Season is over for real now


Play the kids. Try to retain the ones you want. Recruit.

That’s all there is now. Another season scrapped before February.
Should start getting Nowell some minutes. At least see what he can do with some real playing time
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You ever watch the music video “Dr. Feelgood” by Motley Crue. The video is about a drug lord and in the end, his empire is falling apart..

That’s pretty much how I feel about my Rebels.

Nothing to Feelgood about..

Anyways as a long gone poster used to say..

“What’s for Dinner?”
This was always a Lazy hire by Des. If it worked out, great... It's not working out and its ok to admit it.

Hasn't been able to recruit, roster construction is a mess of short untalented guards who are spotty shooters. Their only skill was relentless defense and teams have figured that out. They just get 1 pass out of the double to wide open shooters, its not coincidence its coaching. Can't rebound or defend 1v1 outside maybe 2 guys. Iwuakor is a walking foul and Muoka is scared of the ball. It's buisness not personal.
Harper isn't trigger shy, could be an interesting offseason as this thing heads South in a hurry...
This was always a Lazy hire by Des. If it worked out, great... It's not working out and its ok to admit it.

Hasn't been able to recruit, roster construction is a mess of short untalented guards who are spotty shooters. Their only skill was relentless defense and teams have figured that out. They just get 1 pass out of the double to wide open shooters, its not coincidence its coaching. Can't rebound or defend 1v1 outside maybe 2 guys. Iwuakor is a walking foul and Muoka is scared of the ball. It's buisness not personal.
Harper isn't trigger shy, could be an interesting offseason as this thing heads South in a hurry...
It was nepotism, not simply just being lazy at her job. Hire the most qualified person, that’s all we could ask for.
This was always a Lazy hire by Des. If it worked out, great... It's not working out and its ok to admit it.

Hasn't been able to recruit, roster construction is a mess of short untalented guards who are spotty shooters. Their only skill was relentless defense and teams have figured that out. They just get 1 pass out of the double to wide open shooters, its not coincidence its coaching. Can't rebound or defend 1v1 outside maybe 2 guys. Iwuakor is a walking foul and Muoka is scared of the ball. It's buisness not personal.
Harper isn't trigger shy, could be an interesting offseason as this thing heads South in a hurry...
I don't see Harper firing Kruger. He knows UNLV has been a revolving door and it's not a good culture to have in college sports. Kruger should probably get two more years at least.
Harper is a Sith Lord!! Watch and see. It’s about Legacy!!
Many said the same about Arroyo, we should give him more time… more time to underachieve? I agree that recruiting and now coaching is suspect and we cannot afford another year of losing like this!

It costs more to be mediocre than to pay a buyout and move on...
It's not 2012, it's not Tina, and we aren't "Poverty U" that everyone saying we can't afford a buyout think.
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AFA is better than us because they know who they are and stick to it. I don’t even think we know who we are and the season is almost over!
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