Texas Tech revenue share

There is a business opportunity out there. Super Camps that take kids and get them recruited by P4. I know there are camps now, but there will be hundreds of thousands more dad's trying to get their kids one on these bonanzas. If you can show you get kids in, then there is $$ to be made.

While they don’t earn more annually than Joe earns weekly from this site, no way G’s can compete with the P4.

I’ll be honest, if I’m a parent, my son is staying all four years (5 or 6 if he’s lucky and gets hurt. 🤣 )
Long snapper, punter, or kicker. You tell them they have 5 years to finish 6 years of school. Their bachelors can be in basket weaving or whatever the path of least resistance is; but their grad degree better be in something useful.
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I believe I read that all B12 schools are going to provide the maximum revenue sharing of 20.5 million. That is the max allowed. If they want to provide more money for athletes that will still come from NIL. Now, not all the B12 schools earn that kind of revenue to say 22% is 20.5 million but, they all are going to do it in order to compete for the best athletes. Harper had mentioned that we would go into revenue sharing but we may only do the 22% of our revenue which someone on this board had posted an amount of about $6 million. If we can do just that amount that will put us at a competitive advantage over other G5 schools. I believe Memphis is going to be doing the same.
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