The only card

Love Larry and his unconditional love for Coach Tark.

I don't hold Larry's distain for UNLV against him.
His hatred for UNLV is very deep. It’s understandable. His bond and unconditionality with Tark is extreme. There’s an opposite extreme to that and that’s where he is with UNLV. He could have had the same feelings for UNLV as he does for Tark. It took some very evil people to flip that.

UNLV screwed up as badly as they could have. We know that.

And they’ve continued to do the same, but since Tark it’s been because of incompetence - with Tark it was intentional evil. And only a very few people were evil, but it was the right people that were evil. And the rest of the people stood by and did nothing, just went along with it. Even though we knew it was wrong.
His hatred for UNLV is very deep. It’s understandable. His bond and unconditionality with Tark is extreme. There’s an opposite extreme to that and that’s where he is with UNLV. He could have had the same feelings for UNLV as he does for Tark. It took some very evil people to flip that.

UNLV screwed up as badly as they could have. We know that.

And they’ve continued to do the same, but since Tark it’s been because of incompetence - with Tark it was intentional evil. And only a very few people were evil, but it was the right people that were evil. And the rest of the people stood by and did nothing, just went along with it. Even though we knew it was wrong.
Btw I posted this twitter post from Dedan Thomas Jr.'s twitter account. He reweeted it! I think it's cool and respectful he is giving Larry Johnson some love!
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