I need an actual lawyer to chime in here… where’s
@reagan21 when you need him?
Page 3 outlines distributions… annually, no later than June 30th. Last year’s payment would have been made prior to the traitors making any announcements, so per the bylaws the next two would be withheld and used to cover exit fees.
Part of the argument being made by at least two of the traitors is that they never notified the MW and therefore aren’t “officially” out of the MW and should have voting rights, etc.
Silly game the courts would likely discourage due to how you’ve acted in public, including publicly announcing that you are in fact joining the PAC. At best this would be viewed as dumb semantics and at worst would likely bias the court against you for violating the spirit of the agreement you signed and trying to “game the system”.
You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.
As far as any injunction would be concerned, I don’t think the courts could necessarily force the MW to violate their own bylaws and pay the traitors their regularly scheduled payments. They could potentially freeze those payments and prevent the MW from redistributing them while litigation continued, but I can’t see them forcing them to pay while the payments are in dispute.
Again, lots in play that needs to play out, but these fees owed aren’t getting thrown out by a judge any time soon. Depending on how much stomach either side has to continue to pay lawyers it could go on for quite awhile.