OT - Conor McGregor vs. Mayweather


National Player of the Year
May 24, 2012
McGregor is going to crushed. Mayweather is going to be toying with him. McGregor has no business making his debut as a boxer against one of the best ever.

This video shows McGregor sparring with a real boxer and he looks lost. Don't waste money on the PPV.

I used to be a boxing fan. I'm shocked its still alive - if in fact it still is. This fight is an indictment of how far its fallen: the best draw it could muster is pulling from the ranks of another sport.
Money talks, it's what the people want atm (another venue fighter). Look at all money inclusive from the Floyd Pacman bout. Money never lies.
I'm going to save all of you some money and boredom! I traveled into the future and this is how the fight will end but, in half the rounds. :boxing:

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This is a money grab. Who cares what the outcome is? I would rather watch battle of the network stars. The betting line is something like -1100.
FWIW, I love the sport of boxing, and order PPV events regularly.
McGregor getting Owened in a sparring session by a pro boxer that isn't half the boxer Money May is !

is this fight boxing only or is it MMA? Boxing only it will be an easy win for Mayweather, MMA it will be easy win for McGregor.
I can't wrap my head around the stupidity of someone willing to pay money to watch this garbage. Same d-bags probably don't leave a decent tip for service people and moan about paying higher taxes for good teachers and healthcare. I hope Mayweather laughs some more at all the fools giving him a $100 to watch this joke of a match.
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If someone wants to pay for a bad boxing match, so what! We also pay millions, even tens of millions, to an actor to make a bad movie, or to a major network news anchor, etc..
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I don't think anyone is begrudging Floyd or Connor for taking millions for what will basically be an exhibition. I just question anyone who would pay to watch it.
Hopefully can just find a bar without some stupid over the top cover charge to watch it. Or perhaps a friend will order it for a party.

Not saying I'm excited for this. But, it'll be a "show".
I don't think anyone is begrudging Floyd or Connor for taking millions for what will basically be an exhibition. I just question anyone who would pay to watch it.

Everyone who watches sports loves to talk about which player of which era is better or that the UCONN women's team can beat the worst men's college bball team, or that the best college football team can beat the Browns. This is the chance to see a ridiculous scenario actually happen. I think most people know it won't be a good fight, but if somehow someway Mcgregor wins you're going to want to be there to watch it happen. Not to mention these two are already huge story lines in and outside the ring/octagon.

That's the reason people will pay for it. I think the people most upset about the fight are fans of boxing and I get it, but the sport has a very small fan base now and the casual fan will jump all over this.
With this being a boxing only fight, McGregor wouldn't even be listed in the top 1000 fighters in his weight class. The only boxing matches he had were at a junior level while most professional boxers have trained their entire career as a boxer, it is a part of what he does, and he has never had a professional boxing match at any level as an adult. The best boxer in history going against a guy who was a champion in Ireland as a little kid and nothing beyond that. Wonder how this will end?
This could be entirely fake. Reverse psychological warfare as a ploy to get Floyd to drop his guard perhaps? There is something about this video that doesn't make sense. Almost seems like it was acted. Just saying.
what are the chances this is rigged and Floyd just beats the crap out of him for 3 or 4 rounds and then Conor gets pissed and takes him to the ground to end the match
The media event last night looked like a packed house at the Staple Center. If that is any indication of the interest for this fight.

Even the Trump said he wants to go to the fight.
Did you guys see the ESPN interview of Floyd talking about Connor?

He was reading soooo slowly from a cue card or monitor.

Floyd is going to win the fight. Lose at trashtalking.
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what are the chances this is rigged and Floyd just beats the crap out of him for 3 or 4 rounds and then Conor gets pissed and takes him to the ground to end the match

I think the chances are pretty good McGregor may be disqualified for something illegal. If McGregor really has any chance, he can't beat Mayweather at his game. He is going to have to use a variety of different clinches, banging knees, pushing off... I think its going to get ugly and end in controversy. (that way they can both make another 100 million and do it again).
what are the chances this is rigged and Floyd just beats the crap out of him for 3 or 4 rounds and then Conor gets pissed and takes him to the ground to end the match

I think the chances are pretty good McGregor may be disqualified for something illegal. If McGregor really has any chance, he can't beat Mayweather at his game. He is going to have to use a variety of different clinches, banging knees, pushing off... I think its going to get ugly and end in controversy. (that way they can both make another 100 million and do it again).

It IS boxing. Anything can happen.

We saw what happened when Ortiz tried to headbutt Floyd.

Floyd has been in his fair share of controversial fights.

Don't forget the San Judah fight where he should have been DQ'd for his dad running into the ring.
It IS boxing. Anything can happen.

We saw what happened when Ortiz tried to headbutt Floyd.

Floyd has been in his fair share of controversial fights.

Don't forget the San Judah fight where he should have been DQ'd for his dad running into the ring.
Was the press conference thing completely staged or is he that much of a maniac? It's gotta be for the bread.
It IS boxing. Anything can happen.

We saw what happened when Ortiz tried to headbutt Floyd.

Floyd has been in his fair share of controversial fights.

Don't forget the San Judah fight where he should have been DQ'd for his dad running into the ring.
Was the press conference thing completely staged or is he that much of a maniac? It's gotta be for the bread.

A bit of both.

These guys are buddy buddy behind the scenes. They get together to see what they can get away with.

Connor is amazing at trash talk. One of the best I've ever seen in all of sports.

best of Connor
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The trash talking is funny. Best of all, its free. This duo act could have a career in wwe.

On a side note, I kind of want the suit McGregor had with the pinstripes that say "**** you." In tiny lettering.
These "press conferences" are pure gold, thinking the fights ends WWE style and no one wins except for both their bank accounts
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I know one of these fighter's bank account won't be winning, unless Charlie Sheen is the judge.
I used to be a boxing fan. I'm shocked its still alive - if in fact it still is. This fight is an indictment of how far its fallen: the best draw it could muster is pulling from the ranks of another sport.

It's alive and kicking. Oldest fighting sport..

Exciting talent with Lomanchenko and Golovokin
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