You obviously know nothing about Wyoming. It has some of, if not the best facilities in the MWC.
Wyoming has good facilities now. Its was a general statement about UNLV failing to compete with programs that face similar issues or issues of their own. I should have clarified more. Wyoming's facilities were finished in 2018? So they are still new. And an upgrade over what they had in the past which were in line with most schools in the MWC.
Wyoming faces the problem of population density with recruiting.
Laramie is a tough place to recruit to.
It does not have a large population base which in turn means there isn't a ton of in state or local talent to pick from.
Add in Utah/BYU and USU eating up a lot of the nearby Utah talent. Same with Colorado and CSU gobbling up a lot of that state. The Pokes have it tough.
UNLV has Southern California and Arizona right next door. They do have to compete with a number of P5 schools, but there are a lot more players available. And that's not even acccounting for Las Vegas, which has a number of solid HS football programs and is one of the larger school districts in the country.
Wyoming's travel is also difficult and more costly when it comes to recruiting. Its a lot cheaper for a staff to jump on a flight out of Vegas and go recruit than for Wyoming.
Hawaii has brutal travel. Facilities aren't great, and a very tight budget. Part of the reason they get a 13th game to offset costs
San Jose has poor facilities an outdated stadium and tight budget..
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