MWC Commish Nevarez statement on Realignment speculation

I've looked at that GOR multiple times. I can't see anything in there where it talks about "smaller yearly chunks". You are right that they did initially announce it that way but the GOR doesn't say it.

This is what the GOR says "the conference will distribute the Exit fees and Withdrawal fees actually collected by the Conference "Collected Fees" as soon as practical in compliance with the Conference ByLaws, beginning no later than July 1, 2026"

I'm beginning to believe that all money collected will be distributed at one time prior to July 1, 2026. There is no provision in the GOR like we were lead to believe that spells out annual payments distributed over 6 years. It all changed in the written and signed GOR.

I'm okay with getting money upfront but what does concern me that we will have any to get past the 2nd Tranche.

1st Tranche needs $61 million Distributed 24.5% (UNLV AF) 11.5% (NM, WYO, SJSU, reno) 5% (Hawaii)
Next they are holding $18 million to recruit new teams
2nd Tranche needs $21 million Distributed 24.5% (UNLV AF) 11.5% (NM, WYO, SJSU, reno) 5% (Hawaii)

That is $100 million. Hard to tell if we are going to get that much but if we do then there are the legal fees that need to be paid. Let's just say it's $1 million.

After that whatever is leftover goes to the 7 members in this distribution Tranche 3:
15.83% (UNLV, AF, NM, WYO, SJSU, reno)
5% Hawaii.
If we can get past the 2nd Tranche and collect the $100,000,000 that would give UNLV $20,090,000. If it makes anyone feel better if you spread it out over 6 years that is $3,348,333 per year. If you add that to the media minimum amount as stated in the GOR of $3.5 million the you could say we are getting about $7 million per year. I think we were all thinking it was going to be about that much. But, if the new media contract exceeds the $3.5 million we may be getting more than that $7 million. We won't know until they settle the new media contract.

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