So maybe a Reverse Merger?

If we don’t get rid of a couple of members, does adding them help in any way? They are G5-level without being in the Pac. Meaning, without the title of P5, they aren’t a USC, Texas, even BYU who can stand alone. They aren’t going to be much in 2024. The good players and coaches are all but gone.
Theres no such thing as "premier western conference"... No one will care about the non P4 schools in a few years, thus not really caring about West Coast, which is about right anyway.. yeah theyll care about USC/UCLA and Oregon, but even Cal/Standford to ACC doesnt really mean East coast will care any more than they did before. There may even be a split where those 4 conferences create their own NCAA competition level and leave the remainder to squabble for the spare change left in the couch... No joke, its embarrassing how TV money has completely ruined college sports from a conference alignment standpoint.
OSU President said their decision will likely be made in the next few weeks and WSU is in lock step!
I found that link late into the presser so I did catch that part but, they did say the full recording would be made available. The main thing I'm hearing is they've yet to make a decision to what direction they are taking.
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I found that link late into the presser so I did catch that part but, they did say the full recording would be made available. The main thing I'm hearing is they've yet to make a decision to what direction they are taking.

I just heard the last few minutes but, they did say the recording would be posted later.
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I found that link late into the presser so I did catch that part but, they did say the full recording would be made available. The main thing I'm hearing is they've yet to make a decision to what direction they are taking.
Sounds like they're hoping one of the big boys steps up and invites them before they make a final decision... the remaining $$ is also probably a factor on distribution of payouts
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I woundnt count out the Big12 for those 2 yet.

If not WSU or OSU are relegated to a lower division, will lose current players immediately and will only be able to recruit like the G5 schools they are about to become.
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They only have one choice = MWC

They could always go independent. Not a good option but it's an option. They could do a reverse merger with the MWC which gives us value and keeps them from having a step back in image. They could join the MWC if and only if our media partners tell us they add value.
OSU and WSU would enhance the geographic strength of the MWC as THE premier western conference.
Weren't you part of the team saying that we would be the 'Harvard of the West'? Nice sales job on both of these things.

The 'Premier Western Conference' is USC, UCLA, Washington, and Oregon. They are it. The rest of us out here aren't valued to a significant degree. (Even Stanford and Cal were afterthoughts)
I woundnt count out the Big12 for those 2 yet.

If not WSU or OSU are relegated to a lower division, will lose current players immediately and will only be able to recruit like the G5 schools they are about to become.
I'm sure that OSU and WSU would love that, but would the Big 12?

Being northwest does add to travel, and those schools offer much less in value to the conference overall. Added them would probably drop the per school payout, so why bother?

They could offer the same discount treatment that Stanford/Cal did, but again at least they offered a big market, and a good national following with Stanford. Also OSU/WSU probably cannot afford that.

I'm guessing not which is why they didn't join with the rest of the PAC schools.
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So it looks like it may be a while before we know what direction OSU and WSU are going to take.

Waiting on Pac12 Financial Clarity

Makes sense. There could be a difference for them financially between joining MW, reverse Merger, and re-building from scratch. THey probably want to know exactly what will happen in each scenario. It may somewhat tie their hands on the direction they almost have to go. If they have a claim to even a majority of that pot by not simply joining a pre-existing conference, they cannot walk away from that money. Especially since they are taking a huge annual pay cut no matter what likely happens.
How it's going over at Pac-12 comment...

When their CFO and a few others were fired over the Comcast overpayment deal somebody should have asked back then " what the F is going on at headquarters".

Pac12 Slow to Act
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How it's going over at Pac-12 comment...

When their CFO and a few others were fired over the Comcast overpayment deal somebody should have asked back then " what the F is going on at headquarters".

Pac12 Slow to Act
This article makes a load of sense. Nothing can move forward until the remaining 2 PAC 12 members can figure out how much $$ they are owed and can get. And the existing PAC 12 has lost interest.

I can't get my head around what will happen for Oregon St. and Washington St. if it takes multiple years of lawsuits to get at a solution to this. But it really doesn't impact the MWC that much. If we add the remaining two to the MWC or join them in the OAC I don't believe our revenue will change that much - nor will our schedule.

I've gotten bored with the whole thing since what appeared to be our chance at a P5 conference evaporated.
This article makes a load of sense. Nothing can move forward until the remaining 2 PAC 12 members can figure out how much $$ they are owed and can get. And the existing PAC 12 has lost interest.

I can't get my head around what will happen for Oregon St. and Washington St. if it takes multiple years of lawsuits to get at a solution to this. But it really doesn't impact the MWC that much. If we add the remaining two to the MWC or join them in the OAC I don't believe our revenue will change that much - nor will our schedule.

I've gotten bored with the whole thing since what appeared to be our chance at a P5 conference evaporated.
I'm starting to think that the Pac2 isn't getting any clarity on the money because maybe no one at Pac2 HQ knows what to do. They must have lawyers working for them that should at the very least understand the Pac12 by-laws and contracts. Those lawyers need to at least step up and tell whoever is currently in charge of the Pac12 that OSU and WSU "are the Executive Board". I keep hearing reported that OSU Scott Barnes can't get any answers. I could understand if the departing Pac10 members filed some type legal clarification as to what they feel they have coming but there is no word of that at all.

I think adding WSU and OSU will add value and perhaps in the next media contract we will see it.

I totally get the bored aspect on the subject and I may join you on that soon.
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This article makes a load of sense. Nothing can move forward until the remaining 2 PAC 12 members can figure out how much $$ they are owed and can get. And the existing PAC 12 has lost interest.

I can't get my head around what will happen for Oregon St. and Washington St. if it takes multiple years of lawsuits to get at a solution to this. But it really doesn't impact the MWC that much. If we add the remaining two to the MWC or join them in the OAC I don't believe our revenue will change that much - nor will our schedule.

I've gotten bored with the whole thing since what appeared to be our chance at a P5 conference evaporated.
I'm in the same boat. So much going on, the only thing I care about is getting into a space where we have a better chance at relevancy. It's not going to happen in this conference, as is. Might happen, probably won't ... still hold out some interest, but quite bored with it right now.
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To me I think it is pretty clear. The moment those other schools left the PAC then they forfeit any rights to PAC money. You chose to leave. If that means reverse merger and we keep the Pac name so be it. Tough titties for all of the abandoners. This is PAC money. You are getting more anyway.
Especially the bay area schools. Eff them. Live with your terrible financial decision smarty pants!
To me I think it is pretty clear. The moment those other schools left the PAC then they forfeit any rights to PAC money. You chose to leave. If that means reverse merger and we keep the Pac name so be it. Tough titties for all of the abandoners. This is PAC money. You are getting more anyway.
Especially the bay area schools. Eff them. Live with your terrible financial decision smarty pants!
I guess one of the confusing things is that none of those schools have officially left the Pac 12 yet. They're still playing in it this whole upcoming year. So even though they've been accepted into the other conferences, there may not be formal contracts and whatever else fully completed
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I guess one of the confusing things is that none of those schools have officially left the Pac 12 yet. They're still playing in it this whole upcoming year. So even though they've been accepted into the other conferences, there may not be formal contracts and whatever else fully completed
Yeah, unlike the idiots running SDSU that did actually submit a letter that they were leaving these 10 Pac schools have not submitted anything formally. It will sort itself out in time.
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Looks like the Whitman County Court should finish their hearing on the restraining order at 11pm PT per Dennis Dodd.

The article is mostly about the Pac12 Network but mentions the MWC among a few other things.

Dennis Dodd Article
Looks like the Whitman County Court should finish their hearing on the restraining order at 11pm PT per Dennis Dodd.

The article is mostly about the Pac12 Network but mentions the MWC among a few other things.

Dennis Dodd Article
I know OSU. Weird as they are, it is a pure academic school. When they decide to sue somebody, it has a valid points. I dont know much about Wazzu but Oregon State is no joke of an institution. If they decided on a side, it is valid. They are not a liberal the majority of the colleges.
The court has sided with OSU and WSU regarding the temporary restraining order that prevents the Pac-12 to conduct meetings. There was an exception to this in regards to an issue having to do with personnel retention. The Judge did say that any decisions in regards to the extra normal course of the Pac-12 conducting day to day business that required a vote would have to "unanimous".

This protects OSU and WSU from the Traitors10. There still needs to be a an additional court hearing to be scheduled soon to determine if the Pac2 have sole rights to be the Executive Board of the Pac12.

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