Will the beloved CDC respect this German study or dismiss it?
@j. spilotro - he really is lucky that he was in a science that didn’t get questioned anymore. E=mC2 has been accepted and unchanged over many decades. Too bad “vaccine” can change to fit a narrative.
Exactly. He’s doing what so many doctors do - stop using your actual brain and just submit to whatever the CDC says or MSM says. It’s lazy and it’s easy as hell, it requires zero analysis - maybe that’s why they do it?
Most of the world fully recognizes natural immunity and they act accordingly. The CDC won’t. And they won’t discuss it or give reasons based upon real data. Much of the rest of the world fully understands and recognizes the incredible low risk in children and they respond more accordingly. Here? Everyone gets a shot no matter what.
I don’t want to start with masks, their inefficiency with aerosols was well documented far before covid but they’ll use a hairdresser “study” or a mannequin “study” with artificial inputs to show that “masks work”. Meanwhile, plenty of other studies before covid and after covid to show they don’t mean squat (admittedly, there are some flaws in some design studies).
I work with doctors obviously, you do too - and you’ll get the standard “the CDC says” a lot of the time. But you’ll also find doctors who are absolutely against much of what’s being touted - and while they use their brain to figure that part out, many lack a spine because they can’t say what they think. And then you have the few that aren’t afraid, real doctors, real scientists.
I get it, submitting to authority, that is the absolute default. Previously, doctors and many agencies were very trusted as the authority. I understand why so many take what they say as the final truth. Most don’t understand scientific processes and methods so they’ll submit. It’s seriously disappointing when somebody who teaches a science at the collegiate level takes the cheap way out. Either because it aligns with what he wants (the opposite of science) or because they’re too lazy to use the unique tools they developed over the course of their life and were supposed to use in their career.