Robert Whaley - best juco player in the country?

Whaley can fill up a stat sheet, but he can also be barely noticeable at times. And, yes, he is chunky. He's only #3 scorer on the team, behind NAIA Westmont transfer Nate Meithof, where he was Golden State AC Freshman of the Year, and PG Isaiah Moses. Moses can dish it but he can definitely get his own, too.
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Whaley can fill up a stat sheet, but he can also be barely noticeable at times. And, yes, he is chunky. He's only #3 scorer on the team, behind NAIA Westmont transfer Nate Meithof, where he was Golden State AC Freshman of the Year, and PG Isaiah Moses. Moses can dish it but he can definitely get his own, too.
I’m sure he will be a helpful addition. But sounds like a far cry from the best in the nation.

I know you watch these guys Dave - is it a focus thing? Out of shape thing?
Whaley sounds like a kid with some potential. Maybe a project, but theres room for a project or two on every roster if the coach likes their upside.
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Dartboard recruiting...

But we don’t have time for this. I was in Kevin’s corner until we took a dive after the San Francisco loss, the team has fallen off a cliff since and you would think if your Dad was a Hall of Fame coach in college, some of it would have rubbed off in a good way for Kevin. Kevin is smart, I have liked him since he transferred here back in 2007 but what is the deal with not being able to at least maintain the course here this year? We were just swept by SJSU, Fresno and lost to CSU. We should already have 20 wins best, 19 at worst case. The way we play against the top teams is uninspiring at best, I don’t get how our “coaches son“ looks so bad at doing his job. His recruits are weak, in game adjustments are non existent and coaching overall leaves me scratching my head. I wanted Kevin to succeed here but now I want him gone!

But we don’t have time for this. I was in Kevin’s corner until we took a dive after the San Francisco loss, the team has fallen off a cliff since and you would think if your Dad was a Hall of Fame coach in college, some of it would have rubbed off in a good way for Kevin. Kevin is smart, I have liked him since he transferred here back in 2007 but what is the deal with not being able to at least maintain the course here this year? We were just swept by SJSU, Fresno and lost to CSU. We should already have 20 wins best, 19 at worst case. The way we play against the top teams is uninspiring at best, I don’t get how our “coaches son“ looks so bad at doing his job. His recruits are weak, in game adjustments are non existent and coaching overall leaves me scratching my head. I wanted Kevin to succeed here but now I want him gone!
These were the only qualifications Des looked at when hiring him. I know its not a popular take, but he was not qualified to take the job. I think a lot more of us were ok with the hire because we figured his Dad would be more heavily involved than just a fan in the stands for the cameras at the games. I thought his hire originally was questionable at best, despite some people thinking he was the best for the job. He turned over the roster now twice unfortunately and were in for a 3rd time so why not use this as an opportunity to upgrade at the coaching position as well... I think we are all invested in him succeeding here, but I dont see that happening, not with the higher caliber coaches the conference has brought in.
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These were the only qualifications Des looked at when hiring him. I know its not a popular take, but he was not qualified to take the job. I think a lot more of us were ok with the hire because we figured his Dad would be more heavily involved than just a fan in the stands for the cameras at the games. I thought his hire originally was questionable at best, despite some people thinking he was the best for the job. He turned over the roster now twice unfortunately and were in for a 3rd time so why not use this as an opportunity to upgrade at the coaching position as well... I think we are all invested in him succeeding here, but I dont see that happening, not with the higher caliber coaches the conference has brought in.
His recruiting leaves a lot to be desired. He just can’t get more than one guy who can fill it up constantly. Williams in his first class and Harkless in his second class. To salvage his job he’s going to need a decent PG, a decent C with hands, 3 guys that can put it in the cup like Harkless and Williams who can start. He would also need to bring in a backup C and at least 2 other depth guys that are long and decent 3pt sharp shooters off the bench. Having said all this the new guys are going to need to buy into his defensive game plan too. And if it sounds like he needs to bring in a whole team next year, good, you were following what I meant to say because it sounds like Nowell will be the only holdover from this year!
His recruiting leaves a lot to be desired. He just can’t get more than one guy who can fill it up constantly. Williams in his first class and Harkless in his second class. To salvage his job he’s going to need a decent PG, a decent C with hands, 3 guys that can put it in the cup like Harkless and Williams who can start. He would also need to bring in a backup C and at least 2 other depth guys that are long and decent 3pt sharp shooters off the bench. Having said all this the new guys are going to need to buy into his defensive game plan too. And if it sounds like he needs to bring in a whole team next year, good, you were following what I meant to say because it sounds like Nowell will be the only holdover from this year!
Thats what it sounds like... Which is why I see no problem moving on from him this offseason, knowing full well the caliber of hire will be adjusted to who we can realistically bring in, not just throwing every big name out there into the universe. Recruiting wise he needs to find a bunch of guys between 6-6 and 6-10 that can contribute 8-12ppg every night. They need to rebound and there needs to be a couple 4/5s in that mix. having a bunch of short inconsistent guards again isnt going to work well. And I dont even care about sharp shooters, Id settle for guys who can make 35% at this point
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I’m sure he will be a helpful addition. But sounds like a far cry from the best in the nation.

I know you watch these guys Dave - is it a focus thing? Out of shape thing?
He needs to commit himself to getting in top shape. He'll struggle big time trying to play D at this level if he doesn't. Kid has tools, but does he have the discipline? * shrug *
But but guys, didn’t you see the thread title!? This hidden gem that no one else wanted is possible the best player in Juco ball, lmao. What a joke 🤦🏼‍♂️ He’s Kevin’s Henry Buckley or Grandy Glaze.
For anyone who cares, Grandy Glaze has made a living from BB. He went to St. Louis University and transferred his Sr. year to Grand Canyon ( Ave 14ps. and all-conference). After college he played 4 years as a pro. First he signed a "G" League contract with the Deleware 87's but never played. Played pro in Mexico for a time and then played pro in Canada until covid. Don't see he is on a team for the past two years.
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I wouldn't consider Whaley a hidden gem, because heading into the season the JUCO top 100 had him ranked No. 14 in the nation in their first player ranking. Link: Based on the year he has had at CSI he will probably move into the top 10. Also, it appears he has trimmed down, is bouncy and he has a 6'11" wing span.
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I wouldn't consider Whaley a hidden gem, because heading into the season the JUCO top 100 had him ranked No. 14 in the nation in their first player ranking. Link: Based on the year he has had at CSI he will probably move into the top 10. Also, it appears he has trimmed down, is bouncy and he has a 6'11" wing span.
I referred to rebrocks since he’s seen him play up there. And since that point I reached out to a coach I know who had seen him earlier in the year (non-UNLV coach who was looking at someone else on the floor). The primary downside, which is significant … is motor. He picks and chooses when to bring it and he’s wildly consistent … not saying we can’t use him, we have no rebounders so we can definitely use him.

Plus JC is a shell of its former self. It used to be talented players that couldn’t make the grade. Everyone makes the grade nowadays …

We will see.

We need ALOT more.
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I referred to rebrocks since he’s seen him play up there. And since that point I reached out to a coach I know who had seen him earlier in the year (non-UNLV coach who was looking at someone else on the floor). The primary downside, which is significant … is motor. He picks and chooses when to bring it and he’s wildly consistent … not saying we can’t use him, we have no rebounders so we can definitely use him.

Plus JC is a shell of its former self. It used to be talented players that couldn’t make the grade. Everyone makes the grade nowadays …

We will see.

We need ALOT more.
I won't disagree with you Joe. Also, we need a whole lot more! If I were in charge of recruiting, I would be all over Kasean Pyror and KJ Debrick. Both are 6'10" and top 10 jucos. One is a 6'10" wing who can really shoot the ball and the other a shot blocker rebounder. We need length and athleticisim in a big way.
For anyone who cares, Grandy Glaze has made a living from BB. He went to St. Louis University and transferred his Sr. year to Grand Canyon ( Ave 14ps. and all-conference). After college he played 4 years as a pro. First he signed a "G" League contract with the Deleware 87's but never played. Played pro in Mexico for a time and then played pro in Canada until covid. Don't see he is on a team for the past two years.
Ah, I should have cited Beas Hamga along with Henry Buckley as over hyped players (like Anthem is unduly hyping Whaley)...not good old Grandy.

Good to hear he had a very nice career.
Ah, I should have cited Beas Hamga along with Henry Buckley as over hyped players (like Anthem is unduly hyping Whaley)...not good old Grandy.

Good to hear he had a very nice career.
Triggered by a simple question. Get some help.
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NJCAA Nationals isn't until 3/20-25. CSI and SLCC are virtual shoo-ins, but you never know. Ever since they started doing at-large bids a few years back, they take the auto-qualifiers then just go straight down the rankings for the at-larges, too bad if, for instance, the team at 17 is better than the team at 12 and everyone knows it.

NJCAA D1 Rankings
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I’d take a 6’11 “incher“ with hands and better than average skills on offense!

“We knew he was talented,” Reinert says. “He was just lazy. He weighed 323 pounds and he didn’t even know it. But he was so skilled. I just felt like if he could lose the weight, he could be really good. He commands double teams. There are Division I teams that don’t have anyone who can score on the block; there are few teams in the Mountain West that have it. He opens the floor up for everybody else.”

“We knew he was talented,” Reinert says. “He was just lazy. He weighed 323 pounds and he didn’t even know it. But he was so skilled. I just felt like if he could lose the weight, he could be really good. He commands double teams. There are Division I teams that don’t have anyone who can score on the block; there are few teams in the Mountain West that have it. He opens the floor up for everybody else.”
Really good story on the kid. I’m glad we signed him. Looking forward to seeing him play.
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Hicks, Whaley, Cottrell, Nowell, and Gilbert or another 6'8 PF would be my starting lineup. Hicks at the point, Nowell at slash guard, Whaley on the glass, Cottrell at the free throw line and run the damn ball down their throats. We also might have some of our present starters back because of covid rules. Plus we need a strength coach, maybe we could hire the guy from CSI.
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OT: what a game dude. This is what basketball should be like


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