in terrific shape.
Thing was, we didn’t play all that well, Boise really didn’t make a mistake in that game, just picked away at our softer spots and it was a tight win for them.
that BS blind side block on RWIII on 4th and 1 didn't help, and that pick at the end of the 1H was the game. We didn't play all that well and we had every chance to win that game.
Good to see Boise ranked well in CFP. As a program they deserve the recognition, they’ve earned it this year and as a program over the years. It also helps us by bringing more attention to the conference and UNLV often gets mentioned along with Boise given that we’re both in the running for the CFP spot. Plus it puts a lot of attention on the MWCC game if we can get into it. I like our chances if we can get into the game. All the pressure would be on Boise not to lose. Seriously sucks that our fate is on Fresno beating CSU. That home game against Boise was so huge I don’t think we all realized just how critical it was.
I think Utah State may have a better shot at beating CSU than FSU.
Certainly a whiff, and an interesting class he threw together. Ironically the lowest rated player was the best one of the bunch.
Hey, recruiting gurus blew smoke up everyone’s ass with him. When you don’t even notice the biggest guy on the floor in Las Vegas basketball …. Something is wrong. When you see him posting up kids on a driveway video with an 8 foot rim as a workout, you give him his walking papers.

Dude was pretty awful, but people were swearing by him. Boggles my mind how to some people every get is a “stud”. lol.
Hey, recruiting gurus blew smoke up everyone’s ass with him. When you don’t even notice the biggest guy on the floor in Las Vegas basketball …. Something is wrong. When you see him posting up kids on a driveway video with an 8 foot rim as a workout, you give him his walking papers.

Dude was pretty awful, but people were swearing by him. Boggles my mind how to some people every get is a “stud”. lol.
Our "insiders" call every recruit a stud...
But Otz had a pretty good class committed to UNLV before he walked. Remember we had Kaluma, Collins, and Gilbeet in that class I believe before it blew up. For where the program was left after Menzies was recruiting the halls of D3 and Jucco, he had a really stellar class.
Just thinking about how we might've gone from Collins to DTJ in succession had things not gone terribly wrong...
Boise got the LA bowl last year, though we arguably got the better bowl. Not sure if we would have the liberty of declining for anything other than the playoffs. Not sure how this works these days.
Bruh, we played on a converted baseball stadium wtf.

Never ever again.
Not exactly... it was a close game late in fourth quarter, the OSU failed to convert on 2 straight 4th downs... Boise ran Jeanty 39 times(2 called back for holding)... lots of milage on legs
He can retire and not work again with how much money BSU is paying him.
Looking good so far for Utah State against Colorado State. CSU can’t stop anything. An L and we’re guaranteed a spot in the MWC game, but out sights for our team are so much higher.
Disaster of an end. 29 points given up in the 4th quarter.

USU ends up scoring with 15 seconds left in the 4th quarter and recovering the onside kick. First play is an INT, but the DB lands with 1 foot out of bounds. Call on field is INT, but since it's on FS1 there's not enough to get it right.