OT: The truth shall set you free

This was published in Time magazine, too. Paxlovid efficacy for 65+, under 65

At least some truths are now being revealed.
We’ve had “bouce backs” (meaning “didn’t work”) for a couple of employees.

2 doses was never tested for. Vaxxed people were never tested for.

Yet they supposedly went to people in gov in that manner.

Welcome to the sham in case you are super late to the party.

Untested or severely undertested and/or intentionally mis-tested compounds to put into your body without any proofs, unless those proofs were manufactured.

Only the willfully blind don’t see it, unfortunately, there are so many of them.

Science wasn’t practiced, but it was mentioned as being practiced lot.

Meanwhile, double masked, double vaxxed, up to date boostered employees are getting it their 2nd and 3rd time and the third time was worse than the first two times, but the first was worst than second for them. 3,1,2 for the people I work with in terms of how hard they are hit. Though a couple were 1,2,3 in terms of severity.

If you like missing work, keep on boostin’!
Our GP recommended against Paxlovid if either of us got Covid. Much of what is going is groping for treatments. Rebound cases are a serious concern. After two and a half years of Covid, still not sure what is the best strategy to stay as safe as possible. Too much reliance on “miracle” cures and treatments, and not enough on “lifestyle changes.”
Our GP recommended against Paxlovid if either of us got Covid. Much of what is going is groping for treatments. Rebound cases are a serious concern. After two and a half years of Covid, still not sure what is the best strategy to stay as safe as possible. Too much reliance on “miracle” cures and treatments, and not enough on “lifestyle changes.”
I think I’ve agreed with you twice in 20 years. This is the second time.

You never/rarely heard any loud public advice about finding and maintaining a proper weight and diet with exercise, certain supplements (Vitamin D, etc). Difficult for some, no doubt, but doable for the vast majority, but they won’t do it because it takes some work and discipline.
Could someone quote this for Joe please? Thanks in advance. No sarcasm. I really would like to know what he thinks.

Joe, you know me. My wife and I are both high-risk. We are 77, and both have had serious lung issues. We have vaxed, and boosted, but have waited for this fall's version. My wife wears her mask whenever she leaves the house. I sometimes do.

The posts I have read from you have basically said the masks, vaxx and boosters are useless. Only pretend-efficient measures.
Although the virus has hit our family hard, we have been spared, we think.

So, my serious questions are these.
Are we just lucky, that the measures were placebos?
Is masking useless?
Should we bother with new vaxx this fall?

If my wife gets covid and God forbid, dies, (over 900 died yesterday) and we had not done everything that we could, it would kill me.
This is more than just arguing sports to us.

If you would rather respond by DM or email, no problem.
Thanks, Joe
Could someone quote this for Joe please? Thanks in advance. No sarcasm. I really would like to know what he thinks.

Joe, you know me. My wife and I are both high-risk. We are 77, and both have had serious lung issues. We have vaxed, and boosted, but have waited for this fall's version. My wife wears her mask whenever she leaves the house. I sometimes do.

The posts I have read from you have basically said the masks, vaxx and boosters are useless. Only pretend-efficient measures.
Although the virus has hit our family hard, we have been spared, we think.

So, my serious questions are these.
Are we just lucky, that the measures were placebos?
Is masking useless?
Should we bother with new vaxx this fall?

If my wife gets covid and God forbid, dies, (over 900 died yesterday) and we had not done everything that we could, it would kill me.
This is more than just arguing sports to us.

If you would rather respond by DM or email, no problem.
Thanks, Joe

I'm not @j. spilotro (quoted for you NSU), obviously, but I think this is the big question, right? What works?

Disclaimer: I know that I'm not really answering your question here about whether or not you should get it, but, just pointing out that it's really up to each individual or family to make the decision that they feel is best for them.

IMO, the biggest problem with this question is that the gov't and media were pushing masks and vax/boosters, as if they would basically stop you from getting covid. That turned out to not be true at all. We can argue about different studies that show different amounts of effectiveness, but as it turns out, the data that Pfizer has been forced to put out shows that the covid shots were not as effective as they claimed, and they also carried with them a significant number of health risks.

It does appear, however, that the health risks are more severe in younger, healthier individuals, while not being as severe for older individuals. So for you, maybe it makes sense to risk the adverse affects of the jab as it may be less risk than covid itself.

Based on your statement above, you look at it from the perspective of, what if we don't mask or get the shot, and we (you or your wife) dies as a result, you couldn't live with yourself. I have a similar but completely different perspective. The data has shown that children, and most healthy adults, are not at risk of death from covid. But there has been a significant amount of young people that have died from strange circumstances, since the vax has come out and have been 'forced' upon the young and healthy. From my perspective, I say, why should my family, who is healthy and not at significant risk of death, take a shot that could actually result in serious health problems or death. I couldn't live with myself in that scenario either, which is why we've abstained from getting them.

At this point, my family has all had covid at least once. The first round was the delta variant, which kind of sucked, but for us, it wasn't too bad. I wouldn't change our decision for anything. Maybe you're the same, with respect to your choice.

In the end, each person should take the time to study the jabs/boosters, and try not to be persuaded by media manipulation (whether for or against the covid jab) and make the decision that they feel is right for themselves. I think a lot of Dr's are recommending it, because they've been told to do so. Many trust big pharma blindly, but personally, I'm one to study what I'm going to do prior to committing to something that could alter my life in a big way (for better or worse).

Prayers to you and your wife as you consider what do to with these choices.
Sorry for my part. I stopped reading the Coronovirus thread two years ago. I have not begun a thread or introduced material about the virus when it became more political than medical.

But, things keep popping up in various threads. People keep dying. When some posters seem to push the idea that measures are useless, it concerns me.

To be clear, we have 5 doctors. We go by their advice. I will refrain from covid posting. Rb is right.
How about those Rebels.
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Sorry for my part. I stopped reading the Coronovirus thread two years ago.
YOU justified why I didn’t add it to a covid thread right here!

YOU directly asked a question about covid and, when the response didn’t match what you were looking for, you became close-minded toward the response. THIS is the exact opposite of science. True science makes you come up with a hypothesis and then test every way that you can be wrong. It’s really humbling, actually, but it’s the best way humans know how to come up with the “correct” answer.

Sorry, Don, but science has to accept what we do AND don’t want to hear.
Sorry, bc. My family was hit hard by covid. As a result, those of us left have done the things that have been recommended.

When I researched after your op, I found that, yes, there is agreement that the study dismissed the effects of paxlovid are minimal for those under 65.

So, I wasn't disputing that, even with an article from 2 weeks ago by Yale that lauded it. I am not a scientist, as you are, and clearly have pointed out. Thanks for the lesson..

My post to Joe was honest. Posts in non-covid threads made me wonder. Was everything I and my family has done. for naught?
I wrote a sincere post. I would have written him personally, but he has me blocked.

Finally. Bc, I did not attack you or your post. I did not attack Joe.
I did, for one sentence, agree with another poster, that it didn't need to be a separate thread.

And, got attacked.
Yes, you are the victim here. You’re the victim everywhere.

Why ask a question if you don’t want to hear the truth? ONLY a well-fitted N95 mask works. Everything else is just a baby blanket that makes people feel safer. Would that baby’s blanket stop a bullet? Of course not. It’s the same as wearing a clothe mask and thinking it works. Yet those same bulletproof masks are being forced on us healthy individuals even though they drop our oxygen levels (I proved this to a patient. Within a very short period of time it dropped my SpO2 by 3%. She didn’t like my truth and said ‘Just wear the mask.’). I don’t argue in people’s homes since I need to make a living so I wore it around her. I ask each of my patients if they want me to wear one and do so at their request only.

Again, YOU asked questions yet didn’t like the response so you dismissed and disputed them. Now you’re acting like you’re being “attacked.”

Not directing this portion only to you but to all involved in being adamant about trusting Fauci, Birx, etc. I watched something about cults Recently - the mentality of those involved and some of the characteristics of being a member. How the leader is egotistic and not to be questioned. Members are ridiculed and threatened when they don’t go along with the status quo. It had me thinking about people’s loyalties to masks, unproven “vaxes” (that aren’t the true definition of a vaccination pre-2020), etc. Blind faith is what’s ruling these members even when reputable scientists who don’t follow the status quo present valid and truthful contradictory evidence against certain measures.

The good thing is that some are starting to see the errors of the leaders and accept the truth from outside the group. Others are slower to accept.

Along that line, I know that your family has been impacted by it. Were these family members in the retiree age range? If so, please accept that the risks for 65+ are much higher than for those under 65 and that goes across the board for covid. See why the restrictions should have only been suggested for some and not all?
Yes, you are the victim here. You’re the victim everywhere.

Why ask a question if you don’t want to hear the truth? ONLY a well-fitted N95 mask works. Everything else is just a baby blanket that makes people feel safer. Would that baby’s blanket stop a bullet? Of course not. It’s the same as wearing a clothe mask and thinking it works. Yet those same bulletproof masks are being forced on us healthy individuals even though they drop our oxygen levels (I proved this to a patient. Within a very short period of time it dropped my SpO2 by 3%. She didn’t like my truth and said ‘Just wear the mask.’). I don’t argue in people’s homes since I need to make a living so I wore it around her. I ask each of my patients if they want me to wear one and do so at their request only.

Again, YOU asked questions yet didn’t like the response so you dismissed and disputed them. Now you’re acting like you’re being “attacked.”

Not directing this portion only to you but to all involved in being adamant about trusting Fauci, Birx, etc. I watched something about cults Recently - the mentality of those involved and some of the characteristics of being a member. How the leader is egotistic and not to be questioned. Members are ridiculed and threatened when they don’t go along with the status quo. It had me thinking about people’s loyalties to masks, unproven “vaxes” (that aren’t the true definition of a vaccination pre-2020), etc. Blind faith is what’s ruling these members even when reputable scientists who don’t follow the status quo present valid and truthful contradictory evidence against certain measures.

The good thing is that some are starting to see the errors of the leaders and accept the truth from outside the group. Others are slower to accept.

Along that line, I know that your family has been impacted by it. Were these family members in the retiree age range? If so, please accept that the risks for 65+ are much higher than for those under 65 and that goes across the board for covid. See why the restrictions should have only been suggested for some and not all?

There are like actual CDC graphs that breakdown deaths by age.

I broke it down in another thread. Don't remember exact numbers but it was something like...

Age 65+ accounted for well over half of all Covid deaths.

CDC estimates are at least 30% of all Covid deaths can be directly linked to complications brought on by obesity. This number actually rose in people under the age of 50.

Another study that was discussed in I believe the New York Times? Brought up the question why Africa, despite having lower standards of medical care, wasn't hit nearly as hard.

I'll dumb down the conclusion..The people there are far more active in day to day life. Lower rates of obesity. Overall healthier in terms if cardio vascular.

The biggest mistake made here is we took the 'takes a village' approach.

Instead of gearing information, protection and services to the at risk, we took a blanket approach.

In so doing we negatively impacted perfectly healthy people, by closing businesses.

We created mass hysteria, which in turn has caused a big uptick in people reporting mental health issues. Depression and anxiety.

We stunted the educational development of children, as reported by the New York times.

It is telling how many of the hardline Covid pundits, like Fauci and Wen have either flipped their stances (Wen) on how we approached Covid or are denying they said things that they are on record saying. Fauci now saying he didn't lock anything down. Not personally, but the administration followed your advice. He's on record saying he wishes we could have followed China's blueprint.

Yes, Covid is serious. But it is far more serious for specific groups. And that is how it should have been approached.
What’s the deal with all of these COVID’s posts? Are you all an expert virologists now?
Well, it’s an OT post … so you know it’s not sports … and you have the option, open or don’t open…

Expert? Not myself, nope. But I can understand data and studies and conflicts of interest easily enough and I let it lead me instead of me leading it to where I want it to go, like so many “professionals” did … Honesty and transparency were required …but it severely lacked and that’s why we are in this mess. For over two years now. People should be angry … masks work, the vax works, natural immunity doesn’t work … and now they are finally shifting on all those … and they were truths in the beginning, they just withheld it and the fraidies followed it and swallowed it up like oxygen. Govern me harder, daddy.
Sorry, bc. My family was hit hard by covid. As a result, those of us left have done the things that have been recommended.

When I researched after your op, I found that, yes, there is agreement that the study dismissed the effects of paxlovid are minimal for those under 65.

So, I wasn't disputing that, even with an article from 2 weeks ago by Yale that lauded it. I am not a scientist, as you are, and clearly have pointed out. Thanks for the lesson..

My post to Joe was honest. Posts in non-covid threads made me wonder. Was everything I and my family has done. for naught?
I wrote a sincere post. I would have written him personally, but he has me blocked.

Finally. Bc, I did not attack you or your post. I did not attack Joe.
I did, for one sentence, agree with another poster, that it didn't need to be a separate thread.

And, got attacked.
My mother died from Covid on July 21st so stop with the pity party.
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Rehash ! China should be held accountable. The "origins" came from there! IMO it was nefarious reasons why it was created and yet to be explained! They allowed their citizens to travel the world but held their own country on lockdown! They waned to make sure the rest of the world got screwed also! Lets not ask questions and demand answers ,but (Democrats)WAIT we could use this against Trump in his bid for reelection no matter what side he takes or how he goes about it we will just do the opposite and say it all his fault! Where was Bidens plan that he held on to UNTIL after he was elected. Yea let me let people die unless u vote for me! Hint there was no plan. 3x more people have died under his watch ! Yet not a whisper from anybody about the number of deaths or being critical of his discissions! Like allowing unvaxed illegals to come in this country and then firing Americans for not getting it. The Hypocrisy is off the charts! China is eventually going to create a much deadlier virus that they have a cure for and use it as leverage against the rest of the world.
Rehash ! China should be held accountable. The "origins" came from there! IMO it was nefarious reasons why it was created and yet to be explained! They allowed their citizens to travel the world but held their own country on lockdown! They waned to make sure the rest of the world got screwed also! Lets not ask questions and demand answers ,but (Democrats)WAIT we could use this against Trump in his bid for reelection no matter what side he takes or how he goes about it we will just do the opposite and say it all his fault! Where was Bidens plan that he held on to UNTIL after he was elected. Yea let me let people die unless u vote for me! Hint there was no plan. 3x more people have died under his watch ! Yet not a whisper from anybody about the number of deaths or being critical of his discissions! Like allowing unvaxed illegals to come in this country and then firing Americans for not getting it. The Hypocrisy is off the charts! China is eventually going to create a much deadlier virus that they have a cure for and use it as leverage against the rest of the world.
You really think the US has nothing to do with it? Are you kidding me? I’d love to pin everything on China but if you think that some of the GOF work wasn’t performed or contributed to and funded by the US, you’re nuts. Look at UNC and Ralph Baric, among others. The US isn’t an innocent babe in the woods with this thing …

Biden is a complete brain dead moron, which … means somebody else is calling the shots probably. He can’t put together a cogent thought. But you think the other guy was good. He was an idiot too, he forced this “warp speed” bullshit of an unproven/untested compound and he backs it as some magical shot.

People still aren’t getting it. THEY, collectively, don’t care one bit about you or I or any other American pulling in less than a couple mill per year. How hard is that to see? Take of the blinders and see how shitty they all are. It’s elephant shit and donkey shit but it’s still shit.
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You really think the US has nothing to do with it? Are you kidding me? I’d love to pin everything on China but if you think that some of the GOF work wasn’t performed or contributed to and funded by the US, you’re nuts. Look at UNC and Ralph Baric, among others. The US isn’t an innocent babe in the woods with this thing …

Biden is a complete brain dead moron, which … means somebody else is calling the shots probably. He can’t put together a cogent thought. But you think the other guy was good. He was an idiot too, he forced this “warp speed” bullshit of an unproven/untested compound and he backs it as some magical shot.

People still aren’t getting it. THEY, collectively, don’t care one bit about you or I or any other American pulling in less than a couple mill per year. How hard is that to see? Take of the blinders and see how shitty they all are. It’s elephant shit and donkey shit but it’s still shit.
yea I agree 1000% . Fauci and a huge handful of others are in China's pocket! They are making money on recommending the SHOT! VERY UNETHICAL!
yea I agree 1000% . Fauci and a huge handful of others are in China's pocket! They are making money on recommending the SHOT! VERY UNETHICAL!
You got proof? If you have something, link we can be educated.
You got proof?
You really think the US has nothing to do with it? Are you kidding me? I’d love to pin everything on China but if you think that some of the GOF work wasn’t performed or contributed to and funded by the US, you’re nuts. Look at UNC and Ralph Baric, among others. The US isn’t an innocent babe in the woods with this thing …

Biden is a complete brain dead moron, which … means somebody else is calling the shots probably. He can’t put together a cogent thought. But you think the other guy was good. He was an idiot too, he forced this “warp speed” bullshit of an unproven/untested compound and he backs it as some magical shot.

People still aren’t getting it. THEY, collectively, don’t care one bit about you or I or any other American pulling in less than a couple mill per year. How hard is that to see? Take of the blinders and see how shitty they all are. It’s elephant shit and donkey shit but it’s still shit.
Link to something or prove something...please
Rehash ! China should be held accountable. The "origins" came from there! IMO it was nefarious reasons why it was created and yet to be explained! They allowed their citizens to travel the world but held their own country on lockdown! They waned to make sure the rest of the world got screwed also! Lets not ask questions and demand answers ,but (Democrats)WAIT we could use this against Trump in his bid for reelection no matter what side he takes or how he goes about it we will just do the opposite and say it all his fault! Where was Bidens plan that he held on to UNTIL after he was elected. Yea let me let people die unless u vote for me! Hint there was no plan. 3x more people have died under his watch ! Yet not a whisper from anybody about the number of deaths or being critical of his discissions! Like allowing unvaxed illegals to come in this country and then firing Americans for not getting it. The Hypocrisy is off the charts! China is eventually going to create a much deadlier virus that they have a cure for and use it as leverage against the rest of the world.
Link to something or prove something...please
He’s right. Our fingerprints are all over it. This is November 2019 news.
This is what we want our country to become?
Of course not. I’m not defending that guy either. He enabled terrible science of a speedy vaccine and swore by it.

But that is many light years away from the subject at hand.

Conversely, I can show videos of capital riots or Seattle burning or people beating Asian people or Frisco devolving into a bigger shithole of drug use and ask if that’s what we want our country to become.

But all that would be off the subject too.
Of course not. I’m not defending that guy either. He enabled terrible science of a speedy vaccine and swore by it.

But that is many light years away from the subject at hand.

Conversely, I can show videos of capital riots or Seattle burning or people beating Asian people or Frisco devolving into a bigger shithole of drug use and ask if that’s what we want our country to become.

But all that would be off the subject too.
It is like the 5 Horsemen rising during Trump tenure? Just let his tenure dies, man...
Ahhh..Religion/politics. My kinda thread
This is what we want our country to become?

The comic was an amazing read for it’s day. The world needed a common enemy to totally unite. In the movie, the enemy was Dr. Manhatt

Get your hands on a copy and open your eyes Bookworm.
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out of the horsesasses mouth.

He’s speaking of ADE and other potential risks more long term.

So, at the time, 100% safe and effective … and that’s dwindled mightily, vaxxed people are getting it at alarming rates and getting it multiple times …

So he’s essentially admitting that we cut corners, and potentially very dangerous corners. That’s certainly not science. That’s panic … or something more sinister.

And let’s not forget how many HIV patients were treated and killed with his gold standard AZT … but I guess it didn’t matter, those Guinea pigs were going to die anyway, right? It’s akin to his gold standard Remdesivir which wreaked havoc and caused kidney failure in so many people, a friend of mine included … but they had Covid, so they were goners, I guess … so use them as Guinea pigs with a drug that showed to be nephrotoxic with Ebola years ago. Just run it again on a new set of “dying” patients.

the career bureaucrat isn’t stupid, he’s not making mistakes. Which makes it even worse.
Joe's last post was why testing on 8 mice is alarming. That's not thorough at all. Mice aren't human and can't be used to predict what affect this will have on humans.

I'm pro thorough science. Having parades and parties, as well as making mandates so that people are allowed to work and provide for their families, is not how a yearly flu shot works. They don't mandate exercise and eating healthy so that you're allowed to go to work or attend school. But taking a "jab" was required, cheered, etc.

Everything is just off.
It is like the 5 Horsemen rising during Trump tenure? Just let his tenure dies, man...
the sex scene is all me.
I saw Leonard Cohen in concert live at Caesar’s back in 2009 with my roommate who was on acid. Best concert ever and I mean it.

He’s Canada’s most gifted artist.

back to the vaccine. My dad got the c h I n k vaccine in the phillipines. He’s already losing his keys debit card etc. im going to have to move to the phillipines to take care of him. I leave as soon as possible. I have a problem. I have to get on disability and I should have done it back when I first got diagnosed with my bipolar.

so you can imagine how I really feel about China. It’s a double whammy. They killed both my parents.
I saw Leonard Cohen in concert live at Caesar’s back in 2009 with my roommate who was on acid. Best concert ever and I mean it.

He’s Canada’s most gifted artist.

back to the vaccine. My dad got the c h I n k vaccine in the phillipines. He’s already losing his keys debit card etc. im going to have to move to the phillipines to take care of him. I leave as soon as possible. I have a problem. I have to get on disability and I should have done it back when I first got diagnosed with my bipolar.

so you can imagine how I really feel about China. It’s a double whammy. They killed both my parents.
Sorry to hear that, Bro. Sinovac ...people think Moderna is bad. They haven't seen people receive Sinovac. Most of the time it is against their wills.

I can guarantee you one thing. The girls are much better looking than the ones over here. I promised you...
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Sorry to hear that, Bro. Sinovac ...people think Moderna is bad. They haven't seen people receive Sinovac. Most of the time it is against their wills.

I can guarantee you one thing. The girls are much better looking than the ones over here. I promised you...
Remember, China is our b*tch. We know it. They know it. And we will skull f*ck the crap out of their women when we set foot on Gog/Magog!!

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