SDSU informed MWC they are leaving.

I read something saying its not their official withdrawal yet, but their request for additional time to decide if they want to withdraw. Not sure if accurate though. They think they'll be getting a Pac 12 invite, but with the Pac media rights taking so long, its all still up in the air. Will Colorado leave? Arizona? If not, will the Pac still offer to bring in SDSU? Lots still up in the air
Pretty entitled move by them.

Devils advocate though….they’d get thrashed internally if they did not try this - people are saying the MW is a business and they shouldn’t cave - true - SDSU is a business too and you have to apply the same logic - both sides are looking to make their bottom line look better
Pretty entitled move by them.

Devils advocate though….they’d get thrashed internally if they did not try this - people are saying the MW is a business and they shouldn’t cave - true - SDSU is a business too and you have to apply the same logic - both sides are looking to make their bottom line look better
For sure. I don't fault them for trying at all. However, it could also take away some of their bargaining power or leverage if they're not in a league at all. I guess they could try to go independent or join the WAC of WCC if needed short term.
I read something saying its not their official withdrawal yet, but their request for additional time to decide if they want to withdraw. Not sure if accurate though. They think they'll be getting a Pac 12 invite, but with the Pac media rights taking so long, its all still up in the air. Will Colorado leave? Arizona? If not, will the Pac still offer to bring in SDSU? Lots still up in the air
This letter was to serve as a written notice of intent to leave the conference. The part that gets me is the "unforeseen delays involving other collegiate athletic conferences beyond our control"
Well they are getting screwed by the PAC media deal.

Hell we could be too!

If CU and UofA are just waiting on that deal to leave, then it holds back dominos, and UNLV has an actual chance to be one of those dominos.

SDSU would have to make that move long term (depending on the the PAC deal) and so would UNLV.

It sucks worse for them because they pretty are the only "lock" for the PAC. I wonder if they could just leave anyway without the deal.
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Per Pete Thamel

San Diego State requested that a four-year installment plan be considered for the exit fee. As of now, SDSU would have to pay the fee by June 2024, which would include the league withholding payment of its distribution to the school.

The Mountain West responded, informing the school in a letter Wednesday that the conference had accepted the letter of withdrawal and that the consequences of the move had begun. Those include that de la Torre's seat on the MW board of directors is being pulled and that under league policies, its financial obligation tied to withdrawal will be withheld.

That prompted another communication from San Diego State to clarify that the June 13 letter was not an official resignation, just a request for an extension. It also asked that no payments be withheld. Mountain West schools are expecting a check for nearly $6 million in the upcoming weeks.
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If they don't get in we'll take them back and keep their money.
Hell ya. Make them pay the exit fee to leave. Fck those guys. While we are at it why not just remove them from the upcoming seasons sports schedules. They can play with their dyks for a year before someone lets them join a conference.
Thinking about all options, I would guess if MWC holds SDSU to the requirements set forth in the contract and SDSU chooses to leave without an invitation already on the books, they would weigh the options between trying to crawl back into bed with MWC along with 3 other options: WCC, Big West, or last option WAC.

Obviously football would be a situation to sort out, but I could see a scenario where they aren't willing or aren't able to get back in with MWC if they risk the blind exit
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I don't really know where the MWC and SDSU are right now. A letter was sent to the MWC on the 13th stating they were going to resign and if they could have an extra 30 day extension to the June 30th deadline. On the 14th the MWC replied to SDSU stating that they have accepted their resignation and there would be no extension. Then SDSU sends a letter stating that the first letter was not their official resignation. Sounds like we need to hear from the MWC where all this stands. I would love to see the original letter sent by SDSU. The wording must have been written by an amateur for the MWC to view it as an official resignation letter.

SDSU is between a rock and hard place. Either resign by June 30th and lose all financial benefits as well as owe the conference $17 million or resign after the deadline and have to pay the conference $34 million dollars. Either way, without any P5 offer, it's going to cost them a lot of money.

As far as the B12 goes we know per their media contract that SDSU will not get an equal share as the other schools. With the Pac12 who knows yet what is going to happen until we hear about that next media contract.

Just a real amateur move with a poorly worded letter of resignation which they are saying wasn't a letter of resignation. Good for the MWC for replying to the SDSU letter the way they did. I think I'm going to like our new commish.
Hell ya. Make them pay the exit fee to leave. Fck those guys. While we are at it why not just remove them from the upcoming seasons sports schedules. They can play with their dyks for a year before someone lets them join a conference.
They aren’t stupid. Something has to iron clad or close to it. You don’t just “jump” without knowing something. Or they are dumber than UNLV has been for decades. One or the other.

So I wouldn’t give them the time. I wouldn’t give San Jose, New Mexico, or UNLV the time. A girlfriend says she’s breaking up with you … and you let her stay at your place until she gets her feet set? Lol.
Jealous as hell. Hope they do well. F*cking UNLV...
I see it differently.

I’m not jealous … if anything, it should anger you. Perhaps now three schools bolting for greener pastures (them, Utah and TCU) because they succeeded, they thrived, they did the work. I don’t count BYU because they still haven’t landed right and they left because of petty jealousy, not earning anything.

And no, like I felt about BYU, I hope they don’t do well. I couldn’t care much less about TCU and Utah.
I hope we withhold their $$$. Don't give them anything. Exit fees are do in full by June of 24. Pay up and GET OUT!!!
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Mark Zeigler covers SDSU.

Just like what I had said. I want to see the letter. Ziegler also said that the MWC is going to have to meet to discuss this. It doesn't sound like this has been resolved.

Interesting to hear that SDSU has no NIL for it's basketball and football. Ziegler even said it is having an impact on their football.

That was a very informative interview.
You know being a fan is rough when you are consumed with the on goings of your adversaries - we are talking about SDSU - lol and their conference affiliation- One person called them
"entitled"... LMFAO. When one needs to improve: They need not look at what "others" are doing - This is a time "to look within" ....UNLV and its fan base needs to do some soul searching
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Genius negotiation move by the MW. They are not stupid…they did not interpret SDSU incorrectly. The fully understand what’s happening and have control of SDSU’s future because of how little time is left. By “misinterpreting”, they’re forcing more time to be wasted. SDSU has to react with a follow up letter or else they risk the MW thinking they’re out. Can’t call that bluff. Massive intentional waste of the by MW in order to cause more anxiety for SDSU.
You know being a fan is rough when you are consumed with the on goings of your adversaries - we are talking about SDSU - lol and their conference affiliation- One person called them
"entitled"... LMFAO. When one needs to improve: They need not look at what "others" are doing - This is a time "to look within" ....UNLV and its fan base needs to do some soul searching
Play the victim. “It should be us, no fair, screw them, why do they get the breaks?”

It’s lame. Take the bull by the horns and try your damndest. If you do that and fall short, that’s the way it goes. Getting jealous of other people’s success … it’s lame. It really is. You don’t have to be happy about it but jealous?

Everyone wants everything dropped in their lap free, clear and easy. I guess I’m just one that believes in merit and achievement, not handouts. We’ve had a few handouts already (and may get more). We’ve done zero achievement side of things.

You just saw the Knights take the bull by the horns and build to win … and then when they got there, they dominated, like the Rebels of old. That makes you brim with pride. That’s what it’s about.

Not being given everything, that’s just spoiled and gross.
Genius negotiation move by the MW. They are not stupid…they did not interpret SDSU incorrectly. The fully understand what’s happening and have control of SDSU’s future because of how little time is left. By “misinterpreting”, they’re forcing more time to be wasted. SDSU has to react with a follow up letter or else they risk the MW thinking they’re out. Can’t call that bluff. Massive intentional waste of the by MW in order to cause more anxiety for SDSU.
Anyone who “can” is looking around. Certain schools cannot, they are stuck. I wouldn’t call us a long shot but we are one of the ones that can. We’ve been looking for a long time. At one point many moons ago, I was hearing an AAC merger. The P-12 talks were always weak when the P-12 was at its best, wasn’t going to happen there. The B12 has always been more likely than the B12 (with older alignments), imo. But no real strong traction for any, yet.

If we end up in a diluted MWC where UNLV becomes one of the two best by default, because the better teams left and we replace them with Chico State and Bakersfield, it will be lame too, it’s not big boy basketball and you’re just a conference than only conference members knows the name of. But it’s whatever, the damage isn’t being done right now, the lions share of the damage has been done for decades. While schools like Utah and TCU do their achievement and move to better places.
The optics of this look terrible. Not really sure why they would send a letter announcing their intent to leave. These conversations should have happened in person to avoid this issue. What happens if they can't come up with the $$$. I would imagine the lawsuit would be for a lot more then the 34 million exit fee.
The PAC needs schools, the question is how many and if there will even be a PAC. I still think the PAC will lose UO, UW for sure and then at least 4 more out of UA, ASU, CU, UU, Stanford and Cal.

I’d think worst case scenario for SDSU is they’d play a year as an independent.
Does UNLV feel the same way? Can UNLV goes independent and schedule some serious competition? I think so...This would be a big gamble. And this is still Vegas.

If we think we have the right people in the right position, what the hell are we afraid of? Let's do this really. No more lips service.
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Does UNLV feel the same way? Can UNLV goes independent and schedule some serious competition? I think so...This would be a big gamble. And this is still Vegas.

If we think we have the right people in the right position, what the hell are we afraid of? Let's do this really. No more lips service.
yeesh, talk about a gamble.

You have to have a conference for basketball. Can't get into the WCC, not a private religious based school. Which would mean Big west or WAC. Severely hamstringing our ability to get into the dance. Leaving a top 5-6 NET league is tough when you are now in the bottom. Also not a lot of teams want to schedule true home and home series these days. And you would need a much more difficulty OOC to counter the in conference slate. Which is nearly impossible these days.

Football will be even tougher. BYU struggled to do it, as is a known commodity, a bit of a national brand, and already had it's own network. We have none of those things.

Also leaving one of the better group of 5 football leagues.

I don't see how trying to go independent could help us in any way at this point.
I don't see how trying to go independent could help us in any way at this point.

Going independent would be detrimental to UNLV. My point above about SDSU was they had to make a decision that could have cost them a lot of $$. They will be asked to join a current P5 conference, its just a matter of if its this summer or next, the question isnt if its which one, and what that conference looks like when SDSU gets there. My thoughts are its a decimated PAC which will end up inviting several other current MWC and end up looking a lot like the MWC with a couple let over (OSU,WSU) PAC schools.
Going independent would be detrimental to UNLV. My point above about SDSU was they had to make a decision that could have cost them a lot of $$. They will be asked to join a current P5 conference, its just a matter of if its this summer or next, the question isnt if its which one, and what that conference looks like when SDSU gets there. My thoughts are its a decimated PAC which will end up inviting several other current MWC and end up looking a lot like the MWC with a couple let over (OSU,WSU) PAC schools.
You can probably add Stanford and Cal to the leftovers from the Pac 12 as well!
How about a 14 team West Division (Big 10) including all the current PAC 12 teams and SDSU + (?).
Going independent would be detrimental to UNLV. My point above about SDSU was they had to make a decision that could have cost them a lot of $$. They will be asked to join a current P5 conference, its just a matter of if its this summer or next, the question isnt if its which one, and what that conference looks like when SDSU gets there. My thoughts are its a decimated PAC which will end up inviting several other current MWC and end up looking a lot like the MWC with a couple let over (OSU,WSU) PAC schools.

Very possible. I guess it depends on how much true interest the Big 12 has in SDSU.
It's hard to turn down a current p5 invite.
Worst case scenario they end up in a decimated P12, but still an upgrade. Best case is that the defections stop at CU and UofA and its a significant upgrade from the MW. Though a notch below the other P conferences.
That's probably where UNLV ends up as well. Which is a slightly better conference if the P12 gets to pick the ones they want to keep.
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How about a 14 team West Division (Big 10) including all the current PAC 12 teams and SDSU + (?).
I don't know that is a lot of teams.

Also if the PAC 12 in it's current state is struggling to get a contract, why would the Big10 want to inherit all of that mess?

Chances our it will hurt the payout per team if they did that.
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At this point, it seems like maybe they'll stay in the MWC, IMO. The PAC 12 media deal doesn't look like it's going to be very good, but it hasn't been officially released yet to its TBD. They'd need to be able to have enough cash to float 2-3 years IMO, to pay off the MWC buyout, if the PAC media deal isn't that great. Not sure what their financial situation is, but based on their request to pay the MWC off over multiple years, I'm not sure if they'll want to take on that liability or not.
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At this point, it seems like maybe they'll stay in the MWC, IMO. The PAC 12 media deal doesn't look like it's going to be very good, but it hasn't been officially released yet to its TBD. They'd need to be able to have enough cash to float 2-3 years IMO, to pay off the MWC buyout, if the PAC media deal isn't that great. Not sure what their financial situation is, but based on their request to pay the MWC off over multiple years, I'm not sure if they'll want to take on that liability or not.
Because if they bail now, and don't end up getting invited into the PAC, then they still have to pay out the MWC, don't get any PAC money, and will be independent until they get in somewhere else. Even if they do get into the PAC, but at a lesser media deal, it still may take them a few years to recoup the buyout fee. Even more so if they wait and have to pay double.
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