Star Wars Episode 9: Gash or Trash?


Making UNLV relevent again for locals
May 29, 2001
Who else can’t wait to see this series be put out of its misery. What if it’s just Return of the Jedi redux?
No, I think this is going to be a different animal. To quote Han Solo in the movie Han Solo, "I got a good feeling about this."
No, I think this is going to be a different animal. To quote Han Solo in the movie Han Solo, "I got a good feeling about this."
Not many reviews on the movie usually when they do that it means it's not going to be as good as you hoped 4.
I think Scrub should watch it and then do a video reviewing the movie. The world needs more scrub out there. The more content, the better chance he is going to do something stupid and it's going to go viral. Than all of us Rebel-Net'rs will at least have something to be proud about.
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No I’m 43. Who should I go as? R2-D2, Princess Leia, Darth Vader or as a storm trooper?
Going tonight. Will see.

After watching 7-8 Sunday in lead up to this one.... sigh.... Just can't get past the teen temper tantrums of the "bad guys".

Will see. In the end, still find them enjoyable and entertaining.
I haven’t seen the last several Star Wars. Once they deviated from George Lucas the movies became about special effects, not storylines.

Thanks for saving me the time of watching this one as well.

it isn’t without its moments. In fact, there is one brutally emotional moment in the film that brought me to tears. There’s a new character, Babu Frik, who was great and not a hokey addition to just sell more toys. Definitely better than Benicio del toros “dj” from the last Jedi. The last Jedi set this up for failure and the untimely passing of Carrie fisher created an obstacle (proven in this film by the chop job done in editing) that just couldn’t be navigated. As a closer to the greatest saga ever told it falls well short of even casual expectations, in my opinion. After 7 plus hours of story telling, I never found any reason to care about these new characters and actually ended up strongly disliking two of them. One should’ve been allowed to sacrifice himself for the rebellion in the last Jedi, the other should have been ripped in half by chewie in this film. This should have been Luke’s film. But this is what happens when you set out to make a trilogy with three different directors and no plan for the story.
I haven’t seen the last several Star Wars. Once they deviated from George Lucas the movies became about special effects, not storylines.

Thanks for saving me the time of watching this one as well.

The original trilogy and Rogue One are the only Star Wars movies I consider canon. The prequel trilogy had a decent overarching plot but Lucas's insistence that it be kids oriented(for 6 y/o kids, not even for teens) and his complete inability to write realistic and interesting dialogue killed them for me. This latest trilogy by JJ and Johnson isn't even Star Wars to me. Would it have killed them to sit down and form a cohesive storyline for the trilogy?

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