OT: Hypocrisy in politics

Is there betting odds on Trump dumping Vance and adding RFK to his ticket? Trump's campaign needs a shakeup.
I like Vance, Trump should have picked a token vice president of color etc.
An America without freedom of speech or free exchange of ideas isn’t America.

Currently we have no freedom of speech on most social media sites if you are a conservative, and almost completely one sided with the network news, but I am sure that the current administration would be happy to continue along their current path of turning us into another England where they toss you in jail if you make a negative comment that the powers that be consider inappropriate.
When I used to be a bartender we had 2 rules about conversation topics. No discussing POLITICS and RELIGION - A sports message board should have the same rules.
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When I used to be a bartender we had 2 rules about conversation topics. No discussing POLITICS and RELIGION - A sports message board should have the same rules.
Especially a thread clearly marked off topic, politics - alerting the reader not to open the thread if they don’t want politics.

Freedom of speech has been a top priority here since day one, regardless of POV. Free to post what you want, free to read what you want, free to not read what you don’t want, free to block users or posts, etc. It’s always been very liberal when it comes to freedom of expression with the hopes people have some sense of decency. It can be customized enough to where you have the control. The site has also been one that doesn’t censor, doesn’t ban … unless things spiral way out of control. It’s been that way since the late 90s.

My memory isn't strong enough, but I'm guessing that over the 20+ years that you may have participated in or shown no offense to other OT type threads, like growing up in Vegas, smack talk about Mormons, best food places in Las Vegas, etc, etc, etc.

As a bartender, you may have had that rule personally, but I’m sure it wasn’t enforced and patrons didn’t adhere to it. I cannot think of a single bar I’ve ever been to that is like that.
When I used to be a bartender we had 2 rules about conversation topics. No discussing POLITICS and RELIGION - A sports message board should have the same rules.
Just for you!
danger GIF
Is there betting odds on Trump dumping Vance and adding RFK to his ticket? Trump's campaign needs a shakeup.
Vance is doing exactly what he needs to do. Hes putting constant pressure on the press, taking heat off Trump, and is an absolute bulldog with real experience that touches home with Rust belt voters in PA, Michigan, WI.. etc. All the "chatter" about dumping him is media that doesn't like him calling out their BS. Meanwhile Happy Joy campaign is doing co-interviews and avoiding policy.
And RFK? how would that help his ticket... RFK is a great tool to have in a coalition together but youre not putting him on a ticket.
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F*cked and F*cked a little less.
I was much happier and much better off under the last administration. My son makes a crazy good salary and couldn't even buy a decent house where he currently lives. The cost of insurance (up over 100%), fuel (up 40%) rent (doubled), homes (doubled), cars (50%+), groceries (30%+), and everything else has sky rocketed while the average salary has gone up maybe 10-20% at best in the last 3.5 years. I will take President Trump any day over the current administration that is running us into the ground while making friends and family rich and giving away the house to illegals! If it is so great, why is the middle class leaving California by the millions while they are being replaced by illegals? Both parties are out for themselves, but I believe President Trump is really not part of the party system!
You think this might be satire or embellishment … it’s not. Anybody that thinks things are better now than they were, they’re lying to you and themselves. It’s demonstrable at every turn.

When are people going to wake up and realize they’ve been played? That “their party” slid so far past what they once believed in … to complete lunacy …. So many things, probably everything … how are your eyes so damn closed? And no, this isn’t an endorsement for Trump or the republicans, the positioning of the current Dems is far more absurd and nonsensical that it’s ever been in history.

You think this might be satire or embellishment … it’s not. Anybody that thinks things are better now than they were, they’re lying to you and themselves. It’s demonstrable at every turn.

When are people going to wake up and realize they’ve been played? That “their party” slid so far past what they once believed in … to complete lunacy …. So many things, probably everything … how are your eyes so damn closed? And no, this isn’t an endorsement for Trump or the republicans, the positioning of the current Dems is far more absurd and nonsensical that it’s ever been in history.

This commercial was spot on.
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This commercial was spot on.
Right? It quickly glosses over everything that is really going on …

And the response to anyone against it will always be the same …. But, der, um … but Trump!

That’s not anything of substance. Tell us what you are going to do … and saying you’ll undo all of the things that you did the past four years, not exactly a ringing endorsement of your abilities.
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Right? It quickly glosses over everything that is really going on …

And the response to anyone against it will always be the same …. But, der, um … but Trump!

That’s not anything of substance. Tell us what you are going to do … and saying you’ll undo all of the things that you did the past four years, not exactly a ringing endorsement of your abilities.
I dont believe they have anything of substance.. They have been running since 2016 on the "orange man bad" just in different forms... This newer version is "Not Going Back" vs a few months ago "Threat to Democracy"...
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I dont believe they have anything of substance.. They have been running since 2016 on the "orange man bad" just in different forms... This newer version is "Not Going Back" vs a few months ago "Threat to Democracy"...
The entire platform is attack the other side .... they won't show you what they stand for, they won't clearly state it, even though they unveil it in front of your eyes, they let it go and it's accepted, so they don't even have to say anything about it. The press is absolutely silent on the absurdities.

It's all just gross.
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I decided today that I was going to check out the local news at 6 PM to see if they had any good news stories regarding UNLV football. I learned quickly why I no longer ever watch local news. Channel 13, 8 & 5 all had negative Trump stories on which quickly got me to switch off the stations. All the local media is good for is being a puppet of the national media which has non-stop attacks on President Trump and nothing but positive and advertisements for Kamala Harris! Let the local new go back to slowly dying on the vine!
It's all about independent media sources. Not only are the stories and content unique, they aren't full of handed down talking points. Now if they could just reduce the ads...
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Independent journalism, some of the undercover work has been really good. It’s what journalists used to do.

But now you have to be careful about AI …
Any time I see a story that seems too good to be true, I look it up for other sources, because there are some really good fake stories out there. Anytime it is anti-Trump, I already know it is most likely a fake story, and it is always cared by all the network media!
I decided today that I was going to check out the local news at 6 PM to see if they had any good news stories regarding UNLV football. I learned quickly why I no longer ever watch local news. Channel 13, 8 & 5 all had negative Trump stories on which quickly got me to switch off the stations. All the local media is good for is being a puppet of the national media which has non-stop attacks on President Trump and nothing but positive and advertisements for Kamala Harris! Let the local new go back to slowly dying on the vine!
Yeah, it's a shame how one sided most of the media is. I guess I'm just old school but I feel like the news should be non partisan reporting of events, not social programming. Regardless of which side they favor, I don't care, just report facts, not propaganda
You think this might be satire or embellishment … it’s not. Anybody that thinks things are better now than they were, they’re lying to you and themselves. It’s demonstrable at every turn.

When are people going to wake up and realize they’ve been played? That “their party” slid so far past what they once believed in … to complete lunacy …. So many things, probably everything … how are your eyes so damn closed? And no, this isn’t an endorsement for Trump or the republicans, the positioning of the current Dems is far more absurd and nonsensical that it’s ever been in history.

The girl in the thumbtack looked like my sister. We’ll, her and her dumbass dead husband voted for Biden..
Independent journalism, some of the undercover work has been really good. It’s what journalists used to do.

But now you have to be careful about AI …
That's what is so upsetting about "journalism" today. Interviews used to be given to journalists on both sides of the aisle. Now one party hand selects who they talk to and when, they do 0 interviews with journalists or hosts who actually press them on their points. It's why I think there's a huge disadvantage in the coming debate for Kamala despite playing a home game at ABC... she's used to talking into a void with 0 push back and if Trump plays it smart like he did with Biden, he'll expose and destroy her. Honestly, it'd be refreshing for a democratic candidate to sit down with a leading conservative media member like a Shapiro or Bongino, take their tough questions and even if they don't answer the response and just push back with their usual stump speech rhetoric, at least they'd be outside their protective bubble. That's why it was a big deal for Trump to go to the NABJ conference, where he speaks with interviewers who pushed him and pushed back...
When I was in 7th grade, I read JRR Tolkien's books once and understood it.I read your post, twice Scrub! I still dont understand it.
You know what’s better than Lord of the Rings?


I read all the freakin books in the 7th grade up to high school!!! That was the books that got me into reading.

And the authors were Mormon!!!
I don't know who won the debate tonight, but we all lost.
Dude me and my roommate lasted like maybe 10 was right when Trump said dogs were getting eaten in Springfield.

Took my roommate out for a Cigar, then I did the worst thing, we watched Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruiseon Netflix. After about 45 minutes of that crap, he had enough lol.

Never ever watching a political debate again. The format changed.

I don’t even know what Operation 2025
Trump almost went full Biden with the dog thing….but the main takeaway being how easy he and his emotions can be triggered and manipulated.
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Trump almost went full Biden with the dog thing…

Honestly what I don't get about people/politics is this...The amount of time and energy people waste arguing about things that ultimately have little to no impact on their lives.

And this goes for both parties, not an endorsement or referendum for Trump or VP Harris.

Reality is, most people are 1 issue voters. 'Can I put food on the table, can I pay rent and how much do I have left over'.

Most of the rest of it is culture war nonsense and pandering.

If you had it good under Trump, vote for Trump and don't let anybody try and shame you. If things were good for you under Biden/Harris vote for Harris without any reservation.

We'll see where the chips fall in a couple months.
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My main 1 issues vote is character and while no candidates are perfect If I could wave a wand and redo the presidencies since 2008 it would be McCain > Romney > Obama and Trump would still be playing golf and running his businesses.
My main 1 issues vote is character and while no candidates are perfect If I could wave a wand and redo the presidencies since 2008 it would be McCain > Romney > Obama and Trump would still be playing golf and running his businesses.

I get it.

Purely from a strategic standpoint, if Harris loses the election, it will likely be because she loses Pennsylvania. Picking Walz over Shapiro an absolutely monumental blunder if that happens.

Trump is literally his own worst enemy.

This should absolutely be a landslide for Republicans. First the economy/cost of goods is a huge concern for most people and it should be what he is pounding home.

Secondly Harris was polling as the least popular VP in history a few short months ago.

Third the middle east is in disarray, US is pouring billions into the war in Ukraine. Both of these popped off under Biden administration.

He can't help himself.

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