new helmets and uniforms - prototypes

Originally posted by RunninRebl90:
Gorman always had a lot of awesome uniform variations under Sanchez. I hope UNLV gets the same treatment.
+1 but, I will take Winning above ALL !!!
I don't know why UNLV tries to shy away from putting the Hey Reb head anywhere on their Jerseys.

For instance the screened image on the back of the basketball jerseys, they deciede to put "Runnin" Rebels" where I thing the Rebel head would be perfect.

Back to football, I like the gray jersey, tough I think the Hey Reb would be good as a small logo on the collar vs on the chest.

Overall I do like going for a more modern look. The players do like it, and at a school like UNLV with no tradition, I don't mind going a little crazy with the jerseys a la Oregon and Maryland, etc.
This post was edited on 1/20 6:49 AM by dcut03
When I saw these I thought they were pretty sick.. Can imagine a version of the helmet with that Scarlet and a Chrome facemask.. Also IDK about the black helmets..
I think baclck helmets would be sweet, but only for an alternate like for a special black out game. I like the Red helmets as the standard helmuts.
The current hey reb head is terrible. It looks like he has balls for a chin like Peter griffin. I'm glad you don't see it on any basketball uniforms. We need to go back to the dude with the musket.
I think a gray Hey Reb head would look cool on a matte black helmet similar to the Bronco head on Boise's matte black helmet.
Glad to see they are going to still have a grey uniform. The concrete grey they have been wearing the last few seasons are some of my favorite uniforms ever. If these are in fact one of the new uniforms they will look sweet with the scarlet helmets.

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