UNLV basketball to require proof of vaccine!

Unr first put in the mandate unlv followed!
Reno and unlv are not true rivals. What one university does the other pretty much follows That’s why when it comes to conference affiliation I see both schools jumping or staying on board. Not one school doing one thing and the other doing another. Both universities are in or out.
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That’s why when it comes to conference affiliation I see both schools jumping or staying on board. Not one school doing one thing and the other doing another.
If one gets invited to the pac 12 or big 12 and the other doesnt, you think they're gonna say no??
I don't care about our TV market ranking, our academic ranking or our facilities - we will not go to any power 5 conference with an annual bottom 5 football program. It just isn't happening.
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Does anyone know how this mandate will apply to kids? My stepsons are in middle school now. Technically old enough and eligible for the vaccine, but although my wife and I are vaccinated I don't feel comfortable having them get it.

My wife had some pretty serious side effects with her cycle and all of that stuff and it lasted for several months. I am not anti-vax but I really don't think this is something to force on people. And from what I hear teenage boys are the ones that can have the worst side effects.
Does anyone know how this mandate will apply to kids? My stepsons are in middle school now. Technically old enough and eligible for the vaccine, but although my wife and I are vaccinated I don't feel comfortable having them get it.

My wife had some pretty serious side effects with her cycle and all of that stuff and it lasted for several months. I am not anti-vax but I really don't think this is something to force on people. And from what I hear teenage boys are the ones that can have the worst side effects.
That's a good question that I haven't seen an answer too. I would assume it would be similar to what it is for the Raiders games, which is kids over 12 won't be allowed in without showing their papers. I'm not sure what Pfizer's approval for the 5-12 age range will do to this rule. Previously, those under 12 just had to wear masks.
Does anyone know how this mandate will apply to kids? My stepsons are in middle school now. Technically old enough and eligible for the vaccine, but although my wife and I are vaccinated I don't feel comfortable having them get it.

My wife had some pretty serious side effects with her cycle and all of that stuff and it lasted for several months. I am not anti-vax but I really don't think this is something to force on people. And from what I hear teenage boys are the ones that can have the worst side effects.
That one bothers me a lot. Both the approval for kids and that UNLV’s stance will hurt families with kids.

Myocarditis is being treated way too flippantly. Yeah, it may initially resolve in a few days, but the kid is now catapulted into another universe with future chances at heart failure and early heart failure. It was so very rare that we used to see anybody under 30 present with an elevated troponin in ED. Now we see it a few times per month. We certainly don’t admit COVID positive kids at that rate.

All to avoid an illness that impacts them far less than flu. It’s senseless on multiple levels.
Does anyone know how this mandate will apply to kids? My stepsons are in middle school now. Technically old enough and eligible for the vaccine, but although my wife and I are vaccinated I don't feel comfortable having them get it.

My wife had some pretty serious side effects with her cycle and all of that stuff and it lasted for several months. I am not anti-vax but I really don't think this is something to force on people. And from what I hear teenage boys are the ones that can have the worst side effects.

“Since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) just recently approved vaccinations for children under the age of 12, attendees below that age threshold will be allowed to attend games without proof of vaccinations until December 1, 2021, but will need to wear a mask. Children ages 2-and-under do not have to wear a mask. After the grace period, children ages 5-11 will be required to be fully vaccinated effective Dec 1, 2021 to attend basketball games at the Thomas & Mack. The requirement for vaccinating children under 12 follows recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. UNLV will continue to monitor state, county and local guidelines, and will adjust policies as needed.”

“Since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) just recently approved vaccinations for children under the age of 12, attendees below that age threshold will be allowed to attend games without proof of vaccinations until December 1, 2021, but will need to wear a mask. Children ages 2-and-under do not have to wear a mask. After the grace period, children ages 5-11 will be required to be fully vaccinated effective Dec 1, 2021 to attend basketball games at the Thomas & Mack. The requirement for vaccinating children under 12 follows recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. UNLV will continue to monitor state, county and local guidelines, and will adjust policies as needed.”

That is just completely ridiculous. Nevada has become that crazy state. Kids need a vaccine passport to attend a sporting event. Horrible !!
If attendance does take a hit because of the new policies … I really hope UNLV doesn’t go back on the policy because they’re too short of bodies in the building. Do it for the right reasons, not money, don’t be a hypocrite. You made the decision that the entire arena is at risk if anybody unvaccinated walks in … stick to your guns. Don’t budge from the policy if it truly is health driven.
If attendance does take a hit because of the new policies … I really hope UNLV doesn’t go back on the policy because they’re too short of bodies in the building. Do it for the right reasons, not money, don’t be a hypocrite. You made the decision that the entire arena is at risk if anybody unvaccinated walks in … stick to your guns. Don’t budge from the policy if it truly is health driven.
I would love to see the statistics for what the decision was based on. Not on some CDC recommendation, or we're doing because Reno and California are doing it. With all of the in person games, concerts, festivals and large events happening all over the country, including football, hockey, basketball, there must be a lot of data showing massive increase in covid cases, right? Surely that has happened or they wouldn't have made this decision.
On Reno's site they only talk about fans 12 years or over requiring proof. Nothing about 5 year old's.
I would love to see the statistics for what the decision was based on. Not on some CDC recommendation, or we're doing because Reno and California are doing it. With all of the in person games, concerts, festivals and large events happening all over the country, including football, hockey, basketball, there must be a lot of data showing massive increase in covid cases, right? Surely that has happened or they wouldn't have made this decision.
They make it up as they go. Even the CDC just published some awful data and statistics … things that were mathematically impossible.

People will pull an article based on bad science and cite it. And you can argue with them in good faith, but their mind was made up before you argued it.

Basically, they want to do what they want to do and it won’t be stopped. It’s stupid but the way it is and has been for several months.
They make it up as they go. Even the CDC just published some awful data and statistics … things that were mathematically impossible.

People will pull an article based on bad science and cite it. And you can argue with them in good faith, but their mind was made up before you argued it.

Basically, they want to do what they want to do and it won’t be stopped. It’s stupid but the way it is and has been for several months.
Yeah, I agree. I was being a little sarcastic with my post. It's just sad that large groups of people, universities, governmental agencies, etc think it's acceptable to cut out a huge portion of the country from doing things based on no good evidence.

All the while, ignoring:
1. the studies that show that those who have received the shot have just as high of viral loads as those that have not received it, meaning that they're just as likely to transmit Covid to others. Maybe even more so, because if they don't have many symptoms, but have a high viral load, they're much less likely to stay home or take precautions.
2. Those that have had Covid and recovered, or those that seem to have natural immunity, possibly from previous coronaviruses (which studies have shown do have cross immunity to an extent)
3. children and young, healthy individuals are not at any significant risk to have any real issues with covid.

On the NV health response website, it shows that there have been over 336,000 confirmed cases in Clark County alone. That means positive tests. I'm sure there are plenty of others, kids and young healthy people, who got it with another family member, but didn't test. Or they got it, but had no symptoms so they just went about their lives without knowing. So potentially 25% of the population of Las Vegas could have immunity with or without the Covid shot, but we'll just throw that out the window.

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Lots of butt hurt on these boards about getting jabbed. You do you. I have personally known 3 people who have died from covid. 2 were anti vaxx “Patriots” and one who got the vaxx but he was in his mid 80s with severe health issues. I know I know. You done did your own research.
Lots of butt hurt on these boards about getting jabbed. You do you. I have personally known 3 people who have died from covid. 2 were anti vaxx “Patriots” and one who got the vaxx but he was in his mid 80s with severe health issues. I know I know. You done did your own research.
Some do research.

some do anecdote.

do whichever you want. It’s usually quite obvious.
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Reno and unlv are not true rivals. What one university does the other pretty much follows That’s why when it comes to conference affiliation I see both schools jumping or staying on board. Not one school doing one thing and the other doing another. Both universities are in or out.
You are absolutely correct. The Nevada University/Regent system is a political machine in itself. They really don't look at things the same way us fans do. Their agendas are set forth and in motion - What we want as fans and what they want are two completely different things. Neither Nevada nor UNLV will ever be anything in Athletics again. The state of Nevada is run by a bunch of knuckleheads. Carson City Don't care about football and basketball. C'mon now.
Lots of butt hurt on these boards about getting jabbed. You do you. I have personally known 3 people who have died from covid. 2 were anti vaxx “Patriots” and one who got the vaxx but he was in his mid 80s with severe health issues. I know I know. You done did your own research.
That's super cool. I love anecdotes. Everyone I know that got covid who were unvaxxed had mild symptoms and were fine in 2 days.
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Funny how you attempted to put politics into your anecdote by claiming two of those you know who died are anti vaxx PATRIOTS. So you verified what their political views are, and how they felt about a vaccine? Wanting to take or not take a vaccine has more to do with personal beliefs, trust of the government and their vaccine, already being exposed to the virus, etc., which I guess doesn't fit your political agenda? So I guess I can go and say I know 3 people who died, and two are liberal socialist is how I should respond? Stupidity is rampant!
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You are absolutely correct. The Nevada University/Regent system is a political machine in itself. They really don't look at things the same way us fans do. Their agendas are set forth and in motion - What we want as fans and what they want are two completely different things. Neither Nevada nor UNLV will ever be anything in Athletics again. The state of Nevada is run by a bunch of knuckleheads. Carson City Don't care about football and basketball. C'mon now.
UNR and UNLV does and will do things simultaneously. That includes future conference affiliation
As a side note, the average attendance for 2019-2020 was 8,218 per the NCAA records, and the attendance was 4,962 for the game last night. I am curious how many people stayed away vaccinated and un-vaccinated last night due to their only allowing those who have been vaccinated, and who are willing to provide their medical records as proof, to attend games?
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As per today’s New York Times, daily cases of Covid up and around 1200 deaths/day. That extrapolates to 438,000 deaths/year.

Good to beat anyone when you shoot 2 for 25 on treys.
That's super cool. I love anecdotes. Everyone I know that got covid who were unvaxxed had mild symptoms and were fine in 2 days.
I’ve known more non-covid deaths that would have been avoided (cancer undiagnosed, easily curable, suicide) plus vaxxed (2) or vaccine deaths (1) than actual covid deaths (2). But I don’t use that as evidence for or against anything.

Anecdotes are powerful, they hit an emotional center … and they can cause irrationality and leads to strong bias. They aren’t science, though.

If you can stack many upon many, then you do have a better basis based on observation of a greater number.
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I don't care about our TV market ranking, our academic ranking or our facilities - we will not go to any power 5 conference with an annual bottom 5 football program. It just isn't happening.
I agree. Too bad the athletic department and university president are too short sided to understand how important athletics are to a university’s success.