Return of the Mack


Rebel Legend
May 29, 2001
UNLV Marketing and Promotional team made an awesome YouTube spot called Return of the Mack, showing modern 00s and classic 80s UNLV Runnin Rebel video segments, capping it off with LJ jogging down the red carpet. Love the song, love the energy, and the 80s cheerleaders are straight FIRE with the 80s hairdos.
Love them!

Great video - it has me amped for the next game and I wanted to call this video out. It's been a tough couple weeks and things aren't so great for the basketball team, but its early and there is a lot of growth to be had.

Go Rebels!

I can’t watch a video of our past and then watch today’s kids..

it’s depressing what we’ve become.
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It doesn't really matter how many videos UNLV does when they have spit in the face of anyone who doesn't hold to their agenda of forced vaccinations. Communism, socialism, dictatorship, they are all the same, and that is the slippery slope UNLV is following!
Good luck on big crowds. But college football can have 60,000 maskless fans. These BB kids are getting screwed !!!
Funny how it appears Boulder City Hospital was forcing their staff to get the vaccine for Chinese virus, and due to lawsuits they have now backed down and no longer require employees to get the vaccine! Per an employee at the hospital that I know who is now pissed because she already was forced to get the vaccine even while she had already had the Chinese virus and ended up out of work for over a week from the side effects of the vaccine!

It makes you wonder how long before the Governor will be forced to back down and allow all people to attend games? Lose a couple of lawsuits for millions, and watch them scurry!
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Funny how it appears Boulder City Hospital was forcing their staff to get the vaccine for Chinese virus, and due to lawsuits they have now backed down and no longer require employees to get the vaccine! Per an employee at the hospital that I know who is now pissed because she already was forced to get the vaccine even while she had already had the Chinese virus and ended up out of work for over a week from the side effects of the vaccine!

It makes you wonder how long before the Governor will be forced to back down and allow all people to attend games? Lose a couple of lawsuits for millions, and watch them scurry!
Was in Walmart today....95 % wore masks. No Balls, no fight....we are lemmings !
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People will do whatever they think best but unvaccinated people die of Covid at rate that is 13 times higher than vaccinated people. 1000 people a day dying of Covid. Annualized, that is 1 out of each 1000 Americans. Go rebels.
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Unvaccinated die at a rate of 13 times higher than vaccinated but out of 1000 that die only 1 is vaccinated? They sure taught math differently at the schools I went to.
Aside from that I have read many different reports with numbers all over. I don't think anybody know the true ratio. All I can say is three months ago the first person I am related to or a very close friend to passed away of covid and in the past 3 months I have now had 10 people that are related to me or close friends pass away of covid. Of those 10 people 8 of them had been fully vaccinated and of those 8 that had been fully vaccinated 3 of those had received boosters.
I am not against the vaccine being I have been vaccinated myself but anyway you want to look at it the vaccine is not nearly as effective as the government is trying to make us believe. Now if someone wants to get the vaccine or decides not to it is their choice and no one has the right to try and force them to go either way.
People will do whatever they think best but unvaccinated people die of Covid at rate that is 13 times higher than vaccinated people. 1000 people a day dying of Covid. Annualized, that is 1 out of each 1000 Americans. Go rebels.
The trouble with stats like this is it can turn into a game of "I'll see your stat and raise you 10 of my stats". Nobody is sure who to believe. Any stat can be shown to prove almost anything and there are hundreds of stats on each side of this argument.

One thing this Pandemic has done for me is to completely remove my faith in Public Medicine. It's taken over by people on both sides who want to use it to prove their "larger" points.
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One fact that can't be missed is how many billionaire's and large companies have seen their worth sky rocket will the middle class and small business are footing the bill
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The numbers I posted come from the New York Times. There data about the difference death rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated people came from the CDC. Those are reliable sources for me.
The numbers I posted come from the New York Times. There data about the difference death rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated people came from the CDC. Those are reliable sources for me.
"Those are reliable sources for me."

And I'm glad you have a source you can believe in. I wasn't calling you into question.

I was trying to show how loads of people feel about statistics. They don't trust any source.

People want scientific statistics to be stable. They want a source that says one thing and sticks to it over time. Personally, I don't think that's possible with Corona because the virus is changing faster than the scientists can keep up. But our leaders don't want to acknowledge that and want us to follow them lock step. Some citizens are comfortable to do this and some aren't.

5 years ago using a CDC statistic would be huge support for any public health position. But for millions of smart, informed people not any more. And that is a shame.
The trouble with stats like this is it can turn into a game of "I'll see your stat and raise you 10 of my stats". Nobody is sure who to believe. Any stat can be shown to prove almost anything and there are hundreds of stats on each side of this argument.

One thing this Pandemic has done for me is to completely remove my faith in Public Medicine. It's taken over by people on both sides who want to use it to prove their "larger" points.
Give us a protocol if we test positive.Starting with ivermectin, melatonin etc. Then let's eat right and exercise. Start there
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Unvaccinated die at a rate of 13 times higher than vaccinated but out of 1000 that die only 1 is vaccinated? They sure taught math differently at the schools I went to.
Aside from that I have read many different reports with numbers all over. I don't think anybody know the true ratio. All I can say is three months ago the first person I am related to or a very close friend to passed away of covid and in the past 3 months I have now had 10 people that are related to me or close friends pass away of covid. Of those 10 people 8 of them had been fully vaccinated and of those 8 that had been fully vaccinated 3 of those had received boosters.
I am not against the vaccine being I have been vaccinated myself but anyway you want to look at it the vaccine is not nearly as effective as the government is trying to make us believe. Now if someone wants to get the vaccine or decides not to it is their choice and no one has the right to try and force them to go either way.
Especially those first 28 days after vaccination, the vaccine has negative efficacy. So, knowing that, be especially careful after the jabs.

There’s a known massive drop in tcells and bcells (it eventually bounces back up) after the jabs and at that point you are more susceptible to not only covid, but everything.

know your risks, choose accordingly. Notice I said choose. Not force, which some Hitlers are in favor of.
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Give us a protocol if we test positive.Starting with ivermectin, melatonin etc. Then let's eat right and exercise. Start there
I think we’ve all (hopefully) mapped out a course of action if we do get it. Everyone should have a plan. Mine developed over time and is different for every member of my family (well, we are age stratified) - I’ve got a decade and a half on my girlfriend, and obviously my kids.

If I thought covid was “no big deal”, I wouldn’t worry about any plan. But it is a concern, it’s real, etc. I’ll arm myself the best way I can based upon what I know and have learned - unfortunately, the accepted narrative is completely shattered in my mind and much of medicine simply cannot be trusted with this. I certainly can find doctors that have the same/similar thoughts and ideas I have but most won’t admit publicly. It’s easier to find a doc that says “the CDC says” … and that is not thinking, that is not scrutinizing/analyzing, that is not medicine …. I realize the default is to trust doctors … I know more moronic doctors that regurgitate than actual doctors who practice and hone their craft.
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Question. Would you give up 10 years of 1980s Tark-led Rebel greatness for 20 years of solid SDSU-level national success? 30 years of top 40 relevance?
Was in Walmart today....95 % wore masks. No Balls, no fight....we are lemmings !
If my wearing a mask helps reduce the chances of someone becoming infected and dying it's a small price to pay imo. No one ever said the masks are full-proof infection prevention but there's no arguing that masks helps keep your spittle and snot to yourself.
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Question. Would you give up 10 years of 1980s Tark-led Rebel greatness for 20 years of solid SDSU-level national success? 30 years of top 40 relevance?

If my wearing a mask helps reduce the chances of someone becoming infected and dying it's a small price to pay imo. No one ever said the masks are full-proof infection prevention but there's no arguing that masks helps keep your spittle and snot to yourself.
Which would be great if the virus wasn’t spread by aerosol, but droplet transmission instead.
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The numbers I posted come from the New York Times. There data about the difference death rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated people came from the CDC. Those are reliable sources for me.
You trust the NY Times? Probably a CNN viewer as well. Wife and I have both had the Rona, made it thru with no issues or hospitalizations. We now have the antibodies, so why on earth take the jab that doesn't seem to work? Decades ago, I was duped into the "flu vax" once, and got the flu that season, and bad. Bottom line is it's my body, my choice. You want it? Awesome. You don't? Awesome. But stop trying to guilt other people into getting it or wearing a silly mask. Germs can get in you via mouth and nose, but not ears, eyes, etc? Sadly, this ENTIRE thing is political.

Also, the scientist that discovered the "new variant" has said many times that "it's contagious, but not at all dangerous". There have ALWAYS been covid variants, and always will be.
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Yeah, I trust the New York Times. They get their data from the CDC. The CDC is staffed with people trained in things like infectious disease and public health. Public health officials from around the globe say the same thing, get vaccinated. Are all these part of some global conspiracy?

If you don’t want to be vaccinated, fine just don’t risk exposing other people to Covid. That just seems like common courtesy. Take your chances but don’t risk the lives of other people because of your choice.
Yeah, I trust the New York Times. They get their data from the CDC. The CDC is staffed with people trained in things like infectious disease and public health. Public health officials from around the globe say the same thing, get vaccinated. Are all these part of some global conspiracy?

If you don’t want to be vaccinated, fine just don’t risk exposing other people to Covid. That just seems like common courtesy. Take your chances but don’t risk the lives of other people because of your choice.
My lord you are so out of your mind. You really don’t have the brain of a scientist at all, you look to others to tell you what’s what instead of reading studies. I’m just glad you taught a science that didn’t rely on studies otherwise you did your students a great disservice.

So when you look to the CDC and they tell you herd immunity is defined as A - but then six months later turn the definition into B, which do you believe? The one that stood for decades or the recent one? Now the definition of vax - same question to you since they changed that definition as well. How about they allow people into their buildings if they have proof of natural immunity, no vax required in that case … but they highly recommend a vax after infection for the general population. Which do you use? Plenty of PH experts say natural immunity is perfect - do you dismiss those?

There is no risk of giving it to you, you had the vax. You’re protected. That’s what vaxxes do. So, if you are vaxxed, don’t worry about other people if you believe in the vax.

I don’t care what people choose to do - don’t tell me what I should do. Stay in the basement, get out in the world freely, I don’t care. But have some common courtesy in allowing the same for others, especially since you are protected.

Will the beloved CDC respect this German study or dismiss it?

@j. spilotro - he really is lucky that he was in a science that didn’t get questioned anymore. E=mC2 has been accepted and unchanged over many decades. Too bad “vaccine” can change to fit a narrative.

Will the beloved CDC respect this German study or dismiss it?

@j. spilotro - he really is lucky that he was in a science that didn’t get questioned anymore. E=mC2 has been accepted and unchanged over many decades. Too bad “vaccine” can change to fit a narrative.
Exactly. He’s doing what so many doctors do - stop using your actual brain and just submit to whatever the CDC says or MSM says. It’s lazy and it’s easy as hell, it requires zero analysis - maybe that’s why they do it?

Most of the world fully recognizes natural immunity and they act accordingly. The CDC won’t. And they won’t discuss it or give reasons based upon real data. Much of the rest of the world fully understands and recognizes the incredible low risk in children and they respond more accordingly. Here? Everyone gets a shot no matter what.

I don’t want to start with masks, their inefficiency with aerosols was well documented far before covid but they’ll use a hairdresser “study” or a mannequin “study” with artificial inputs to show that “masks work”. Meanwhile, plenty of other studies before covid and after covid to show they don’t mean squat (admittedly, there are some flaws in some design studies).

I work with doctors obviously, you do too - and you’ll get the standard “the CDC says” a lot of the time. But you’ll also find doctors who are absolutely against much of what’s being touted - and while they use their brain to figure that part out, many lack a spine because they can’t say what they think. And then you have the few that aren’t afraid, real doctors, real scientists.

I get it, submitting to authority, that is the absolute default. Previously, doctors and many agencies were very trusted as the authority. I understand why so many take what they say as the final truth. Most don’t understand scientific processes and methods so they’ll submit. It’s seriously disappointing when somebody who teaches a science at the collegiate level takes the cheap way out. Either because it aligns with what he wants (the opposite of science) or because they’re too lazy to use the unique tools they developed over the course of their life and were supposed to use in their career.
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Damn it! How about we all admit that Doctor Spilotro knows more than experts all over the globe? There is nothing we can do to slow down, much less stop the virus.
No masks. No vaxx, no booster. You just live or die.
800,000 deaths? Fake news. Someone you love dies? An anecdote.
No one will change their mind about Covid-19.
Can you just go ahead and beat me up for having the nerve to write this, then get back to being a sports site?
Maybe we start by bitching about UNLV giving away free tickets to Saturday's game.
Damn it! How about we all admit that Doctor Spilotro knows more than experts all over the globe? There is nothing we can do to slow down, much less stop the virus.
No masks. No vaxx, no booster. You just live or die.
800,000 deaths? Fake news. Someone you love dies? An anecdote.
No one will change their mind about Covid-19.
Can you just go ahead and beat me up for having the nerve to write this, then get back to being a sports site?
Maybe we start by bitching about UNLV giving away free tickets to Saturday's game.
Thanks. I was wondering also about when Dr. Joe became the final word on all that is Covid.
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Did something change in regard to the science? I’m not understanding why we are changing the policy now.
Yeah. It’s called attendance sucks so covid no longer exists.

It’s stupid. It’s hypocritical. It’s coercion. Either it’s a bad disease and we need to take precaution or it’s not. You don’t use the disease to get what you want.

This sort of thing is happening a lot of places, the backing down.
The numbers I posted come from the New York Times. There data about the difference death rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated people came from the CDC. Those are reliable sources for me.
New person to ignore. Love that feature. No other comment necessary.

Per the CDC - that “trustworthy” source.

I know for a fact that I won’t get a direct response to this post since it refutes his point. His own source is showing that the vaccine isn’t working as well as not doing anything.
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I simply just want my threads back.
"Give me my thread back!"


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