MWC has settled with SDSU

100k for lawyers fees.

Yeah, the MWC is big time. They are so savvy with their business dealings. We’ve grown so much as a conference because of the way we are able to maneuver through obstacles and strike deals.

SDSU has gotta be laughing their asses off. And they’ll be laughing louder in a year.

They probably threw six figures into the commishes pocket to make it go away.

meh, I thought the whole thing was petty on both sides. Whether or not SDSU said they were leaving for sure seemed to be the point of contention.
It didn't seem that they were that far in the resignation process officially either way, so if they changed their minds, big whoop. Holding them to the coals just because they could again is petty.
I'm not that mad that the MW punished them for the whole process because eff them. Maybe I am a bit softer on this subject because I hope UNLV gets the opportunity to do the same thing.
MWC comes off as soft and weak and its members will pull away to the next best offer at first sign of trouble with no repercussions. SDSU wants out, they wanted to go to a bigger pay day that may still come or may not. Yeah, theyre one of the top programs in the conference, so what, they get special privileges? Its not the first time theyve wanted to leave either and frankly the conference shouldve played hardball with them as its not like theyre long for the conference anyways. If Im any other program that is sniffing around other top conferences or maybe just jockying for non-P5 but not in weaker MWC, you leave at first better offer, no harm...
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WOW! SMFDH!! I thought Greg..... Craig " 🤡 " Thompson retired as Commissioner?

Amateur hour at it's freakin' best, at the MW Conference HQ! I bet if it was the Rebels they would have not bent over backwards for us.

STDSU is out of here next year IMO.
Are football team defense is going to improve dramatically.

Odom is recruit on a high level. If he can keep it up 2025 will be interesting.
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