Pretty Sick

Critical off-season = attention being paid..

It became critical to future of program that this off-season created excitement for next year. If the off-season was mediocre, it all but sealed KK fate... bringing in high level talent that's not just talent, but fixes the glaring holes we had last year is exactly what I as a critic of KK needed to see. Has to come together but getting 3 large guards/forwards is a big step in the right direction
And we still could not win anything
Ridiculous statement. 10 wins against top 25 ranked teams with wins against #1 UNC and #2 AZ. 4 and 5 seed in the NCAA Tournament. Was it perfect? No, Rice was going to figure it out as he went. “Not win Anything?” That’s silly. You must be thrilled with the last 8 years of failure then.
Agreed. What is happening recruiting wise that isn’t happening at 100 other schools? We used to be top 5-10 in recruiting with Rice. That was exciting.
This is die hard deep underground type "excitement". It would take a final four appearance to truly WAKE up VEGAS and cause true excitement. thats how much of a deep sleep the Giant has been put into- In fact that statement that about UNLV being a "sleeping Giant" - it was made over 10 years ago. the giant is not sleeping - the giant is in a COMA
This is die hard deep underground type "excitement". It would take a final four appearance to truly WAKE up VEGAS and cause true excitement. thats how much of a deep sleep the Giant has been put into- In fact that statement that about UNLV being a "sleeping Giant" - it was made over 10 years ago. the giant is not sleeping - the giant is in a COMA
I have to agree with you, but even a sweet sixteen would wake the sleeping giant. People were pretty excited when Lon got us there with a really good PG!
A tip of the cap to the subtle inuendo.

Yall are severely over estimating the number of current UNLV basketeball fans. The giant isn't sleeping; the giant passed away decades ago.
To be fair Rice was bringing in talent like a blue blood program so we had a chance. The embarrassing stretch of Menzies, Beard, and Otz snuffed that out though.
The low point of UNLV basketball history firing Rice mid season and then the coaching coursel afterward (Beard for a week).
and man, that was so close to being a slam dunk offseason either way... If Rice rights ship by end of conference, we probably make tournament, he gets 6th year, that incoming class was excellent.... Then we had Cronin (yeah, I know, he "played" us or whatever we want to use to justify him deciding that working for TKM was not a good idea) and then we somehow managed to land the best coach of the "hot tournament hires" in Beard, who had he been around 2 years, probably gets to at least a Sweet 16 (not 2 years later he was in a Final 4 at Tech, his team made an elite 8 at Texas this year)...
All to land on Marvin Menzies... oh man to have a freaking do over....
and man, that was so close to being a slam dunk offseason either way... If Rice rights ship by end of conference, we probably make tournament, he gets 6th year, that incoming class was excellent.... Then we had Cronin (yeah, I know, he "played" us or whatever we want to use to justify him deciding that working for TKM was not a good idea) and then we somehow managed to land the best coach of the "hot tournament hires" in Beard, who had he been around 2 years, probably gets to at least a Sweet 16 (not 2 years later he was in a Final 4 at Tech, his team made an elite 8 at Texas this year)...
All to land on Marvin Menzies... oh man to have a freaking do over....
On the wrong side of destiny that is for sure.
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And to me it actually started a long time ago when Maxson and the NCAA wanted Tark out. Imagine where we would be at if they just let him retire at UNLV without the drama
I’ve maintained this theory. UNLV has always, ALWAYS been jacked up and dysfunctional.

Tark was so amazing that he camouflaged most of it for a long time. We were just blinded by the massive success. There aren’t many universities where the single most important person, by far, is a basketball coach. Not even Duke with coach or UCLA with Wooden.

Professors and administrators didn’t take too kindly to being so overshadowed and unimportant.
and man, that was so close to being a slam dunk offseason either way... If Rice rights ship by end of conference, we probably make tournament, he gets 6th year, that incoming class was excellent.... Then we had Cronin (yeah, I know, he "played" us or whatever we want to use to justify him deciding that working for TKM was not a good idea) and then we somehow managed to land the best coach of the "hot tournament hires" in Beard, who had he been around 2 years, probably gets to at least a Sweet 16 (not 2 years later he was in a Final 4 at Tech, his team made an elite 8 at Texas this year)...
All to land on Marvin Menzies... oh man to have a freaking do over....
All of this and then to add the reliable info that George Karl was highly interested after Beard left.

Staff may have been:
John Welch (NBA assistant/former Tark assistant)
Kobi Karl

That stings that the geniuses didn’t see that through.
All of this and then to add the reliable info that George Karl was highly interested after Beard left.

Staff may have been:
John Welch (NBA assistant/former Tark assistant)
Kobi Karl

That stings that the geniuses didn’t see that through.
You bring Karl, you bring old school.

They don’t want old school, at all. And with Tark gone, it’s easier just because ..,
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