I wouldn't say 10x OSU/WSU worth, but it could easily be 3-5x. What's crazy is that in terms of TV viewership, Colorado consistently gets the highest numbers, which is surprising to me. I know they have the Denver market, but I think they get quite a boost just with Deion being there. I'd be curious to see their viewership for the years before he arrived.
I am curious to see how the CW numbers are for the UNLV v Oregon State game in order to compare those numbers to viewership of other games involving Washington State and Oregon State on the CW.
From what I can see, it doesn't look like there is a large difference from top to bottom with teams that play on the CW, which tells me there are a lot of casual fans that are not specific to any team.
The lowest number was Washington State v Portland 223K
The highest number was CSU v Oregon State 568K
The average number for all games with or without Washington State and Oregon State was 430K
The average for Oregon State was 467K
The average for Washington State was 382K
A good comparison will be how does the viewership number for the UNLV v Oregon State game on the CW look compared to the 568K that watch CSU v Oregon State.